Hello Michael -

If your DSL users are going to be authenticated from a different realm, then what you describe will work fine.

Otherwise you could use Handlers, or you could use Identifiers in your Client clauses and use the Client-Identifier as the PoolHint for the AuthBy DYNADDRESS.

This topic has been discussed on the mailing list, so check the archives.




On Thursday, Jun 26, 2003, at 13:50 Australia/Melbourne, Michael Bellears wrote:

Client of ours is running Radmin-1.7, Radiator 3.5 for dialup clients

They want to now also Authenticate for DSL users - NAS will be a Cisco

I have added a new Client (Via Radmin), with a NAS Type of CiscoVPDN.

Would I need to add a new realm to the config with <AuthBy RADMIN> and
also containing an <AuthBy DYNADDRESS> to allocate a different pool(To
the modem dialup users) of dynamic adddresses?

Has anyone setup something similar to the above that would like to share
there experiences?

Thanks in advance.


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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets), together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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