
I have a radiator 2.15 and want to config it with Postgresql.

I keep getting messages in the log like:

./radiusd -config_file ./goodies/common-sql.cfg
Can't read $DBI::errstr, last handle unknown or destroyed at
Radius/SqlDb.pm line 127.
Wed Apr 11 17:35:52 2001: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database with
DBI->connect dbi:Pg:dbname=radius:port=5432, user=postgres,
Wed Apr 11 17:35:52 2001: ERR: Could not connect to any SQL database.
Request is ignored. Backing off for 600 seconds

while with a test perl-script I can extract data from the database:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use DBI;
use Pg;
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=radius port=5432 user=postgres
password=postgres ");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_CONNECTION_OK eq $conn->status;
print "connected to radius\n";

Pg::doQuery($conn, "select * from subscribers", \@ary);
for $i ( 0 .. $#ary ) {
  for $j ( 0 .. $#{$ary[$i]} ) {
     print "$ary[$i][$j]\t";
  print "\n";

What to do ?


Feite Brekeveld

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