Hi Hugh

Here is my radius configuration:
LogDir /var/log/radius
DbDir /local/etc/radius
PidFile /var/run/radiusd.pid
SnmpgetProg /local/bin/snmpget
AuthPort 1645
AcctPort 1646
Trace 3

<client xxx>

<Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request>
RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
# You can use this to force Radiator to limit
# maximum session times to how many minutes
# are left in subaccounts.timeleft
DefaultSimultaneousUse 1
# Change DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth for your database
# See the reference manual
DBSource dbi:Sybase:server=xxx;database=xxx
DBUsername xxxx
DBAuth xxxx

# You can add to or change these if you want.
AccountingTable Calls
AcctColumnDef UserName,User-Name
AcctColumnDef CallDate,Timestamp,integer-date
AcctColumnDef AcctStatusType,Acct-Status-Type,integer
AcctColumnDef AcctDelayTime,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
AcctColumnDef AcctOutputOctets,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
AcctColumnDef AcctSessionId,Acct-Session-Id
AcctColumnDef AcctSessionTime,Acct-Session-Time,integer
AcctColumnDef AcctTerminateCause,Ascend-Disconnect-Cause,integ
# AcctColumnDef AcctTerminateCause,Acct-Terminate-Cause,integer
# AcctColumnDef NASIdentifier,NAS-Identifier
AcctColumnDef NASIdentifier,NAS-IP-Address
AcctColumnDef NASPort,NAS-Port,integer

AuthSelect ,sa.LoginLimit
AuthColumnDef 0,Simultaneous-Use,check
# Log all accounting into daily log files
AcctLogFileName /var/log/radius/log/%Y%m%d.act

RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
# If Platypus rejects the login, forward it to the old Radius server
#AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
PasswordLogFileName %L/password.log

# You can use this to force Radiator to limit
# maximum session times to how many minutes
# are left in subaccounts.timeleft
DefaultSimultaneousUse 1
# Change DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth for your database
# See the reference manual
DBSource dbi:Sybase:server=xxxx;database=xxx
DBUsername xxxxxx
DBAuth xxxxxx
AuthSelect ,sa.LoginLimit
AuthColumnDef 0,Simultaneous-Use,check

Filename %D/users
<AuthBy FILE>
Filename %D/users


The following is one example of trace 4 debug:

Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from 203.96.xx.xx port 39577 ....
Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 167
Authentic: <0><0>X<242><0><0><t<0><0>,4<0><0>B<173>
Proxy-Action = "AUTHENTICATE"
User-Name = "andy.hema"
User-Password = "<184>/<213><9>gG<19><237>4<177><232><252><250><2><23> "
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 278
Acct-Session-Id = "18159809"
USR-Interface-Index = 1534
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Chassis-Call-Slot = 2
Chassis-Call-Span = 1
Chassis-Call-Channel = 22
Calling-Station-Id = ""
Called-Station-Id = "1900"
Connect-Speed = NONE
NAS-Port-Type = Async
User-Id = "andy.hema"
NAS-Identifier = "ipw1-n1-15.ipnet.telecom.co.nz"
User-Realm = "actrix"
Proxy-State = 0

Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to andy.hema
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler Realm=twor.ac.nz should be use
d to handle this request
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Requ
est should be used to handle this request
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler should be used to handle this
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler ''
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to andy.hema
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Deleting session for andy.hema,,
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: do query is: delete from RADONLINE where NASIDE

Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthEMERALD
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthEMERALD
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select DateAdd(Day, ma.extension+ma.o
verdue, maExpireDate),
DateAdd(Day, sa.extension, saExpireDate), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType,
sa.password, sa.login, sa.shell, sa.TimeLeft ,sa.LoginLimit
from masteraccounts ma, subaccounts sa
where (sa.login = 'andy.hema' or sa.shell = 'andy.hema')
and ma.customerid = sa.customerid
and sa.active <> 0 and ma.active <> 0

Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Select results: Dec 31 2030 12:00A, Sep 05 2003
10:57P, 28523, PPP, hema23, andy.hema, , , 1
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select ra.RadAttributeID, ra.RadVendo
rID, ra.RadVendorType,
Data, Value, Type, RadCheck
from RadConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra
where ra.RadAttributeID = rc.RadAttributeID
and ra.RadVendorID = rc.RadVendorID
and ra.RadVendorType = rc.RadVendorType
and rc.AccountID=28523

Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select ra.RadAttributeID, ra.RadVendo
rID, ra.RadVendorType,
Data, Value, Type, RadCheck
from RadATConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra
where ra.RadAttributeID = rc.RadAttributeID
and ra.RadVendorID = rc.RadVendorID
and ra.RadVendorType = rc.RadVendorType
and rc.AccountType='PPP'

Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthEMERALD looks for match with andy.h
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Expiration date converted to: 1924858800
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Expiration date converted to: 1062676800
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select NASIDENTIFIER, NASPORT, ACCTSE

Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthEMERALD ACCEPT:
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Access accepted for andy.hema
Thu Sep 5 23:00:03 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to 203.96.xx.xx port 39577 ....
Code: Access-Accept
Identifier: 167
Authentic: <0><0>X<242><0><0><t<0><0>,4<0><0>B<173>
Proxy-State = 0
Proxy-Action = "AUTHENTICATE"
Idle-Timeout = 1200
Framed-IP-Netmask =
Service-Type = 2
Framed-Protocol = 1
Framed-Compression = 1

Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from 203.96.xx.xx port 39577 ....
Code: Accounting-Request
Identifier: 163
Authentic: 8<189><206>!O<131><162>*N<194><29><136><3>qP<137>
Proxy-Action = "LAS_ACCT"
User-Name = "andy.hema"
NAS-IP-Address =
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Session-Id = "18159809"
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Service-Type = Framed-User
NAS-Port-Type = Async
NAS-Port = 278
USR-Interface-Index = 1534
Chassis-Call-Slot = 2
Chassis-Call-Span = 1
Chassis-Call-Channel = 22
Unauthenticated-Time = 1
Calling-Station-Id = ""
Called-Station-Id = "1900"
Modulation-Type = v90Digital
Simplified-MNP-Levels = ccittV42
Simplified-V42bis-Usage = ccittV42bis
Connect-Speed = 48000_BPS
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-IP-Address =
User-Id = "andy.hema"
NAS-Identifier = "ipw1-n1-15.ipnet.telecom.co.nz"
User-Realm = "actrix"
Proxy-State = 0
Timestamp = 1031223164

Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to andy.hema
Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler Realm=twor.ac.nz should be use
d to handle this request
Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Requ
est should be used to handle this request
Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Request-Type = A
Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to andy.hema
Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Query is: checkcallstop 'andy.hema','192.168.8.

Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Adding session for andy.hema,, 2
Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: do query is: delete from RADONLINE where NASIDE

Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: do query is: insert into RADONLINE (USERNAME, N
SERVICETYPE) values ('andy.hema', '', 0278, '18159809', 1031223164,
'', 'Async', 'Framed-User')

Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: do query is: delete from Stopoffline where user

Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthEMERALD
Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Handling accounting with Radius::AuthEMERALD
Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: do query is: insert into Calls
(UserName, CallDate, AcctStatusType, AcctDelayTime, AcctSessionI
d, NASIdentifier, NASPort)
('andy.hema', 'Sep 5, 2002 22:52', 1, 0, '18159809', '192.168.8
.253', 278)

Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Accounting accepted
Thu Sep 5 23:00:04 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to 203.96.xx.xx port 39577 ....
Code: Accounting-Response
Identifier: 163
Authentic: 8<189><206>!O<131><162>*N<194><29><136><3>qP<137>
Proxy-State = 0
Proxy-Action = "LAS_ACCT"

Please look at the CallDate field in "insert calls" statement:
'Sep 5, 2002 22:52'------------------------has no "second" there.


At 05:51 PM 11/5/2002 +1100, Hugh Irvine wrote:

Hello Lin -

I will need to see a copy of your Radiator configuration file (no
secrets) together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening.



On Tuesday, November 5, 2002, at 10:21 AM, Huaikun Lin wrote:


I am using SQL server and radiator 3.1 radius.

In SQL server,we have a table "calls" which records the accounting

Recently,I found the data in one of the field "CallDate" (data
type:datetime) is not exactly
acurate. This data type should record data like "2002-11-05 12:05:23".
But the actual
data is something like "2002-11-05 12:05:00" which the "second" field
is alway 0.
(The year,month,day,hour,min are right.)

When I check the radius debug, I can see the "Insert" statement
doesn't include
the "second" field and make the data is not 100% acurate:

insert into Calls
(UserName,AcctStatusType,NASPort,CallDate,AcctSessionId,AcctInputOctets ,AcctSessionTime,
AcctOutputOctets) values ('test',2,541262250,'Nov 5, 2002
12:10','204301AA-3DC6C5C6',25 45013,14466,66242572)

I think the insert statement in radius script causes the inacurate.

If there is no "second" field in there,the SQL database makes it to be

Is there anywhere to fix that?

How to fix it.


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Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
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