Hello Brandon -

Could you please send me a trace 4 debug showing what is happening, and a bit more detail on what exactly you are wanting to have happen? I am not clear on what the TimeOfDay reply item is meant to do.



On 13/11/2003, at 7:10 AM, Brandon Lehmann wrote:

Hi List,

I cannot get the radius server to return the profile while using
the following configuration:

LogStdout   c:/radiator/stdout.txt
LogDir c:/radiator
DbDir c:/radiator.

<Client DEFAULT>
     Secret !removed for my protection!
     DupInterval 0


AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways

     <AuthBy SQL>
          Identifier ACCT1
          DBSource dbi:ODBC:!removed for my protection!
          DBUsername !removed for my protection!
          DBAuth !removed for my protection!


          AccountingTable radacct1
          AcctColumnDef UserName,User-Name
          AcctColumnDef LogDateTime,Timestamp,integer-date
          AcctColumnDef AcctStatusType,Acct-Status-Type
          AcctColumnDef AcctDelayTime,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
          AcctColumnDef AcctInputOctets,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
          AcctColumnDef AcctOutputOctets,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
          AcctColumnDef AcctInputPackets,Acct-Input-Packets,integer
          AcctColumnDef AcctOutputPackets,Acct-Output-Packets,integer
          AcctColumnDef AcctSessionTime,Acct-Session-Time,integer
          AcctColumnDef AcctTerminateCause,Acct-Terminate-Cause
          AcctColumnDef NasIPAddress,NAS-IP-Address
          AcctColumnDef NasIdentifier,NAS-Identifier
          AcctColumnDef NasPortId,NAS-Port,integer
          AcctColumnDef NasPortType,NAS-Port-Type,integer
          AcctColumnDef ConnectInfo,Connect-Info
          AcctColumnDef ServiceType,Service-Type
          AcctColumnDef FramedProtocol,Framed-Protocol
          AcctColumnDef FramedAddress,Framed-IP-Address
          AcctColumnDef CallingStationId,Calling-Station-Id

     <AuthBy SQL>
          Identifier AUTH1
          DBSource dbi:ODBC:!removed for my protection!
          DBUsername !removed for my protection!
          DBAuth  !removed for my protection!

AuthSelect select ClearTextPassword,ServiceType,SessionLimit, \
IdleLimit,StaticIP,IPNetmask,FramedRoute,PortLimit, \
PortLimit,ProfileID from Customers where CustomerID=%0 \
and Disable is null
AuthColumnDef 0,Password,check
AuthColumnDef 1,Service-Type,reply
AuthColumnDef 2,Session-Timeout,reply
AuthColumnDef 3,Idle-Timeout,reply
AuthColumnDef 4,Framed-IP-Address,reply
AuthColumnDef 5,Framed-IP-Netmask,reply
AuthColumnDef 6,Framed-Route,reply
AuthColumnDef 7,Port-Limit,reply
AuthColumnDef 8,Simultaneous-Use,check
AuthColumnDef 9,Profile,reply
<AuthBy SQL>
DBSource dbi:ODBC:!removed for my protection!
DBUsername !removed for my protection!
DBAuth !removed for my protection!

         AuthSelect      SELECT timeofday FROM profiles WHERE \
         AuthColumnDef 0,TimeOfDay,reply

         StripFromReply Profile

SessionDatabase SDB1


<SessionDatabase SQL>
     Identifier SDB1
     DBSource dbi:ODBC:!removed for my protection!
     DBUsername !removed for my protection!
     DBAuth  !removed for my protection!

If I change "AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways" to "AuthByPolicy
ContinueWhileAccept" then the server always returns "Request Denied". Any
input would be greatly appreciated. Note: I have already searched the list
archives, nothing seems to work.

Thank you,

Brandon Lehmann
Network Administrator
Great Lakes Internet Service, LLC.
The Computer Loft, Inc.
218 Justice St
Fremont, Ohio 43420

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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets), together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
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CATool: Private Certificate Authority for Unix and Unix-like systems.

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