Hello Ken -

On thinking about this a bit more, you should be able to do what you need like this (note the AuthBy RADIUS must be last):

# define AuthBy clauses

<AuthBy PAM>
        Identifier CheckPAM

        Identifier ForwardToIAS


# define Realms or Handlers

<Handler ...>
        AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
        AuthBy CheckPAM
        AuthBy ForwardToIAS

Note that the AuthBy RADIUS clause operates asynchronously, so it must be last in any list of AuthBy clauses.



On Thursday, Mar 20, 2003, at 11:11 Australia/Melbourne, Kawakubo, Ken wrote:


I would like Radiator to do the following.

When Radiator gets PEAP-EAP-CHAPv2 radius packets, Radiator proxies to IAS
on Windows 2003 server. When Radiator gets EAP-TTLS-PAP packets, Radiator
authenticate via Authby PAM using pam_smb. I have to do this setup because
we need to authenticate against NTLM. I can do NTLM authentication with
EAP-TTLS since I can use plaintext PAP, but I cannot do NTLM authentication
with PEAP-EAP-CHAPv2 since it uses encrypted passwords.

I got working both Radius proxy with PEAP-EAP-CHAPv2 and AuthBy PAM with
EAP-TTLS-PAP separately. But when I try to combine both packets together, I
am not getting it to work. Either one or the other fails authentication. I
have tried using AuthByPolicy and list both AuthBy clauses but it does not
seem to work.

I am wondering if there is a way to check radius packets beforehand and send
them to the appropriate AuthBy clause. The first request packet uses code 1
instead of 25 (PEAP) or 21 (EAP-TTLS) and it seems to make it difficult to

I appreciate any help. Thank you.

Ken Kawakubo

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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets), together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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