
On Tue, 24 Jul 2012, Hugh Irvine wrote:

> Hello James -
> This is a "how long is a piece of string" question, as almost everything 
> depends on the external resources that Radiator is using.
> In other words, Radiator performance is almost always dependent on things 
> like SQL and/or LDAP databases.

yes.  I can second that.  The backends are the bottlekneck and the first target 
for tuning.

> Radiator itself using an in-memory cache can do thousands of requests per 
> second, but real world performance with SQL tends to be more like hundred(s) 
> per second, and LDAP tends to be more like ten(s) per second.

we regularly get well over a thousand requests/s out of an openldap backend 
with radiator on regular commodity hardware on linux w
ith a use base over 1 million records.

This is of course once openldap has been properly tuned for berkeley db cache 
and openldap index cache.  Effectively most of the d
ata is in memory either in the openldap idl cache or in the berkeley db cache.

The performance we get out of radiator matches what we get with quick perl 
script using perl-ldap for the lookups.

> YMMV - note also that in a production environment you should be using things 
> like multiple Radiator hosts with load balancer(s).
> For testing you should put together a "proof of concept" development system 
> and run some tests with "Trace 4" and "LogMicroseconds" so you can see 
> exactly how long each processing step is taking.
> See the example configuration files in the "goodies" directory, and the 
> Radiator reference manual in "doc/ref.pdf".

Yes. The only meaningfull numbers will be those that one gets from benchmarking 
the specific backend with real data. Above quoting of over a thousand 
requests/s should only be seen as a first hint of whats doable.  You will get 
both significantly lower and possibly higher numbers depending on the speficic 

Christian Kratzer
CK Software GmbH

Christian Kratzer                      CK Software GmbH
Email:   c...@cksoft.de                  Wildberger Weg 24/2
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Web:     http://www.cksoft.de/         Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Kratzer
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