Hello Claudio -

Please look at my example again:

    my $p = ${$_[0]};   # original request packet
    my $rp = ${$_[1]};  # reply packet to NAS
    my $handled = $_[2]; # flag to indicate ACCEPT, REJECT or IGNORE

    # Only deal with authentication requests
    my $code = $p->code();
    return unless $code eq 'Access-Request';

    if (.....)
        $$handled = $main::IGNORE;

Note that $handled is passed as a reference to a variable, and to alter the contents of that variable you *must* use

$$handled = $main::IGNORE;



PS - I know it is not obvious, so you should have a look at the code in "Radius/Handler.pm" to see what goes on.

PPS - the easiest way to see what is going on inside hooks is to add simple "print ...." statements, then run radiusd from the command line so you can see the output:

perl radiusd -foreground -log_stdout -trace 4 -config_file .....

On Monday, Sep 29, 2003, at 12:45 Australia/Melbourne, Claudio Lapidus wrote:

Hello Hugh

For the first case, I finally decided to flag the packet with a special
value (Tiemstamp=0) and trap it in a dedicated handler, it works a charm,
but the replies...

For the second case, yes you can use a PostAuthHook and alter the reply

Hmm, I must be missing something, I modified your example to work with accounting requests, but it should have worked the same, IMHO:

$ cat discard_response.pl
     use constant THRESHOLD => 0.3;

     my $p = ${$_[0]};   # original request packet
     my $rp = ${$_[1]};  # reply packet to NAS
     my $handled = $_[2]; # flag to indicate ACCEPT, REJECT or IGNORE

     # Only deal with accounting requests
     my $code = $p->code();
     return unless $code eq 'Accounting-Request';

     my $r = rand;
     if ($r < THRESHOLD) {
         $handled = $main::IGNORE;
         &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "Response IGNORED");

and the config is

Trace           4

# this one works OK
PreClientHook   file:"/export/home/radiator/discard_request.pl"

        Secret          secret
        NasType         Cisco
        PreHandlerHook  file:"/export/home/radiator/ciscoavpair.pl"

        Identifier      TheDropper
        DefaultResult   IGNORE

<AuthBy SQL>
        Identifier      Acct-Handler
        DBSource        dbi:Pg:dbname=xxxxx
        DBUsername      yyyyy
        DBAuth          zzzzz
        FailureBackoffTime      30

        AccountingTable ACCOUNTING_CISCO
        AcctColumnDef NAS_IP_Address,NAS-IP-Address
        AcctColumnDef Cisco_NAS_Port,Cisco-NAS-Port
        # lots of column defs here...

        AcctFailedLogFileName   /var/log/radiator_%d-%m-%Y_failed.log
</AuthBy SQL>

# Temp handler for traffic test <Handler Timestamp=0> AuthBy TheDropper </Handler>

# Main handler <Handler Request-Type=Accounting-Request>

        # this is the one giving trouble...
        AuthBy                  Acct-Handler

To test, I use

$ radpwtst -iterations 1 -s -secret secret -noauth
sending Accounting-Request Start...
sending Accounting-Request Stop...

But the trace shows
Sun Sep 28 23:34:03 2003: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
Sun Sep 28 23:34:03 2003: DEBUG: Adding session for mikem,,
Sun Sep 28 23:34:03 2003: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL
Sun Sep 28 23:34:03 2003: DEBUG: Handling accounting with Radius::AuthSQL
Sun Sep 28 23:34:03 2003: DEBUG: do query is: 'insert into ACCOUNTING_CISCO
(time_stamp,NAS_Port_Type,NAS_IP_Address,Calling_Station_Id,Acct_Status _Type
,User_Name,Acct_Session_Id,Called_Station_Id,Service_Type,Acct_Delay_Ti me)
('1234567890','Async','','987654321','Start','mikem','00001 234',

Sun Sep 28 23:34:04 2003: DEBUG: Response IGNORED
Sun Sep 28 23:34:04 2003: DEBUG: Accounting accepted
Sun Sep 28 23:34:04 2003: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 33804 ....
Code:       Accounting-Response
Identifier: 108
Authentic:  <5>P<154><218><183><181><135><28>/.<140><142>77<251><250>

So the hook says it set the reply to IGNORE, but then the handler is
accepting it anyway?

NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets), together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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