Hello Alvin -

The parameter for an "AuthBy ..." is case sensitive. Your configuration file 
should look like this:

        <AuthBy RADIUS>



On Tuesday 12 June 2001 22:09, Alvin Anita wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am getting the following error message when using AuthBy Radius:
> Can't locate object method "new" via package "Radius::AuthRadius" at
> Radius/Hand
> ler.pm line 71, <FILE> line 37.
>         ...caught at radiusd line 2.
> Does someone know what the problem is?
> I am using the evalution version of Radiator, Perl version 5.6.0 on Windows
> 2000.
> The configuration file:
> LogDir c:\Radiator\RadiusSS\log
> LogFile %L\%Y%m%d-rdlog.log
> DbDir  c:\Radiator\RadiusSS
> Foreground
> LogStdout
> Trace 3
> # Listen for authentication requests on port 1812 as per RFC
> # 2138
> AuthPort 1812
> # Listen for accounting requests on port 1813 as
> # per RFC 2139
> AcctPort 1813
> # The name of the file where the radius PID will be written
> # after startup, so we don't conflict with another radiusd
> PidFile c:\Radiator\RadiusSS\tmp\radiusd.pid
> <Client>
>         DupInterval 0
>         IgnoreAcctSignature
>         #NasType unknown
>         Secret Secret
> </Client>
> <Realm surfdiensten.nl>
>    <AuthBy Radius>
>       Host NTSTEST
>       Secret secret
>       AuthPort 1812
>       IgnoreAccountingResponse
>    </AuthBy>
> </Realm>
> Greetings,
> Alvin Anita
> SURFdiensten, omdat samenwerking ook voordelig is
> Alvin Anita
> Postbus 110          Onderdoor 74
> 3990 DC  Houten   3995 DX  Houten
> Telefoon (direct): + 31 (0)30 - 298 30 14
> Internet: http://www.surfdiensten.nl
> ===
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