Hello !

I have a question of such a case:

While looking at my RADLOG table, I've found messages about "sessions gone 
away" . They occur not very frequently, but they led me to a decision to look 
through my trace 4 logs. And I've found, that only for these records there're 
corresponding entries in my logs, that Start packets arrive AFTER Stop 
records from NASs of different types (Versalar8000, Cisco, USRTotalControl). 
So it confuses my double simult checking with SNMP, because entries in my 
RADONLINE table about the user are inserted after HIS LOGOUT. So it reflects 
in hanged sessions in RADONLINE and leads to improper information about users 

What can be the reason of such late Start packets (they mostly arrive after 
10 seconds after Stop packets) ? Is there any true solution to deal with this 
problem ?

I have such kind of a proposal for developers:

I think it will be interesting for some ISPs to include in Radiator a 
feature, which will do simult checking not only for usernames without realms 
and only for usernames with realms, but mixed usernames (with and without 
realms). So, if user xxx is online and his simult is equal to 1, the next 
user with realm xxx@x will be rejected. I had to modify my Nas.pm module in 
order to do such checking for my needs (because our company has several 
tariffs for the same user, @p - for proxy, @i - local resources and so on and 
it is of course necessary to do such a kind of checking). This is done 
because SNMP and other second step simult checking is done by means of simple 
comparing of SNMP variable with incoming username ($result eq $name), so if 
xxx firstly comes to the NAS (with simult=1), and then comes the user with 
xxx@x, SNMP tells, that "xxx is not equal to xxx@x", "Session has gone away". 
The fact is that all NASs keep usernames AS-IS (with or without realms), so 
it is impossible to do simult checking for mixed usernames by means of 
standard Nas.pm. In this case it's necessary to cut off realms together with 
"@" from incoming usernames and from SNMP variables obtained. I've done this 
in Nas.pm (in common words, I've put several conditions and regexp`s in 
Nas.pm for my specific NASs). If it is interesting, I could send my 

Well, this led me to another question, how can I do simult checking of 
dial-up users, working from NT workstations (their logins at NAS's look like 
" \xxxxx"). Of course, standard RewriteUsernames help, when working with 
authorization and accounting, but not for second step SNMP checking...

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks for your answer.

With regards,
Alexey A. Shavaldin                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator
of Kraft-S, JSC

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