I try the same correction with AuthLDAP2.pm in Radiator 2.18 and it seems to
work fine!

So in the AuthLDAPSDK.pm comment:

#    $filter = eval qq/"$filter"/; # Interpolate perl vars

- Performance Tip -

With LDAP2 -> 55 request/per second
With LDAPSDK -> 115 request/per second


-----Mensaje original-----
Enviado el: miércoles 30 de mayo de 2001 10:30
Asunto: (RADIATOR) LDAPSDK and Radiator 2.18.1


Until now I was using LDAP2 with no problems. But now, I want to see whether
using LDAPSDK the ldap accesses are fastest.

Products installed were:

perldap 1.4.1 from Mozilla <- linux
Netscape SDK C 4.1 <- linux
Netscape SDK C 4.0 <- linux
Netscape SDK C 3.0 <- linux

I try to compile perldap with several releases of the NSDK C, but the error
obtained is always the same.
The .cfg used has no variations except the <AuthBy LDAP2> replaced by a
<AuthBy LDAPSDK>. No Searchfilters are used, and there aren't special config
lines to emphasize.

When authentication request arrive, Radiator says :

>> Global symbol "@domain" requires explicit package name at (eval 228) line
1 << and then it dies.

Then I went to the NDS host (with Netscape Directory Server 4.1 <- Solaris)
and in the error/log it says:

>> [timestamp] - get_filter: unknown type 0x30 <<
>> [timestamp] - slapi_filter_free: unknown type 0x30 <<

Any workaround to this problem?

best regards,

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