On 12/20/2012 02:58 PM, Ricardo Martinez wrote:

> I ran Radiator as you mention
> ./radiusd -config_file radius_siptrunk_edge.cfg -foreground -log_stdout
> The process crashed again,  unfortunately the only error is a "killed"
> message in the console :

See dmesg command and log messages in /var/log log files. See if you can
find anything related to OOM (out of memory) that corresponds to the
moment radiusd gets 'Killed'.

Then see which version of DBD::Oracle you have and see if it has a
connection timeout related memory leak which was fixed in 1.28. I have
seen increased memory use happen on some cases when there are connection

Please let us know how it goes.


> Thu Dec 20 01:05:12 2012 450537: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from XX.XX.XX.130 port 43744 ....
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 128
> Authentic:  <143><163><137><253><163><148>)<239><253><182><203><226>E`0w
> Attributes:
>         User-Name = "XX.XX.XX.68"
>         User-Password = <234>CK<252>
> <137><176><159>b<210><142>1<162><148><201><17>
>         Calling-Station-Id = "18017269888"
>         Called-Station-Id = "1820#0056322935804"
>         cisco-h323-conf-id = "h323-conf-id=76AF9ED4 D481907D EB98F4DD
> A3B81088"
>         cisco-avpair =
> "call-id=37994417-3564965111-273...@argentina-1.latinode.com"
>         cisco-h323-remote-address = "h323-remote-address=XX.XX.XX.68"
>         cisco-avpair = "h323-session-protocol=sipv2"
>         NAS-Port = 5060
>         NAS-IP-Address = XX.XX.XX.130
> Thu Dec 20 01:05:12 2012 452269: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
> 'Request-Type = Access-Request, NAS-IP-Address=XX.XX.XX.130', Identifier
> ''
> Thu Dec 20 01:05:12 2012 452994: DEBUG:  Deleting session for
>, XX.XX.XX.130, 5060
> Thu Dec 20 01:05:12 2012 453982: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthGROUP:
> Thu Dec 20 01:05:12 2012 454762: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
> Thu Dec 20 01:05:12 2012 455498: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
> Thu Dec 20 01:05:12 2012 457500: DEBUG: Query is: 'select
> 'Routing:'||radiator.reemplazadominio(radiator.traduce('sip:'||a.numero||'
> @sip1.hola.net',
> 'sip:'||substr('1820#0056322935804',nvl(length(b.adm_info),0)+1)),b.termin
> al_alias)|| ';cli='||a.numero || fg. glbl_pkg.dejanumeros('18017269888')
> || ';cnam='||'18017269888'||
> ';rid=-1;expires=45;np_expires=15;maxcc='||b.canales from
> fg.fc_mayo_numero a,fg.fc_mayo_gateway b, fg.fc_mayo_gateway_ip c where
> a.gate_cod=c.gate_cod and b.gate_cod=a.gate_cod and c.ip=XX.XX.XX.68' and
> a.orden=1 and b.mayo_esta_cod=1 and b.voiss_esta_cod=1 and
> c.tipo_servicio=1':
> Thu Dec 20 01:05:14 2012 458533: ERR: Execute failed for 'select
> 'Routing:'||radiator.reemplazadominio(radiator.traduce('sip:'||a.numero||'
> @sip1.hola.net',
> 'sip:'||substr('1820#0056322935804',nvl(length(b.adm_info),0)+1)),b.termin
> al_alias)|| ';cli='||a.numero || fg. glbl_pkg.dejanumeros('18017269888')
> || ';cnam='||'18017269888'||
> ';rid=-1;expires=45;np_expires=15;maxcc='||b.canales from
> fg.fc_mayo_numero a,fg.fc_mayo_gateway b, fg.fc_mayo_gateway_ip c where
> a.gate_cod=c.gate_cod and b.gate_cod=a.gate_cod and c.ip='XX.XX.XX.68' and
> a.orden=1 and b.mayo_esta_cod=1 and b.voiss_esta_cod=1 and
> c.tipo_servicio=1': SQL Timeout
> Killed
> I think this one is difficult to track.  Is there anything more that I
> could do ?
> Regards,
> Ricardo Martinez.-
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: radiator-boun...@open.com.au [mailto:radiator-boun...@open.com.au] En
> nombre de Heikki Vatiainen
