War of Ideas against Islam    
Chapter  # 8
Leftism as a Religion
As religions go, the religion of the contemporary Left is an unholy  mess.
But it is a necessary mess because it is a religion and no-one can  live 
without one.
To cite Robert Wright again, "religions, and certainly "primitive"
religions, are like newspapers. In every hunter-gatherer society, 
religion is devoted largely to explaining why bad things happen 
and why good things happen—illness, recovery; famine,  abundance; 
and so on."  Through selective reporting religions tell people  how
to raise the probabilities of getting more good things out of life
and less bad things.

All of which has worked reasonably well ever since the dawn of  religion,
certainly since the origins of civilization with its religions of  5000 
years ago.
All of which is now under relentless attack by the "enlightened" Left
which seeks to destroy all traditional faiths except the most authoritarian 
and repressive religion ever conceived,  Islam.
Not that voters aligned with the working class, long the backbone of  the
Democratic Party, necessarily are aware of these developments. This is  to
speak of people for whom a college campus is the equivalent of a
foreign country, of no special interest because it does not concern  them
nor concern the people they know as friends or co-workers, who also
have no relationships to universities of any description.
And, so, the leadership class of the party marches on, people who  
are familiar with the world of higher education and which they  identify 
That world is also the source of most of their ideas and values. This is  
whether or not working class Democrats have knowledge of any such  thing.
What have they been missing? Todd Gitlin's book remains relevant  today
despite the passage of time. A few examples-
*  Professors who are liberals themselves discovering that they are  not 
liberal enough and because they do not follow the latest party line  
find themselves branded racists even if their record is unambiguous to 
the effect that they have consistently stood up for Civil Rights over many 
years.  It isn't just racism that a teacher may be accused of, there  are 
kinds of "unbalanced, ungenerous, sometimes downright bizarre accusations." 
Faculty who are subject matter specialists not all that interested in the  
political dialectics may try to stand their ground using rational and fact  
arguments but all that shows, so say modern students who have  internalized 
Foucault's "power determines accepted truth" axioms, is that the professor 
is a slave to concepts that serve the interests of white elites. (page  16)
*  Its the many against the few even if this is only to speak about a  
number of minority groups vs. just one white majority. "There are 
no impediments to the demonization of white Left-liberals, males 
in particular." Any allegations will do if it has the support of the Black 
Students Union,  La Raza, Native Americans on the warpath, Muslims 
from Asia, and so forth. Indeed, amidst all the rhetoric there is "flagrant 
disregard for truth." There is opposition to any and all traditions 
said not to represent the interests of people of color.(page 34)
*  Rejection of any sense of "common dreams" which all Americans
can agree upon. What this is all about is vacuous universalism in  which
every marginal group has equal status with even the largest and most
powerful groups, in which majorities are repudiated on principle.
The only "truth" is secular and cosmopolitan, not in a classy sense
but along the lines of the lowest common denominator in which there
can be no arguments about which cultures are best, not good at all,
or some kind of mix, instead they all are equal. A screed by a peasant 
in Guatemala that has little or no relevance to anyone outside of  Central
America except dedicated Leftists is every bit as good as Shakespeare
or Ernest Hemingway (page 86).
*  Marxism is dead, long live Cultural Marxism. For the uninitiated,  
Marxism was all about socio-economic classes and the struggle for
economic justice. All of that went by the boards in the late 1960s,
well into the 1980s, when the erstwhile proletariat rejected the political  
en bloc and voted for Nixon and then, after a brief   hiatus, Ronald Reagan.
Instead, the Left turned to identity politics and the creation of a  
of population groups that had little in common except the desire to  indulge
in special pleading on behalf of themselves. The economics based  politics
of the past  -even though there are holdouts like Bernie  Sanders-  is 
much obsolete. In its place the new political normal is all about race,  
and sexuality. Including, now, something new, grown men who have  their
pee-pee pots chopped off because they want to pretend to be women
and wear dresses. Objective discussion of any of this is impossible  on
many college campuses, especially elite schools. In its place there  is
a new standard of 'excellence.' the valorization of subjectivity.'(page  
*  Truth is all about liberating the unfortunate from their  oppressors.
It is also all about redefining social deviance as an alternative  form
of normality. The task is to work for the advancement of the  oppressed
and scorn every vestige of  white advantage in favor of uplifting  everyone
else. Gitln calls this a pathological "rivalry for the crown of thorns."  
(page 124).
*  Black is beautiful, African-Americans are never guilty of any  crime,
the system is rigged against them, they have "soul" and no-one else
has any such thing, etc. The goal is elevating negritude above all  other 
of values, all of this expedited by junking all previous moral values (page 
*  The conventional family of mother, father, and biological offspring  who
live at home until early adulthood is evil.  Make way for the  matriarchy
led by female homosexuals   -butches who look like sewer dwellers  and
who often are grossly fat, along with fems who look like they stepped  out
of a fashion magazine from the 1950s. Sexuality is whatever you  choose
for yourself on any grounds that appeal to you for any reason,  except,
that is, normal heterosexuality (page 142)
Obviously Gitlin over dramatized things. But he did so out of anguish  for
the lost Left of his experience as a youthful adult. That Left, the sane  
is a memory in retreat everywhere. Worse, college values have been  seeping
into Popular Culture all over the map. Which was to be  expected; this is to
discuss university graduates who become teachers, political figures,  
TV producers, NGO executives, book authors, environmentalists,  lawyers,
founders of computer start-up companies, social workers, film writers, 
and still more occupations.

