Hello Mike -

The problem is that you are receiving the request from localhost, which 
should be the <Client DEFAULT> clause as far as I can see, so the realm will 
not be set to MODEMS.



On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 11:50, Forbes Mike wrote:
> I am having problems with the following radpwtst line and the following
> config:
> radpwtst -nas_ip_address 128.138.x.x -user unix-tmp -password xxxxxx
> -noacct -secret ccccc  -auth_port 1647
> It should use Realm=MODEMS,NAS-Port-Type=Async,NAS-IP-Address=128.138.x.x,
> but as you can see below it does not work.  Is this because I am mixing
> realms and handlers?  I am not really mixing them in the config, just by
> client.
> Thanks,
> Mike
>  Tue Mar 19 17:45:52
> 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump: *** Received from port 53857 ....
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 112
> Authentic:  1234567890123456
> Attributes:
>         User-Name = "unix-tmp"
>         Service-Type = Framed-User
>         NAS-IP-Address = 128.138.x.x
>         NAS-Port = 1234
>         Called-Station-Id = "123456789"
>         Calling-Station-Id = "987654321"
>         NAS-Port-Type = Async
>         User-Password = "xxxx"
> Tue Mar 19 17:45:52 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler
> Realm=MODEMS,NAS-Port-Type=Async,NAS-IP-Address=128.138.x.x should be
> used to handle this request
> Tue Mar 19 17:45:52 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler
> Realm=MODEMS,NAS-Port-Type=Virtual should be used to handle this request
> Tue Mar 19 17:45:52 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler Realm=MODEMS should be
> used to handle this request
> Tue Mar 19 17:45:52 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler Realm=Off_Campus_VPN
> should be used to handle this request
> Tue Mar 19 17:45:52 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler Realm=Backbone_Devices
> should be used to handle this request
> Tue Mar 19 17:45:52 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler Realm=Datacomm_Devices
> should be used to handle this request
> Tue Mar 19 17:45:52 2002: WARNING: Could not find a handler for unix-tmp:
> request is ignored
> > #LogStdout
> > LogDir          /usr/local/radiator/log
> > DbDir           /usr/local/radiator/etc
> > # Use a low trace level in production systems. Increase
> > # it to 4 or 5 for debugging, or use the -trace flag to radiusd
> > Trace   4
> >
> > AuthPort 1647
> > AcctPort 1648
> >
> > #<SNMPAgent>
> > #       ROCommunit  xxxx
> > #</SNMPAgent>
> >
> > # You will probably want to add other Clients to suit your site,
> > # one for each NAS you want to work with
> > <Client DEFAULT>
> >         Secret  XXX
> >         DupInterval 0
> >         DefaultRealm Datacomm_devices
> > </Client>
> >
> > <AuthLog FILE>
> >         Identifier Modem_Login_Failures
> >         Filename %L/Modem_Login_Failures
> >         LogFailure 1
> >         FailureFormat %l:NAS %N
> > User:%U:%T:%{NAS-Port-Type}:%{Calling-Station-Id}:%1:Fail
> > </Authlog>
> >
> > <AuthLog FILE>
> >         Identifier Backbone_Login_Failures
> >         Filename %L/Backbone_Login_Failures
> >         LogFailure 1
> >         FailureFormat %l:NAS %N User:%U:%T:%{NAS-Port-Type}:From
> > %{Calling-Station-Id}:%1:Fail
> > </Authlog>
> >
> > <AuthLog FILE>
> >         Identifier Datacomm_Login_Failures
> >         Filename %L/Datacomm_Login_Failures
> >         LogFailure 1
> >         FailureFormat %l:NAS %N
> > User:%U:%T:%{NAS-Port-Type}:%{Calling-Station-Id}:%1:Fail
> > </Authlog>
> >
> > <AuthLog FILE>
> >         Identifier VPN_Login_Failures
> >         Filename %L/VPN_Login_Failures
> >         LogFailure 1
> >         FailureFormat %l:NAS %N User:%U:%T:%{NAS-Port-Type}:From
> > %{Calling-Station-Id}:%1:Fail
> > </Authlog>
> >
> >
> > <Handler Realm=MODEMS,NAS-Port-Type=Async,NAS-IP-Address=x.x.x.x>
> >         RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> >         <AuthBy GROUP>
> >                 AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilReject
> >                 <AuthBy PAM>
> >                         Service radiusd
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >                 <AuthBy FILE>
> >                         Filename %D/backbone_users
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >         </AuthBy>
> >         AuthLog Modem_Login_Failures
> >         # Log accounting to a detail file
> >         AcctLogFileName %L/modem_pool_backbone_users
> > </Handler>
> >
> > <Handler Realm=MODEMS,NAS-Port-Type=Virtual>