> Enviado el: lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012 19:11
> Para: radiator@open.com.au
> Asunto: Re: [RADIATOR] Radiator Crash. SQL Timeout.
> On 12/17/2012 04:34 PM, Ricardo Martinez wrote:
>> We're experiencing several crashes of our Radius service and we don't
>> have any clue why this could be happening.
> Could you try running radiusd with -foreground and -log_stdout options
> instead of starting it the normal way?
> There are very likely messages from the libraries Radiator uses which show
> up only in STDERR or STDOUT streams. These messages can not be logged by
> radiusd, but they should show up on the console.
> When it crashes, please see if there are any other messages than what
> radiusd normally logs.
> Thanks,
> Heikki
>> We're using an AuthBY SQL against an ORACLE database.  We have 5 to 6
>> more instances running in the same server without any problem, but two
>> of them are crashing once a day. This is part of the configuration file
> :
>> LogStdout
>> DbDir           /usr/src/Radiator-4.9
>> LogDir          /var/log/radiator
>> DictionaryFile  %D/dictionary,%D/dictionary.sip,%D/dictionary.kamailio
>> AuthPort 1654
>> AcctPort
>> BindAddress XX.XX.XX.XX
>> # This will log at DEBUG level: very verbose
>> # User a lower trace level in production systems, typically use 3
>> Trace  3
>> LogMicroseconds
>> <Handler Request-Type = Access-Request, NAS-IP-Address=XX.XX.XX.130>
>>         # Look up user details via SQL
>>         <AuthBy GROUP>
>>             AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
>>             <AuthBy SQL>
>>                 DBSource        dbi:Oracle:xxxxx
>>                 DBUsername      raxxxxxx
>>                 DBAuth          radxxxx
>>                 Timeout         2
>>                 FailureBackoffTime      60
>>                 SQLRetries      1
>>                 NoDefault
>>                 #Incluye Info de Anexo en CLI
>>                 AuthSelect select
>> 'Routing:'||radiator.reemplazadominio(radiator.traduce('sip:'||a.numer
>> o||'@sip1.hola.net
>> <http://sip1.hola.net>', \
>> 'sip:'||substr('%{Called-Station-Id}',nvl(length(b.adm_info),0)+1)),b.
>> terminal_alias)||
>> \
>>                 ';cli='||a.numero || fg.
>> glbl_pkg.dejanumeros('%{Calling-Station-Id}') ||
>> ';cnam='||'%{Calling-Station-Id}'|| \
>>                 ';rid=-1;expires=45;np_expires=15;maxcc='||b.canales
>> from fg.fc_mayo_numero a,fg.fc_mayo_gateway b, \
>>                 fg.fc_mayo_gateway_ip c where a.gate_cod=c.gate_cod
>> and b.gate_cod=a.gate_cod and c.ip='%{User-Name}' and \
>>                 a.orden=1 and b.mayo_esta_cod=1 and b.voiss_esta_cod=1
>> and c.tipo_servicio=1
>>                 AuthColumnDef 0, h323-ivr-in, reply
>>             </AuthBy>
>>             <AuthBy SQL>
>>                 DBSource        dbi:Oracle:xxxxx
>>                 DBUsername      raxxxxxx
>>                 DBAuth          radxxxx
>>                 Timeout         2
>>                 FailureBackoffTime      60
>>                 SQLRetries      1
>>                 NoDefault
>>                 AuthSelect select
>> 'Routing:'||radiator.reemplazadominio(radiator.traduce('sip:'||a.numer
>> o||'@sip2.hola.net
>> <http://sip2.hola.net>', \
>> 'sip:'||substr('%{Called-Station-Id}',nvl(length(b.adm_info),0)+1)),b.
>> ras_address)||
>> \
>>                 ';cli='||a.numero|| fg.
>> glbl_pkg.dejanumeros('%{Calling-Station-Id}')|| \
>> ';cnam='||'%{Calling-Station-Id}'||';rid=-1;expires=45;np_expires=15;m
>> axcc='||b.puertas from fg.fc_gateway_numero a,fg.fc_gateway \
