Not sure if I posted this... but I'll post it again.
You guys can thank me later :)
Problem: You are running Radiator and you want to display your SQL database
of accounting logs via the web using ASP / VB script.
Easy to do.. but you came across this strange thing of Radius storing the
login date/time in Unix Epoch time (Time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970).
So you want to find some code in VB to convert these seconds into Normal
human time but for some reason you can't find the code on the net.
Search no more...

Solution:  Block copy this into your .asp page and amaze your friends.

  Dim VBDate

  VBDate =  DateAdd("s", PUT YOUR RADIATOR UNIX TIME HERE , "1/1/1970")
  VBDate = DateAdd("h", -5, VBDate) ' convert to your time zone:  use -5 for
Eastern, -8 pacific etc.

'Now that we have the time.. we have to check daylight savings time

  Dim StartDaylight
  Dim EndDaylight

  ' get the last day of March by subtracting one day from 4/1
  StartDaylight = DateAdd("d", -1, DateSerial(Year(VBDate), 4, 1))

  ' now skip to the next Sunday
  StartDaylight = DateAdd("d", 5 - WeekDay(StartDaylight), StartDaylight)
  StartDaylight = DateAdd("h", 2, StartDaylight)
  EndDaylight = DateSerial(Year(VBDate), 11, 1)

  ' back up to the previous Sunday
  EndDaylight = DateAdd("d", -5 + WeekDay(EndDaylight), EndDaylight)
  EndDaylight = DateAdd("h", 1, EndDaylight)

  If (VBDate >= StartDaylight And VBDate < EndDaylight) Then
      VBDate = DateAdd("h", 1, VBDate)
  End If

'Display your time

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