4 radius servers. identical config.  the last in the list is not used as much.  lower usage seems to mean lower memory usage.

since May 7, up to 22% memory usage.  restarting it, drops down to 4%.  It will sit there for a while and slowly creep up over a couple months.
-apr25 16.1%, 2.7 after restart
-may7 18.4%, 4.7 after restart
-may17 8.5%, 3.0 after restart

root@:/l# ps u |grep radiusd
root      9404  4.6 22.1 263120 112584 pts/0   S    May07 2859:09 /usr/bin/perl radiusd
root@:/# radiator stop
Shutting down Radiator:
root@:/# radiator start
Starting Radiator:
root@:/var/lib/mysql# ps u |grep radiusd
root      3490  2.5  4.1  91124 21224 pts/0    S    11:20   0:00 /usr/bin/perl radiusd
root@:/# ps u |grep radiusd
root     25157  2.5 16.1 274228 123864 pts/3   S    Apr25 1994:48 /usr/bin/perl radiusd
root@:/# radiator stop
Shutting down Radiator:
root@:/# radiator start
Starting Radiator:
root@:/# ps u |grep radiusd
root     21310  6.0  2.7  92972 20744 pts/0    S    11:24   0:00 /usr/bin/perl radiusd
root@:# ps u |grep radiusd
root     20050  2.1 18.4 242708 93992 pts/1    S    May07 1354:18 /usr/bin/perl radiusd
root@:# radiator stop
Shutting down Radiator:
root@:# radiator start
Starting Radiator:
root@:# ps u |grep radiusd
root      3133  5.1  4.7  93896 24116 pts/1    S    11:27   0:00 /usr/bin/perl radiusd
root@:# ps u |grep radiusd
root     14703  0.6  8.5 211892 65432 pts/0    S    May17 306:39 /usr/bin/perl radiusd
root@:# radiator stop
Shutting down Radiator:
root@:# radiator start
Starting Radiator:
root     22218  0.7  3.0  93524 23488 pts/0    S    11:30   0:00 /usr/bin/perl radiusd

On 19/06/13 11:10 AM, Michael wrote:
I have this problem too.  Radiator slowly consumes more and more memory as the weeks go by.  Restarting it brings it back down.  I have asked this question to, but also got the same answers you did.  Not a radiator problem.

On 19/06/13 05:04 AM, Kurt Bauer wrote:

since upgrading one of our radius-servers to Debain 7 (Wheezy) we expierence serious memory problems, namely Radiator eating up all the available memory over time (see attached graph). We have a few Radiator installations running and the ones on Debian Squeeze behave fine.
Radiator 4.11 plus latest patches
Perl v5.14.2 (as packaged in Wheezy)

Any similar experiences or hints why this could be? Restarting Radiator every few days rectifies the situation but is not the way we want to run the service ;-)

Thanks for your help,
best regards,

Kurt Bauer <kurt.ba...@univie.ac.at>
Vienna University Computer Center - ACOnet - VIX
Universitaetsstrasse 7, A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe
Tel: ++43 1 4277 - 14070 (Fax: - 814070)  KB1970-RIPE

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