
But I found an unfortunate issue with this. If I remove the BindAddress and let Radiator listen on all IP's then the answer comes back as If I leave the BindAddress then it does say the correct IP but that doesn't help me in my attempt to prevent having multiple instances running listening to different IP's.

Is there a way to have radiator listen to all IP's loaded but tell me which one it gets a request to? This shows what I'm trying to do ...

    my %IPlist = ('', 1, '', 2, '', 3, '', 4, '', 5);

my $mysocketaddr = getsockname(${$_[0]}->{RecvSocket});
my ($myport, $myaddr) = Socket::sockaddr_in($mysocketaddr);
my $myIP = Socket::inet_ntoa($myaddr);
{$_[0]}->add_attr('Provider', $IPlist{$myIP});


-- Tim

At 11:02 AM 5/1/2002 +1000, Hugh Irvine wrote:

Hello Tim -

You have access to both the source and destination:

Have a look at "Radius/", sub newRecvFrom.



On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 22:45, Timothy G. Wells wrote:
> Greetings,
>  From within a hook, how would I identify the IP address the packet was
> sent to? I have multiple IP's on my ethernet.
> Thanks,
> -- Tim
> Timothy G. Wells
> Good News Internet Services

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