MessageHI, i am trying to authenticate user trough ACE server and then passing to flat file for picking attributes. This works ok, but i can't get it working with callback. Here's the description of the problem i just found on the SecureID website:
Cause of this problem Normally, a NAS will cache the username and PASSCODE credentials before dialling back to the end-user. When the connection is re-made, the NAS will re-present the cached credentials for authentication. ACE/Server will reject the authentication attempt since any one PASSCODE can only be used once only. Note that authentication against a password held in the ACE/Server will work. Solution: Some NAS's can be reconfigured not to re-present the credentials for authentication. An alternative (and secure) solution to this issue is to use a toll-free number. Once the authentication is successful, the end-user will gain access immediately. This is more secure since the connection is the same one that was authenticated. If dialback were made to work without reauthentication (or using cached credentials), there is no guarantee that the new connection is to the same end point as the one that had made the call previously. I was wondering is anyone has been able to get callback working on Radiator with some Cisco 36xx as a NAS and similar configuration. Thanks ! Miro Majcen === Archive at Announcements on [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe, email '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with 'unsubscribe radiator' in the body of the message.