
I have been able to strip out the username and replace it with a new username 
for our accounting information with every type of nas other than 
portmaster's. I was wondering if anyone else had come up with a solution. I 
have read in the archives of someone with a similar issue, but not 

the way I am currently doing it is using 

StripFromReply User-Name
AddToReply User-Name="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

When doing this with a portmaster, the customer is able to connect, but no 
accounting information is sent to the accounting server.

I have above this in the realm 

StripFromRequest User-Name
AddToRequest User-Name="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 

for authentication purposes. This didn't make any changes to the accounting 
data, thus the reply modifications. As I said above, all our other nas's are 
able to authenticate and pass the new correct user-name to the accounting 

Anyway, I was hoping there was a solution to this other than logging into 
every single portmaster we have and changing where it is pointing accounting.

Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.

Michael Shoemaker
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