> -----Original Message-----
> From: Separovic, Jason 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 2:21 PM
> To:   Separovic, Jason
> Subject:      RE: (RADIATOR) PostAuthHook Stopped Working
> It's working now.
> I had the restartWrapper going and as I was making the changes to the
> config I sent a NOHUP to the radiusd process. 
> This did not work properly, so I killed all processes and then started the
> wrapper and the config worked fine.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Separovic, Jason [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 11:18 AM
> Subject:      (RADIATOR) PostAuthHook Stopped Working
> Hi,
> I had radiator working with my PostAuthHook just how I wanted.
> Then I made some changes to the PostAuthHook. All I did (I think?) was
> create a new user in my database and then I updated the new
> username/password in the config files. Now My PostAuthHook does not work.
> And I'm at a loss to realise why??
> Here is an Accounting Request that should be inserted into my database
> through the PostAuthHook.
> But now the Hook is not even being called. I'm pretty confident in saying
> that because I added a 'write to file' at the beginning of the hook to
> test
> it. But to no success.
> I noticed some talk about a patch for the PostAuthHook but I'm not sure if
> I
> need it.
> Weird.
> It was working...
> Now it's not.
> Help!
> I'm using Radiator 2.17.1
> I have another problem to. My auth log is logging successes but not
> failures.
> ==========================================================================
> ==
> ========
> Wed Sep  5 10:47:43 2001: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 1445 ....
> Code:       Accounting-Request
> Identifier: 60
> Authentic:  <180><189>mBY<157><156>X<152><14><7><180><150><1>@<174>
> Attributes:
>         Acct-Status-Type = Accounting-On
>         Acct-Session-Id = "0"
>         Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
>         Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
>         User-Name = "ewong"
>         Command-Code = "Command-Code (level: 10): system show ac"
>         NAS-IP-Address =
> Wed Sep  5 10:47:43 2001: DEBUG: Check if Handler Realm=SSR should be used
> to handle this requestWed Sep  5 10:47:43 2001: DEBUG: Handling request
> with
> Handler 'Realm=SSR'
> Wed Sep  5 10:47:43 2001: DEBUG:  Deleting all sessions for
> Wed Sep  5 10:47:43 2001: DEBUG:  got On/Off from
> Wed Sep  5 10:47:43 2001: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL
> Wed Sep  5 10:47:43 2001: DEBUG: Handling accounting with Radius::AuthSQL
> Wed Sep  5 10:47:43 2001: DEBUG: Accounting accepted
> Wed Sep  5 10:47:43 2001: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to port 1445 ....
> Code:       Accounting-Response
> Identifier: 60
> Authentic:  <180><189>mBY<157><156>X<152><14><7><180><150><1>@<174>
> Attributes:
> ==========================================================================
> ==
> ========
> # radius configuration file
> Foreground      yes
> LogStdout       no
> Trace           4
> LogDir          /opt/radiator/log
> DbDir           /usr/local/mysql/var/radiusdb
> DictionaryFile  /opt/radiator/dictionary
> AuthPort        1812
> AcctPort        1813
> BindAddress
> <ClientListSQL>
>         DBSource        dbi:mysql:radiusdb
>         DBUsername      radiator
>         DBAuth          password
>         GetClientQuery select ip,secret,NULL,NULL,realm from device,model
> where modelID=model.ID;
> </ClientListSQL>
> <Handler Realm=SSR>
>     PreAuthHook file:"/opt/radiator/PreAuthHook"
>     PostAuthHook file:"/opt/radiator/SSRAccounting"
>     <AuthLog SQL>
>         DBSource        dbi:mysql:radiusdb
>         DBUsername      radiator
>         DBAuth          password
>         Table authorisation
>         LogSuccess 1
>         LogFailure 1
>         SuccessQuery insert into
> authorisation(date,username,deviceIP,status) values('%Y-%m-%d
> %H:%M:%S','%U','%N',1)
>         FailureQuery insert into
> authorisation(date,username,deviceIP,status) values('%Y-%m-%d
> %H:%M:%S','%U','%N',0)
>     </AuthLog>
>     <AuthBy SQL>
>         DBSource        dbi:mysql:radiusdb
>         DBUsername      radiator
>         DBAuth          password
>         RejectEmptyPassword
>         AuthSelect select password from user where username='%U'
>         AuthColumnDef 0, Password, check
>     </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> <Handler Realm=SS>
>     PreAuthHook file:"/opt/radiator/PreAuthHook"
>     <AuthLog SQL>
>         DBSource        dbi:mysql:radiusdb
>         DBUsername      radiator
>         DBAuth          password
>         Table authorisation
>         LogSuccess 1
>         LogFailure 1
