Hello Charly -

What I usually do is skip the "make install" step altogether, and just 
leave the various versions in seperate directories.


bash-2.05$ pwd


bash-2.05$ ls -l

total 12648

drwxr-xr-x  48 hugh  staff       1588 May 19 22:04 Radiator-2.19

-rwxrwxrwx   1 hugh  staff    1977109 Nov 26  2001 Radiator-2.19.tgz

drwxr-xr-x  49 500   500         1622 May 31 18:04 Radiator-3.1

-rw-r--r--   1 hugh  staff    2143428 May 27 12:36 Radiator-3.1.tgz

drwxr-xr-x  40 hugh  unknown     1316 Aug 24 19:36 Radiator-3.2

-rwxr-xr-x   1 hugh  unknown  2204136 Aug 20 06:03 Radiator-3.2.tgz

-rw-r--r--   1 hugh  staff     143029 Aug 13 14:21 patches-3.1.tar.gz

Then in my startup script I go to the correct directory and run radiusd 
from there:


        cd $RADIUSDIR; $PERL radiusd -config_file $CONFIGDIR/radius.cfg ......

I find it *much* easier to do it this way, as changing versions is a 
simple as changing a single line in the startup script (or of course you 
could just change a symlink instead).

This is why Mike has "@INC" set up the way he has.



On Thursday, August 29, 2002, at 06:53 PM, Karl Gaissmaier wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> Mike McCauley schrieb:
>> Hi Chris,
>> thanks for reporting this.
>> Looks like 5.005 does not look in any version independent site files. 
>> Looks
>> like we will have to work on this again.
>> In the meantime, I have uploaded a new Makefile.PL to the patches area 
>> that
>> removes the use of PREFIX etc, and it now works the same as in earlier
>> versions:
>> http://www.open.com.au/radiator/downloads/patches-3.3/Makefile.PL
> for me (Solaris 5.9, perl 5.6.1) it's working with this new/old
> Makefile.PL as usual with older releases.
> Anyway, I think now it's time to rethink the possibility to have
> parallel radiator installations simultan for easy upgrade.
> (For a lot of us, radiusd is a mission critical application,
> upgrades are always a pain if you get running installations
> overwritten)
> Why do you use the following in your scripts:
> # Make sure we get the local libs for preference
> {
>     unshift(@INC, '.');
>     # You will probably have to uncomment the next line if you want to
>     # run this script SUID
>     #$ENV{PATH} = '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin';
> }
> this helps nothing if you use PREFIX=/new/version/test.
> unshift(@INC, '.') is normally wrong. This '.' in @INC is
> the CWD of the running process not the installdir of the script.
> I think you should do this similar like:
> use FindBin;
> use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib/site_perl";
> then your PREFIX get's automagically proper handelt.
> Perhaps I'm wrong, so please enligth me.
> Best regards and thanks again and again and ... for this
> wonderful fast and competent support!
>       Charly
> --
> Karl Gaissmaier          Computing Center,University of Ulm,Germany
> Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]          Network Administration
> Tel.: ++49 731 50-22499
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