El 14 Nov 2001 a las 9:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

> On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, ISMAIL,IRWAN (HP-Malaysia,ex1) wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I tried switching the date on my NT server (which is running radiator)
> > to a date that is after year 2037 and I would get a "no reply" if I
> > tried to authenticate. Is this a limitation of Radiator? The logfile
> > would also be saved as 1900-MM-DD, instead of 20XX-MM-DD.
> How far after 2037 were you trying to go?  32-bit systems using signed
> 32-bit int's to store "unix time" as seconds since 1970 have a problem
> trying to deal with times after Jan 18, 2038.  Hopefully, by that time,
> there won't be any 32-bit CPU's kicking around.
32 bits CPU is not your (only) problem here... the problem is a 32 bit 

The dates in RADIUS PROTOCOL PACKETS can ONLY be 32 bits, so, no matter that 
you get the new Pentium/Sextium/Septium/Bogopium 1024-bit CPU, if you want to 
do Radius and your clients (NASen) only speak Radius, you're dead, man...

So, what you have to hope for is a PROTOCOL upgrade... so, rephrasing you: 
Hopefully, by that time, every NAS you have to deal with will be speaking 
DIAMETER (Radius probable succesor) and, of course, Radiator will... and, in 
fact, it will be easy to harness the complexity of Diameter with Radiator... 
won't it be, Hugh, Mike?


> -- 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Jon Lewis *[EMAIL PROTECTED]*|  I route
>  System Administrator        |  therefore you are
>  Atlantic Net                |
> _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________
> ===
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Mariano Absatz
El Baby
Do they ever shut up on your planet?

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