>>                 b,fg.fc_gateway_ip c where a.gate_cod=c.gate_cod and
>> b.gate_cod=a.gate_cod and c.ip='%{User-Name}'  \
>>                 and b.admin_esta_cod=1 and a.orden=1 and
>> c.tipo_servicio=1
>>                 AuthColumnDef 0, h323-ivr-in, reply
>>             </AuthBy>
>>              <AuthBy INTERNAL>
>>                     DefaultResult REJECT
>>           </AuthBy>
>> </AuthBy>
>>        PostAuthHook file:"%D/SCRIPT_POSTAUTHHOOK"
>> </Handler>
>> This is the debug before the crash :
>> Sun Dec 16 14:03:22 2012 764008: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthGROUP:
>> Sun Dec 16 14:03:22 2012 764431: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
>> Sun Dec 16 14:03:22 2012 764774: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
>> Sun Dec 16 14:03:22 2012 765795: DEBUG: Query is: 'select
> 'Routing:'||radiator.reemplazadominio(radiator.traduce('sip:'||a.numero||'
>> @sip1.hola.net <http://sipmy.redvoiss.net>',
>> 'sip:'||substr('1795#005625383191',nvl(length(b.adm_info),0)+1)),b.ter
>> minal_alias)||
>> ';cli='||a.numero || fg.
>> glbl_pkg.dejanumeros('14802321589') || ';cnam='||'14802321589'||
>> ';rid=-1;expires=45;np_expires=15;maxcc='||b.canales from fg.fc_may
>> o_numero a,fg.fc_mayo_gateway b, fg.fc_mayo_gateway_ip c where
>> a.gate_cod=c.gate_cod and b.gate_cod=a.gate_cod and c.ip='66.165.170.
>> 214' and a.orden=1 and b.mayo_esta_cod=1 and b.voiss_esta_cod=1 and
>> c.tipo_servicio=1':
>> Sun Dec 16 14:03:24 2012 766859: ERR: Execute failed for 'select
>> 'Routing:'||radiator.reemplazadominio(radiator.traduce('sip:'||a.nu
>> <http://a.nu>
>> mero||'@sip1.hola.net <http://sipmy.redvoiss.net>',
>> 'sip:'||substr('1795#005625383191',nvl(length(b.adm_info),0)+1)),b.ter
>> minal_alias)||
>> ';cli='||a.numero
>> || fg. glbl_pkg.dejanumeros('14802321589') ||
>> || ';cnam='||'14802321589'||
>> ';rid=-1;expires=45;np_expires=15;maxcc='||b.canales from fg
>> .fc_mayo_numero a,fg.fc_mayo_gateway b, fg.fc_mayo_gateway_ip c where
>> a.gate_cod=c.gate_cod and b.gate_cod=a.gate_cod and c.ip='66.1
>> 65.170.214' and a.orden=1 and b.mayo_esta_cod=1 and b.voiss_esta_cod=1
>> and c.tipo_servicio=1': SQL Timeout
>> And then the service crashes.
>> Could be a problem with the Select?, or maybe a bug for the Timeout?.
>> I have made the same configuration file in a lab enviroment, without
>> the "select" and if the database give me SQL Timeout it goes to the
>> Next Policy without any problem.
>> Radius Version : 4.9
>> Perl : perl5 (revision 5 version 10 subversion 1)
>> OS : CentOS 6.0
>> Kernel :  2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64
>> Hope someone could help me here.
>> Regards,
>> Ricardo Martinez.-
>> _______________________________________________
>> radiator mailing list
>> radiator@open.com.au
>> http://www.open.com.au/mailman/listinfo/radiator
> --
> Heikki Vatiainen <h...@open.com.au>
> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
> anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
> Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, Active Directory, EAP, TLS,
> etc. Full source on Unix, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, VMS, NetWare etc.
> _______________________________________________
> radiator mailing list
> radiator@open.com.au
> http://www.open.com.au/mailman/listinfo/radiator

Heikki Vatiainen <h...@open.com.au>

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, Active Directory, EAP, TLS,
DIAMETER etc. Full source on Unix, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, VMS,
NetWare etc.
radiator mailing list

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