
I'm reading the section 19.0 "Execution sequence and Hook processing" from 
the Radiator manual and the execution sequence reads like:

14. Accounting log files (AcctLogFileName and WtmpFileName) written 
15. PreAuthHook called 
16. AuthBy clauses invoked 
17. PostAuthHook called 
18. Reply sent to NAS (unless request was proxied) 

What I want is the possibility to have a "PostTHISAuthByHook" that executes 
AFTER a specific AuthBy but BEFORE the next one (inside an AuthByPolicy 

That is, I would like to check stuff returned by a specific AuthBy... and 
maybe decide I will change the result of that AuthBy (from accept to reject 
or something else).

How can I do this?

Also, I would like to add certain stuff I'm SELECTing in an AuthSelect to the 
RequestPacket... can I do this?

As far as I understand, if I put
    AuthColumnDef 3, Some-Attr, reply
it will add the 4th column from my select to the ReplyPacket as the Some-Attr 

But, if I use
    AuthColumnDef 3, Some-Attr, check
it will CHECK the 4th column from my select to the RequestPacket and FAIL if 
it doesn't match.

I want to temporarly store this attribute to do some processing afterwards 
(e.g. because the "checking" is more complicated than a simple x=y). I 
remember Hugh said that it's better to store this temporary data in the 
RequestPacket (which will be deleted after its processing finishes) than in 
the ReplyPacket (from where I do have to manually delete them before I send 
it back to the NAS).

In this particular case, I am getting a column that has a regexp against 
which to match the Calling-Station-Id and another against which to match the 
Called-Station-Id. The point is that, this stuff is not very reliable 
(depending on how the call is routed and a bunch of other things, the caller-
ID might be different, at least the first few digits), and I want to give 
more flexibility (this user can call from a bunch of different number, e.g. 
all the out-dial numbers of a PABX).

I intend to do a "~=" in a hook after getting this data, but
1) don't want to manually delete it from the reply, and
2) don't want to wait 'till other AuthBy's are executed before rejecting an 
invalid call.

Am I completely off-base with this?

Has anyone done something like this?

FYI, all my AuthBy's are SQL's against an Oracle DB.

I intend to:
1) check username/realm/password validity and, in the same AuthSelect, would 
get a propietary service-code, max # of ports for this realm AND this service-
code AND this valid-DNIS-set, valid DNIS and Caller-ID, simultaneous-use (for 
this user), etc.

2) if that passes, I will PORTLIMITCHECK based on the realm/max # of 

3) if that passes AND the user had not been assigned a fixed-IP address (in 
1), I will select a DYNADDRESS based on service-code/NAS-Identifier (service-
code's define, among other stuff, a QOS that will be applied differently to 
different IP address pools.

Mariano Absatz
El Baby
When there's a will, I want to be in it. 

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