> >         RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> >         <AuthBy GROUP>
> >                 AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilReject
> >                 <AuthBy PAM>
> >                         Service radiusd
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >
> >                 <AuthBy FILE>
> >                         Filename %D/backbone_users
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >         </AuthBy>
> >         AuthLog Backbone_Login_Failures
> >         # Log accounting to a detail file
> >         AcctLogFileName %L/modems_backbone_users
> > </Handler>
> >
> > <Handler Realm=MODEMS>
> >         RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> >         <AuthBy GROUP>
> >                 AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilReject
> >                 <AuthBy PAM>
> >                         Service radiusd
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >                 <AuthBy LDAP2>
> >                         Host ggggg
> >                         Port 389
> >                         AuthDN
> > uid=xx,ou=xx,ou=xx,dc=xx,dc=xx
> >                         AuthPassword xxxxxx
> >                         BaseDN  dc=xx,dc=xx
> >                         NoDefault
> >                         UsernameAttr uid
> >                         SearchFilter
> > (&(edupersonprimaryaffiliation=xxx)(uid=%1))
> >                         Debug 255
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >         </AuthBy>
> >         AuthLog Modem_Login_Failures
> >          AcctLogFileName %L/Modems
> > </Handler>
> >
> >
> > <Handler Realm=Off_Campus_VPN>
> >         RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> >         <AuthBy GROUP>
> >                 AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilReject
> >                 <AuthBy PAM>
> >                         Service radiusd
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >                 <AuthBy LDAP2>
> >                         Host ggggg
> >                         Port 389
> >                         AuthDN
> > uid=xx,ou=xx,ou=xx,dc=xx,dc=xx
> >                         AuthPassword xxxxxx
> >                         BaseDN  dc=xx,dc=xx
> >                         NoDefault
> >                         UsernameAttr uid
> >                         SearchFilter
> > (&(edupersonprimaryaffiliation=xx)(uid=%1))
> >                         Debug 255
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >         </AuthBy>
> >         AuthLog VPN_Login_Failures
> >          AcctLogFileName %L/Off_Campus_VPN
> > </Handler>
> >
> > <Handler Realm=Backbone_Devices>
> > RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> >         <AuthBy GROUP>
> >                 AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilReject
> >                 <AuthBy PAM>
> >                         Service radiusd
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >
> >                 <AuthBy FILE>
> >                         Filename %D/backbone_users
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >         </AuthBy>
> >         AuthLog Backbone_Login_Failures
> >         # Log accounting to a detail file
> >         AcctLogFileName %L/backbone_devices
> > </Handler>
> >
> > <Handler Realm=Datacomm_Devices>
> > RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> >         <AuthBy GROUP>
> >                 AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilReject
> >                 <AuthBy PAM>
> >                         Service radiusd
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >
> >                 <AuthBy FILE>
> >                         Filename %D/backbone_users
> >                 </AuthBy>
> >         </AuthBy>
> >         AuthLog Datacomm_Login_Failures
> >         # Log accounting to a detail file
> >         AcctLogFileName %L/datacomm_devices
> > </Handler>
> >
> >
> > <Client x.x.x.x>
> >         Secret YYY
> >         DefaultRealm MODEMS
> > </Client>
> >
> > <Client x.x.x.x>
> >         Secret  ZZZ
> >         DupInterval 0
> >         DefaultRealm BACKBONE
> > </Client>
> >
> > <Client x.x.x.x>
> >         Secret  ZZZ
> >         DupInterval 0
> >         DefaultRealm Off_Campus_VPN
> > </Client>
> >
> > <Client x.x.x.x>
> >         Secret  ZZZ
> >         DupInterval 0
> >         DefaultRealm BACKBONE
> > </Client>
> >
> > <Client x.x.x.x>
> >         Secret YYYY
> >         DefaultRealm MODEMS
> > </Client>
> >
> > <Client x.x.x.x>
> >         Secret ZZZZZ
> >         DupInterval 0
> >         DefaultRealm Backbone_Devices
> > </Client>
> ===
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