I'm running 2.16 on Sun, and have been for a while. VERY stable and no
I've now been asked to find a way to disable access for any user account, if
the password is entered incorrectly 3 times.
I'm using LDAP to hold the usernames/passwords, and attributes that
determine whether they are aloud to authenticate.

I'd imagine that I would have to customize the code to do this.
Possibly like this...
check the logfile for failed attempts.
get the username
send LDAP modify string to LDAP server to disable access for that user.
Send email to admin.

Am I on the right track here? Have any modules been added to the new
Radiator modules that can take care of this?
Has anyone else tried this with reliability?

Thanks a lot for any suggestions!

A very happy radiator user...

Stephen A. Felicetti                            Fox Chase Cancer Center
Sr. Network Engineer                            215-728-2956  (v)
Research Information Technology Facility        215-728-2513 (f)

Stephen Felicetti (E-mail).vcf

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