Title: Load Balancing


We are using Ericsson GSN, the primary and secondary failover timer in GSN is restricted to merely 6 seconds. After these 6 secs, it drops the call.

So our radiator server need to respond very fast, I mean fast in doing username/password authentication, accounting logging, ip address allocation and forward accounting information to 3rd party business partners and reply back to GSN at last. If we divide 6 secs into 2 halves, there will be only 3 secs for primary radius, and 3 secs for secondary radius.

Our first question is it possible to change the behaviour (perhaps an extra parameter) of <AuthBy ROUNDROBIN, VOLUMEBALANCE, LOADBALANCE> so that when radius proxy does not receive response from the first radius server, then just stop it and let the radius server marked failure and reply nothing to GSN. Let the radius server sit still until FailureBackupoffTime is reached. Do not even try to forward request to the second listed, until the list is exhausted.

Second can we set the timeout value (perhaps to zero) for the very first accounting forward packet. The RetryTimeout only suitable for retransmitting packet. Lost accounting packet is not a concern to us, as long as the radius server work very fast.

We tried optimize every things such as using radius proxy to distribute loading to several radius server, put database server in another unix box, field indexing, lots of memory and etc. Maybe our question is a bit strange. Perhaps someone can suggest us a workaround. Thanks.

SmarTone BroadBand Services Ltd.

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