Here's another trace excerpt... (Attached).

Neil Johnson
Network Engineer
The University of Iowa
Phone: 319 384-0938
Fax: 319 335-2951
Mobile: 319 540-2081

On 9/17/12 11:01 AM, "Johnson, Neil M" <> wrote:

>Attached is an extract from the RADIUS log, where the user failed SSL
>We are running 4.9 with patches...
>Neil Johnson
>Network Engineer
>The University of Iowa
>Phone: 319 384-0938
>Fax: 319 335-2951
>Mobile: 319 540-2081
>On 9/14/12 3:42 PM, "Heikki Vatiainen" <> wrote:
>>On 09/14/2012 07:16 PM, Johnson, Neil M wrote:
>>> I have a wireless user who a few times a day gets asked to re-enter his
>>> credentials on his windows 7 system.  After he re-enters his
>>> he reconnects fine.  I look in the RADIUS logs and see:
>>> Mon Sep 10 17:06:58 2012 757006: ERR: EAP PEAP TLS Handshake
>>> unsuccessful:  4076: 1 - error:14094417:SSL
>>> routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert illegal parameter
>>> I don't have any more verbose logging at this time (The user is out of
>>> the office this week), but I was wondering if anyone else had seen this
>>> error message before.
>>I have seen that just a couple of times but certainly not very often.
>>Trace 4 log would be useful to see what happens during the TLS tunnel
>>There's one PEAP related fix in 4.10 patches. What you see may be
>>related to PEAP fast reconnect aka session resumption. The patch fixes
>>problems with windows clients.
>>The problem does not cause the error you are seeing so it may be related
>>to some other client. However, if you can apply the patch, it might be
>>worth trying.
>>Heikki Vatiainen <>
>>Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
>>anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
>>Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, Active Directory, EAP, TLS,
>>TTLS, PEAP, TNC, WiMAX, RSA, Vasco, Yubikey, MOTP, HOTP, TOTP,
>>DIAMETER etc. Full source on Unix, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, VMS,
>>NetWare etc.
>>radiator mailing list

Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 361960: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 43912 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 75
Authentic:  G<139><130>f<201><138><208><135>b<152><134>P<178><169><222>p
        User-Name = ""
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 6192
        Called-Station-Id = "00-90-0B-27-10-59:UI-eduroam"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-27-10-00-61-E0"
        Framed-MTU = 1250
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
        Framed-Compression = None
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT 802.11a"
        Chargeable-User-Identity = ""
        EAP-Message = <2><1><0><22><1>
        Message-Authenticator = 

Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 362615: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
'Client-Identifier=fromUIOWA, Called-Station-Id=/eduroam$/i, 
Realm=/(uiowa\.edu$)/i ', Identifier ''
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 362962: DEBUG: PreProcessing Hook: called.
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 363347: DEBUG:  Deleting session for,, 6192
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 363677: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLSA: 
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 364088: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 1, 22, 1
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 364408: DEBUG: Response type 1
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 364833: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 365166: DEBUG: AuthBy LSA result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP 
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 365501: DEBUG: Access challenged for EAP PEAP Challenge
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 365858: DEBUG: PostProcessing Hook: called.
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 366572: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 43912 ....
Code:       Access-Challenge
Identifier: 75
Authentic:  >w<241><31>6<135><166><211><237><189><204><241><177>v<230><206>
        EAP-Message = <1><2><0><6><25> 
        Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>

Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 415633: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 43912 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 79
Authentic:  <15><130><16><29>v<30>K<141><15><168>)|<207><208>XD
        User-Name = ""
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 6192
        Called-Station-Id = "00-90-0B-27-10-59:UI-eduroam"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-27-10-00-61-E0"
        Framed-MTU = 1250
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
        Framed-Compression = None
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT 802.11a"
        Chargeable-User-Identity = ""
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 

Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 416306: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
'Client-Identifier=fromUIOWA, Called-Station-Id=/eduroam$/i, 
Realm=/(uiowa\.edu$)/i ', Identifier ''
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 416663: DEBUG: PreProcessing Hook: called.
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 417062: DEBUG:  Deleting session for,, 6192
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 417401: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLSA: 
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 417818: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 2, 105, 25
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 418153: DEBUG: Response type 25
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 418740: DEBUG: EAP TLS SSL_accept result: -1, 2, 8576
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 419189: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 419509: DEBUG: AuthBy LSA result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP 
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 419844: DEBUG: Access challenged for EAP PEAP Challenge
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 420205: DEBUG: PostProcessing Hook: called.
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 422210: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 43912 ....
Code:       Access-Challenge
Identifier: 79
Authentic:  <221><146><208><144><172>H<244>pi<206>c<198>"uO<252>
        EAP-Message = 
 Server CA0<30><23><13>110603000000Z<23><13>
        EAP-Message = 
 City1<25>0<23><6><3>U<4><9><19><16>416-3 North 
Hall1<31>0<29><6><3>U<4><9><19><22>The University of 
Iowa1301<6><3>U<4><9><19>*ITS Telecommunication and Network 
Services1<27>0<25><6><3>U<4><10><19><18>University of 
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 457461: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 43912 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 82
Authentic:  /<29>gM=<167>l<7>:3<141>6<237><173>z,
        User-Name = ""
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 6192
        Called-Station-Id = "00-90-0B-27-10-59:UI-eduroam"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-27-10-00-61-E0"
        Framed-MTU = 1250
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
        Framed-Compression = None
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT 802.11a"
        Chargeable-User-Identity = ""
        EAP-Message = <2><3><0><6><25><0>
        Message-Authenticator = 

Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 458114: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
'Client-Identifier=fromUIOWA, Called-Station-Id=/eduroam$/i, 
Realm=/(uiowa\.edu$)/i ', Identifier ''
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 458460: DEBUG: PreProcessing Hook: called.
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 458899: DEBUG:  Deleting session for,, 6192
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 459229: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLSA: 
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 459637: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 3, 6, 25
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 459956: DEBUG: Response type 25
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 460416: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP Challenge
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 460737: DEBUG: AuthBy LSA result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP 
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 461070: DEBUG: Access challenged for EAP PEAP Challenge
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 461431: DEBUG: PostProcessing Hook: called.
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 463535: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 43912 ....
Code:       Access-Challenge
Identifier: 82
Authentic:  <253>j<154><169>[<150><254><196><240><246><160>e<152><184>K<219>
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
 AB1&0$<6><3>U<4><11><19><29>AddTrust External TTP Network1"0 
<6><3>U<4><3><19><25>AddTrust External CA 
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
 <4><10>0<8>0<6><6><4>U<29> <0>0D<6><3>U
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0>
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 523334: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 43912 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 86
Authentic:  <164><251>%<152>v<2><25><149><228><173><243><175><8><8><223><254>
        User-Name = ""
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 6192
        Called-Station-Id = "00-90-0B-27-10-59:UI-eduroam"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-27-10-00-61-E0"
        Framed-MTU = 1250
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
        Framed-Compression = None
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT 802.11a"
        Chargeable-User-Identity = ""
        EAP-Message = <2><4><0><17><25><128><0><0><0><7><21><3><1><0><2><2>/
        Message-Authenticator = 

Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 523992: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
'Client-Identifier=fromUIOWA, Called-Station-Id=/eduroam$/i, 
Realm=/(uiowa\.edu$)/i ', Identifier ''
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 524338: DEBUG: PreProcessing Hook: called.
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 524724: DEBUG:  Deleting session for,, 6192
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 525053: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLSA: 
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 525461: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 4, 17, 25
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 525781: DEBUG: Response type 25
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 526144: DEBUG: EAP TLS SSL_accept result: 0, 1, 8576
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 526508: ERR: EAP PEAP TLS Handshake unsuccessful:  
2196: 1 - error:14094417:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert illegal 

Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 526821: DEBUG: EAP result: 1, EAP PEAP TLS Handshake 
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 527138: DEBUG: AuthBy LSA result: REJECT, EAP PEAP TLS 
Handshake unsuccessful
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 527471: INFO: Access rejected for 
EAP PEAP TLS Handshake unsuccessful
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 528242: DEBUG: PostProcessing Hook: called.
Mon Sep 17 10:48:02 2012 528743: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 43912 ....
Code:       Access-Reject
Identifier: 86
Authentic:  \<187> <7>6[(m<13><21><19><208>O<20>&<190>
        Reply-Message = "Request Denied"
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