Hello John -

I will need to see a copy of your configuration file (no secrets) together with a complete trace 4 debug showing the entire sequence of processing including all the packet dumps.



On Friday, Apr 4, 2003, at 02:02 Australia/Melbourne, John McFadden wrote:

I'm having a small problem getting PEAP to work with OpenLDAP.

It appears my userid credentials get accepted but the anonymous user gets rejected.

Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'TunnelledByPEAP=1'
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: Deleting session for ,, 29
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2:
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 70, 61
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: Response type 26
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: INFO: Connecting to, port 389
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: INFO: Attempting to bind with , (server
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got result for uid=dasjlm,ou=People,dc=its,dc=uwo,dc=ca
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got uid: dasjlm
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got cn: John McFadden
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got objectClass: account posixAccount top shadowAccount
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got shadowMax: 99999
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got shadowWarning: 7
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got loginShell: /bin/bash
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got uidNumber: 14257
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got gidNumber: 134
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got homeDirectory: /home/dasjlm
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got gecos: John McFadden
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: LDAP got userPassword: {MD5}1Jbzp9vuY3lJ/SrbMnoaDQ==
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with dasjlm
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 ACCEPT:
Thu Apr 3 11:00:12 2003: INFO: Access rejected for anonymous: EAP MSCHAP-V2 Authentication failure

Does this mean I need to add an anonymous userid to OpenLDAP?

If so I assume it has to be an id with no password?

Any other methods to do this?

Thanks in advance.
John McFadden

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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets), together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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