>         SuccessQuery insert into
> authorisation(date,username,deviceIP,status) values('%Y-%m-%d
> %H:%M:%S','%U','%N',1)
>         FailureQuery insert into
> authorisation(date,username,deviceIP,status) values('%Y-%m-%d
> %H:%M:%S','%U','%N',0)
>     </AuthLog>
>     <AuthBy SQL>
>         DBSource        dbi:mysql:radiusdb
>         DBUsername      radiator
>         DBAuth          password
>         RejectEmptyPassword
>         AuthSelect select password from user where username='%U'
>         AuthColumnDef 0, Password, check
>     </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> <Handler>
>         PostAuthHook file:"/opt/radiator/SSRAccounting"
> </Handler>
> ==========================================================================
> ==
> ========
> PostAuthHook - not being called anymore
> use DBI;
> use DBD::mysql;
> sub {
>    open(FILE, ">/opt/radiator/testacc");
>    flock(FILE,2);
>    print FILE "Hook is being called";
>    flock(FILE,8);
>    close(FILE);
>    my $host = "localhost";
>    my $dbname = "radiusdb";
>    my $dbpasswd = "password";
>    my $dbuser = "radiator";
>    my $data_source = "DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$host";
>    my $dbh  = DBI->connect($data_source, $dbuser, $dbpasswd);
>    my $request      = ${$_[0]};
>    my $request_code = $request->code;
>    my $request_id   = $request->identifier;
>    my $reply        = ${$_[1]};
>    my $reply_code   = $reply->code;
>    my $reply_id     = $reply->identifier;
>    my $subcodetype =
> $request->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::ACCT_STATUS_TYPE);
>    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
> localtime(time);
>    my $timestamp = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d
> %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);
>    my $username = $request->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::USER_NAME);
>    my @tmp = split(/@/,$username);
>    $username = $tmp[0];
>    # get and format SSR Vendor-Specific Codes
>    my $command = $request->get_attr('Command-Code');
>    my $system  = $request->get_attr('System-Code');
>    my $shell   = $request->get_attr('Shell-Code');
>    my $snmp   = $request->get_attr('Snmp-Code');
>    my @tmp = split(/:/,$command);
>    $command = substr($tmp[2],1);
>    @tmp = split(/:/,$system);
>    $system = substr($tmp[2],1);
>    @tmp = split(/:/,$shell);
>    $shell = substr($tmp[2],1);
>    @tmp = split(/:/,$snmp);
>    $snmp = substr($tmp[2],1);
>    if($command ne '') {
>    }
>    elsif($system ne '') {
>       $command = $system;
>    }
>    elsif($shell ne '') {
>       $command = $shell;
>    }
>    elsif($snmp ne '') {
>       $command = $snmp;
>    }
>    my $deviceIP = $request->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::NAS_IP_ADDRESS);
>    if ($request_code == 'Accounting-Request' && $subcodetype ne("")) {
>       my $userID = &select($dbh,"SELECT ID FROM user WHERE
> username='$username'");
>       if(!($userID > 0)) {
>          $userID = &select($dbh,"SELECT ID FROM user WHERE
> username='unknown'");
>       }
>       my $deviceID = &select($dbh,"SELECT ID FROM device WHERE
> IP='$deviceIP'");
>       &update($dbh,"INSERT INTO SSRaccounting
> (date,userID,deviceID,status,command) \
> VALUES('$timestamp','$userID','$deviceID','$subcodetype','$command')");
>       return;
>    }
>    return;
>    sub update {
>       my $connection  = $_[0];
>       my $sth  = $connection->prepare($_[1]);
>       $sth->execute;
>       $sth->finish;
>       return;
>    }
>    sub select {
>       my $connection  = $_[0];
>       my $sth  = $connection->prepare($_[1]);
>       $sth->execute;
>       my $row = $sth->fetchrow();
>       $sth->finish;
>       return $row;
>    }
> }
> ==========================================================================
> ==
> ========
> PreAuthHook - This is working fine
> use DBI;
> use DBD::mysql;
> sub {
>    my $host = "localhost";
>    my $dbname = "radiusdb";
>    my $dbpasswd = "password";
>    my $dbuser = "radiator";
>    my $data_source = "DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$host";
>    my $dbh  = DBI->connect($data_source, $dbuser, $dbpasswd);
>    my $request      = ${$_[0]};
>    my $request_code = $request->code;
>    my $request_id   = $request->identifier;
>    my $reply        = ${$_[1]};
>    my $reply_code   = $reply->code;
>    my $reply_id     = $reply->identifier;
>    my $subcodetype =
> $request->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::ACCT_STATUS_TYPE);
>    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
> localtime(time);
>    my $timestamp = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d
> %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);
