
Now this is really weird. I have a happy (but relatively complex) radiator
config. One of the <client> clauses refers to a remote Radius proxy that we
receive requests from. I recently added the following config to the global

<StatsLog SQL>
        Interval 900

        DBSource        dbi:ODBC:ControlCentre
        DBUsername      [snip]
        DBAuth          [snip]

        InsertQuery insert into RadiatorStatistics (Timestamp, Type, ObjectName,
accessAccepts, accessChallenges, accessRequests, \
        accessRejects, accountingRequests, accountingResponses,
badAuthAccessRequests, badAuthRequests, badAuthAccountingRequests, \
        droppedAccessRequests, droppedAccountingRequests, droppedRequests,
dupAccessRequests, dupAccountingRequests, duplicateRequests, \
        malformedAccessRequests, malformedAccountingRequests, proxiedNoReply,
proxiedRequests, requests, responseTime) \
        values (%0, '%1', '%2', %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13,
%14, %15, %16, %17, %18, %19, %20, %21, %22, %23)


Now after adding this suddenly I was seeing ODBC errors in a handler but
nothing to do with the table referred to above.

What was happening was that a valid stop record was coming from the
aforementioned radius proxy client and my logs show radiator happily
processing it. It then sends an ack reply back to this remote radius proxy.
10 seconds later in comes another stop record for the same user (the remote
NAS has missed our reply it seems). So radiator happily processes it again,
but this time there is an ODBC problem with duplicate primary keys. (AUTHBY
EMERALD) It logs another ACK anyway back to the proxy. Then 10 seconds later
attempt 3 comes back - same stop record. Again radius sends an ack but it
seems that the remote NAS doesn't receive it.

Now it would seem that the changes I made should have nothing to do with the
sending/processing of stop records. but once I removed the abvoe config,
everything went back to normal again. I tried it again and the same thing

I am running Radius 3.0 with a couple of patches.

Is this a known bug?



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