Hi Jim,

On Fri, 28 Jan 2011, Jim wrote:
> Thanks that's was very useful.  I have done some more debugging and its 
> apparent that whenever the process dies the last thing it was doing was a SQL 
> update to a MS-SQL server.  Doing some digging and it looks like we are 
> connecting to MS-SQL via Freetds.
> Radiator connection:
>       Identifier      MSSQL-SessionDB
>       DBSource        dbi:Sybase:MSDBServerX
>       DBUsername      dbuser
>       DBAuth          dbpassword
>       Timeout         5
> /usr/local/freetds/etc/freetds.conf:
>   [MSDBServerX]
>       host = x.x.x.x
>       port = 1433
>       tds version = 7.0
> I think the FreeTDS version we have maybe to recent as its newer than the FAQ 
> recommends - although the FAQ says "As of September 2003..".  What is the 
> best way, if there is one, to connect to a Windows MS-SQL 2008 server?

I have no Idea how well maintained FreeTDS is these days. Last time I
saw it 10 years ago it had lots of issues.  I also do not know if they
have kept up with MS-SQL and it's development.

As an alternative you might want to try DBD::proxy together with DBD::OBDC on 
your Windows Server.


Christian Kratzer                      CK Software GmbH
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Web:     http://www.cksoft.de/         Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Kratzer
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