Hello Rustam -

As I can't find you in our customer database, could you please send me the 
registered name of the company that purchased this copy of Radiator?



On Wednesday 23 May 2001 00:55, Povarov Rustam - Kiwwi Czech Republic wrote:
> Hello,
>  First - how the normal radius worked (RADIATOR):
> ../radpwtst -s -secret xxx -user nocol -password xxx -trace
> ==== output from radius sniffer
> interface: hme0 (     filter: udp and port
> 1645 Request (ac) - -> (L91)
>   User-Name              Len  7         "nocol"
>   Service-Type           Len  6         Framed-User
>   NAS-IP-Address         Len  6
>   NAS-Port-Id            Len  6         1234
>   Called-Station-Id      Len 11         "123456789"
>   Calling-Station-Id     Len 11         "987654321"
>   NAS-Port-Type          Len  6         Async
>   Password               Len 18         "K*****B)~**B**yj"
> Accept  (ac) - <- (L20)
> ===
> Packet sent from local port 32838 (dynamic) to RADIUS port 1645.
> Answer came from 1645 to 32838.
> Now - how it worked with MIND-radius:
> ../radpwtst -s -secret xxx -user 668943 -password xxx -trace
> ---
> sending Access-Request...
> No reply
> ---
> === output from radius sniffer
> Request (2d) - -> (L92)
>   User-Name              Len  8         "668943"
>   Service-Type           Len  6         Framed-User
>   NAS-IP-Address         Len  6
>   NAS-Port-Id            Len  6         1234
>   Called-Station-Id      Len 11         "123456789"
>   Calling-Station-Id     Len 11         "987654321"
>   NAS-Port-Type          Len  6         Async
>   Password               Len 18         "******B)~**B**yj"
> Reject  (2d) - <- (L38)
>   Service-Type           Len  6         0
>   Framed-Protocol        Len  6         0
>   Framed-IP-Address      Len  6
> ===
> (Reject - this is normal)
> Packet sent from local port 32840 (dynamic) to MIND port 1645:
> Answer from MIND came from 1645 to 1645.
> I changed out-port to 1001:
> MIND still send answers to port 1645.
> === output from radius sniffer
> Request ( 1) - -> (L92)
>   User-Name              Len  8         "668943"
>   Service-Type           Len  6         Framed-User
>   NAS-IP-Address         Len  6
>   NAS-Port-Id            Len  6         1234
>   Called-Station-Id      Len 11         "123456789"
>   Calling-Station-Id     Len 11         "987654321"
>   NAS-Port-Type          Len  6         Async
>   Password               Len 18         "******B)~**B**yj"
> Reject  ( 1) - <- (L38)
>   Service-Type           Len  6         0
>   Framed-Protocol        Len  6         0
>   Framed-IP-Address      Len  6
> ===
> Any application, who used RADIUS protocol, wait for answer on port,
> from which packet was sended. With MIND it's not working.
> Following the logfile pieces from Radiator:
> ===========
> *** Sending to port 1645 ....
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 16
> Authentic:  1234567890123456
> Attributes:
>         User-Name = "668943"
>         Service-Type = Framed-User
>         NAS-IP-Address =
>         NAS-Port = 1234
>         Called-Station-Id = "123456789"
>         Calling-Station-Id = "987654321"
>         NAS-Port-Type = Async
>         User-Password =
> "<20><131><148><189><221><161>B)~<172><255>B<245><215>yj "
> Tue May 22 16:44:11 2001: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 1645 ....
> Code:       Access-Reject
> Identifier: 16
> Authentic:  <5><223><166>H<4>X<225><135><193>,kv<148><184><149>z
> Attributes:
>         Service-Type = Annex-Framed-Tunnel
>         Framed-Protocol = 0
>         Framed-IP-Address =
> Tue May 22 16:44:11 2001: ERR: No orig_authenticator supplied to
> check_authentic ator
> Tue May 22 16:44:11 2001: WARNING: Bad authenticator in request from
> 213.174.84. 32 (
> Tue May 22 16:44:16 2001: INFO: AuthRADIUS: No reply after 3
> retransmissions to for 668943  (216)
> Tue May 22 16:44:16 2001: INFO: AuthRADIUS could not find a working host to
> forw ard to. Ignoring
> Tue May 22 16:44:16 2001: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 1646 ....
> Code:       Accounting-Response
> Identifier: 23
> Authentic:  Oe<136><163><6>.i<156>)XY<203><1><172><19><20>
> Attributes:
> Tue May 22 16:44:16 2001: ERR: No orig_authenticator supplied to
> check_authentic ator
> Tue May 22 16:44:16 2001: WARNING: Bad authenticator in request from
> 213.174.84. 32 (
> Tue May 22 16:44:21 2001: INFO: AuthRADIUS: No reply after 3
> retransmissions to for 668943  (217)
> Tue May 22 16:44:21 2001: INFO: AuthRADIUS could not find a working host to
> forw ard to. Ignoring
> ====
> I tried to enable IgnoreReplySignature in <AutBy RADIUS> clause, but
> it does not help.
> I don't know what to do now - is it problem on my side, or in MIND
> code?
> Thanks in advance!

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