Hello Ben -

On Sun, 23 Dec 2001 10:48, Ben Carter wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone could help me out with the following:
> 1) I have "HoldServerConnection" in my <AuthBy LDAP2> clauses but radiator
> still seems to re-connect each time to LDAP. The LDAP server I am using is
> iplanets (formerly Netscape) and handles multiple searches in a single
> connection with no problem.

What version of Radiator are you running? There is a mention of this in the 
history file ("doc/history.html").

> 2) We have a bunch of dialup ports with another provider to give us
> unmetered connections for customers of that telco. Most of these users need
> to be authenticated using only their Calling-Station-ID (i.e. they DO NOT
> have a username and password). We also have a few people who have a
> username and password as a way of bypassing the Calling-Station-ID check.
> My problem is Radiator expects passwordattr to be defined and insists on
> checking the username and password with those in ldap and if they don't
> match it rejects them. Obviously in an environment were we are using the
> calling-station-id to authenticate the user this is always going to fail as
> they don't supply a username and password!! We have got around this problem
> in a very dirty way by using a PostSearchHook to fool radiator into
> thinking this is an EAP request (my config file is below). Is there a
> better way to do this or can the mandatory checking of username and
> password be removed from radiator? (you also get an LDAP error every time
> the user has no password and it can't find the passwordattr in LDAP)
> Also, from the config file below, it shows that we check to see if the
> username and password (the override Calling-Station-ID users) is valid
> BEFORE we check Calling-Station-ID. As our customers are split approx 98%
> calling-station-id authenticated versus 2% user/pass authenticated this is
> very inefficient resulting in 2 LDAP queries for 98% of users, if we could
> have it the other way around it would be only 1 search for the 98% and 2
> searches for the 2%.

I think I would add a PreClientHook that would check to see if there is a 
User-Name and User-Password present in the Access-Request, and if not then 
add the Calling-Station-Id as both the User-Name and User-Password.

Then you can add a Handler that checks for a User-Name that is all digits and 
uses the appropriate AuthBy clause.

There are some example hooks in the file "goodies/hooks.txt".



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