On 06/09/2011 05:37 PM, Dyonisius Visser wrote:
> Well, I installed a second instance on a dual stack host, and I tested
> various combinations:

Thanks for the summary.

> BindAddress,ipv6:2001:610:148:dead::31
>     I.e. hardcoded addresses - this works, both IPv4 and IPv6 clients work
> BindAddress ipv6:::
>    IPv4 blocked (NOTICE: Request from unknown client ignored)

This should work if you specify your client like this:

<Client ipv6:::ffff:>

Since the request arrived over IPv4 but was delivered to the application
by IPv6 wildcard socket, the IPv4 address is presented as an IPv6
address. See


section " IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Address". The purpose of this mapping
is to let the application to know was the message received over IPv6 or
IPv4 since the socket can handle both protocols.

> BindAddress
>   This is the default. IPv4 clients work. IPv6 clients DO NOT work,
> and worse, nothing is logged by radiator, no "request from unknown
> client 2001:610:blah:blah"
> BindAddress ipv6:::,
>   Startup gives some errors, and only IPv6 works:
> Thu Jun  9 16:25:54 2011: DEBUG: Finished reading configuration file
> '/etc/radiator/radius.cfg'
> Thu Jun  9 16:25:54 2011: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file
> '/etc/radiator/db/dictionary'
> Thu Jun  9 16:25:54 2011: DEBUG: Creating authentication port ipv6::::1812
> Thu Jun  9 16:25:54 2011: DEBUG: Creating accounting port ipv6::::1813
> Thu Jun  9 16:25:54 2011: DEBUG: Creating authentication port
> Thu Jun  9 16:25:54 2011: ERR: Could not bind authentication socket:
> Address already in use
> Thu Jun  9 16:25:54 2011: DEBUG: Creating accounting port
> Thu Jun  9 16:25:54 2011: ERR: Could not bind accounting socket:
> Address already in use
> Thu Jun  9 16:25:54 2011: NOTICE: Server started: Radiator 4.8 on radius
> Thu Jun  9 16:25:55 2011: NOTICE: Request from unknown client
> ignored
> BindAddress,ipv6:::
>   Also some errors, only IPv4 works, and also nothing logged when an
> IPv6 client connects:
> Thu Jun  9 16:27:42 2011: DEBUG: Finished reading configuration file
> '/etc/radiator/radius.cfg'
> Thu Jun  9 16:27:42 2011: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file
> '/etc/radiator/db/dictionary'
> Thu Jun  9 16:27:42 2011: DEBUG: Creating authentication port
> Thu Jun  9 16:27:42 2011: DEBUG: Creating accounting port
> Thu Jun  9 16:27:42 2011: DEBUG: Creating authentication port ipv6::::1812
> Thu Jun  9 16:27:42 2011: ERR: Could not bind authentication socket:
> Address already in use
> Thu Jun  9 16:27:42 2011: DEBUG: Creating accounting port ipv6::::1813
> Thu Jun  9 16:27:42 2011: ERR: Could not bind accounting socket:
> Address already in use
> Thu Jun  9 16:27:42 2011: NOTICE: Server started: Radiator 4.8 on radius
> So the only way I can radiator to accept requests from both protocols,
> is to hardcode the interface addresses.
> Would it be possible to have radiator listen to 4+6 without hard coding?
> I think that option (whatever it looks like) should be the default.
> If possible, can the behavior of the current default ('BindAddress
>') be changed so that it actually logs ignored incoming
> requests?
> I've spend quite some time figuring out what is going on, and only
> tcpdump revealed that requests are actually reaching my box.
> Thanks :-)

Heikki Vatiainen <h...@open.com.au>

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, Active Directory, EAP, TLS,
DIAMETER etc. Full source on Unix, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, VMS,
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