>    my $username = $request->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::USER_NAME);
>    my @tmp = split(/@/,$username);
>    $username = $tmp[0];
>    # if username=user replace with unknown
>    if($username eq("user")) {
>       &invalidate($request);
>    }
>    my $deviceIP = $request->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::NAS_IP_ADDRESS);
>    $deviceIP = $request->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::NAS_IP_ADDRESS);
>    print("Detecting Access-Request from $deviceIP\n");
>    # get Device from database
>    my $userID = &select($dbh,"SELECT ID FROM user WHERE
> username='$username'");
>    my $deviceID = &select($dbh,"SELECT ID FROM device WHERE
> IP='$deviceIP'");
>    my $modelID = &select($dbh,"SELECT modelID FROM device WHERE
> ID='$deviceID'");
>    if(!defined($userID)) {
>       $userID=0;
>    }
>    if($modelID==1) {     # SSR8600
>       print("Device Type is SSR8600\n");
>       if(&getPermission($dbh,$userID,$deviceID)==3) {
>          print("User has enable access\n");
>          return;
>       }
>    }
>    if($modelID==5) {     # SSR8000
>       print("Device Type is SSR8000\n");
>       if(&getPermission($dbh,$userID,$deviceID)==3) {
>          print("User has enable access\n");
>          return;
>       }
>    }
>    if($modelID==6) {     # RS3000
>       print("Device Type is RS3000\n");
>       if(&getPermission($dbh,$userID,$deviceID)==3) {
>          print("User has enable access\n");
>          return;
>       }
>    }
>    if($modelID==2) {     # SS2200
>       print("Device Type is SS2200\n");
>       if(&getPermission($dbh,$userID,$deviceID)==1) {  # read-only
>          &setSS2200access($reply,"ro");
>          print("User has read access\n");
>          return;
>       }
>       elsif(&getPermission($dbh,$userID,$deviceID)==2) {  # read-write
>          &setSS2200access($reply,"rw");
>          print("User has read-write access\n");
>          return;
>       }
>       elsif(&getPermission($dbh,$userID,$deviceID)==3) {  # super-user
>          &setSS2200access($reply,"su");
>          print("User has super-user access\n");
>          return;
>       }
>    }
>    print("User has no access\n");
>    &invalidate($request);
>    return;
>    sub invalidate {
>       $_[0]->change_attr('User-Password','no access');
>    }
>    sub setSS2200access {
>       $_[0]->add_attr('FilterID',"Enterasys:version=1:mgmt=$_[1]");
>    }
>    sub update {
>       my $connection  = $_[0];
>       my $sth  = $connection->prepare($_[1]);
>       $sth->execute;
>       $sth->finish;
>       return;
>    }
>    sub select {
>       my $connection  = $_[0];
>       my $sth  = $connection->prepare($_[1]);
>       $sth->execute;
>       my $row = $sth->fetchrow();
>       $sth->finish;
>       return $row;
>    }
>    sub getPermission {
>       my $userID = $_[1];
>       my $deviceID = $_[2];
>       my $tmp = 0;
>       my $myref;
>       my $accesslevel = 0;
>       my $connection  = $_[0];
>       my $modelID = &select($connection,"SELECT modelID FROM device WHERE
> ID='$deviceID'");
>       my $networkID = &select($connection,"SELECT networkID FROM device
> WHERE ID='$deviceID'");
>       my $all = &select($connection,"SELECT ID from device WHERE ID < 11
> modelID=$modelID and networkID=$networkID");
>       my $sth  = $connection->prepare("SELECT * from
> usertogroup,usergroupPermission,level \
>                                         WHERE usertogroup.userID=$userID \
>                                           AND
> usertogroup.usergroupID=usergroupPermission.usergroupID \ceID=$all) \
>                                           AND
> usergroupPermission.levelID=level.ID");
>       $sth->execute;
>       while ($myref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
>          if(($tmp = $myref->{'type'}) > $accesslevel) {
>             $accesslevel = $tmp;
>          }
>       }
>       $sth->finish();
>       $sth  = $connection->prepare("SELECT * from userPermission,level \
>                                         WHERE
> (userPermission.deviceID=$deviceID OR userPermission.deviceID=$all) \
>                                           AND
> userPermission.userID=$userID
> \
>                                           AND
> userPermission.levelID=level.ID");
>       $sth->execute;
>       while ($myref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
>          if(($tmp = $myref->{'type'}) > $accesslevel) {
>             $accesslevel = $tmp;
>          }
>       }
>       $sth->finish();
>       return $accesslevel;
>    }
> }
> ========================================================================
> ===
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