To bring Gitlin up to date we can cite a Brandon Showalter article in  the
May 31, 2017 edition of the Christian Post. Showalter has  written
extensively on related issues and this one is also quite  trenchant:
"Fareed Zakaria says intolerant liberals are silencing  conservatives."
This is in reference to the CNN program,  Fareed Zakaria GPS,
during which Zakaria, a registered Left-winger, "highlighted several 
episodes in the past few months where liberal campus "thought police" 
have shown themselves the intolerant people they purport to  loathe."
To quote  Fareed:
"American universities seem committed  to every kind of diversity
except intellectual diversity.  Conservative voices and views are
being silenced entirely."
Indeed, although anti-intellectualism  has long been associated with the
political Right it now is also a  Left-wing phenomenon  -to the dismay
of many liberals themselves; this is not what they signed  up for.
Who needs "an attitude of  self-righteousness that says we are so pure, 
so morally superior, we cannot bear to hear an idea with which we  
Yet this has become, certainly at many elite universities, the new  normal.
Hence examples of 'liberal' intolerance as when Vice President  Pence spoke
at Notre Dame University, when Education secretary Betsy De Vos 
spoke at Bethune-Cookman University,  when Ann Coulter tried to 
speak at UC Berkeley, and most notoriously at Middleburry College 
in Vermont when a guest speaker, scholar Charles Murray, was verbally 
abused and threatened and a faculty member escorting Murray  around 
campus was physically attacked and injured. Some 67 students either 
were sanctioned or put on probation over the incident. Probably a
dozen or so deserved to be arrested and jailed but things never
got that far.
As Jody Bottum, a contributing editor to the Weekly Standard had  said,
the Left claims to possess "the moral authority once held by the  mainline
liberal consensus" but what we get are "banned speakers," "censored 
heresies," and such tactics as use of "shunning" (a commonplace  punishment
among Jehovah's Witnesses for those on the outs with the group)  to 
anyone who dissents from Leftist orthodoxy, and ceaseless smears  against
anybody who has a semblance of traditional morality as someone who
espouses "toxic masculinity," or other  such grievous sins.


Another Showalter article in the Christian Post, this for April 3,  2017,
took the theme further. "Is Leftism now a religion?" observed that
Jonathan Haidt has pointed out that Left wing behaviors have the marks 
of a religious faith. This was explained in some detail in an essay
by Bari Weis, associate book review  editor for the Wall Street Journal,
who said  that:
"Universities have undergone a transformation" from 'citadel of  learning.'
to a situation "where white privilege has replaced original  sin, 
the transgressions of class and race and gender are confessed 
not to priests but to 'the community,' victim groups [especially  blacks]
are worshipped like gods and the sinned-against are supplicated
with 'safe spaces' and 'trigger warnings...'  "


Please don't get me wrong. None of this says that extremes of the
Religious Right are in any way justifiable. Ross Douthat has made the
comment that we can live without the  "paranoia, crankishness, and 
all the other pathologies of the religious ghetto"  -if only this was  
And the problem can be all-too-real.
For example, for all the good that Evangelicals can do, which is  
and in the form of  rescue missions that provide food and shelter for  the
homeless, foreign aid programs that make health resources available
in remote parts of Africa, and much else, there is a peculiar  mentality
that exists in many places which penalizes people for seeking to  learn
the lessons of basic science, like a movement in Texas that seeks to
abolish use of geological science to locate new oil fields. Not that
oilmen are buying into this particular form of irrationality;  geology,
based on the view that understanding millions of years of  environmental
evolution can pinpoint likely locations of petroleum fields. Which  happens
to work very well, indeed. But this denies, prima facie, any  thought of
literal Genesis-style creation, hence a small number of religious  believers
want oil companies to jettison scientific geology.
This ties in with a self-evident fact, to wit, that "young earth  
demands ignorance of  geology, paleontology, and even  archaeology
in some cases. Not to mention evolutionary biology, and environmental 
science, viz., the workings of ecology. 
That is, all of these sciences must be regarded as false for any kind 
of six day creation to be taken seriously. Which is precisely what a  
category of Christian believer is prepared to do in order to maintain that  
first chapters of Genesis are something other than allegory, as many Church 
Fathers said it was. Which, you don't need to guess, people with scientific 
 background regard as a bad joke by way of beliefs -with some  
for physics and chemistry since those sciences aren't all that relevant to 
the issue of geohistory, aka, historical geology.
Who would want to pin their "faith" on ignorance of science?
The answer, besides various Evangelicals, is that all strict Orthodox  Jews
have this opinion. But so do true-believer Muslims, who also are  
Leftists aren't in the least bashful about deriding Christians who take  
mythology literally but when it is pointed out that Muslims, allies of the  
also are creationists, well, lips are sealed, mum's the word, 
better to keep it quiet.
Just as the Left is silent about gender feminists who disdain  sociobiology
and evolutionary psychology, each of which epitomize scientific  evolution.
But this is an aside.
Not only this, but in rejecting the sciences that support historical  
the burden of proof is on Evangelicals. They need to disprove the  validity
of these sciences. At most, and even this much is highly debatable,  
have identified a small number of anomalies, facts with no current  good
explanations. But nothing  -nothing at all-  has called into  question the 
principles of these sciences, which proceed as before,  making  more
discoveries, adding to the sum of human knowledge.
Meanwhile, and another unmet burden of proof that Evangelicals have  failed
miserably at, where are the predictions that can be made starting  with
the theory that the world came into existence in six days at God's  command?
Where is there one shred of empirical evidence that supports any such  
There isn't any. Yet Evangelicals also carry on as before, basing  
on unsubstantiated belief, and nothing but belief.
How does that make good sense?
In other words, there are plenty of criticisms to make of people who  follow
traditional Western religious faiths. This is anything but an  unqualified 
of normative Christianity or Judaism, and certainly not of Islam. But the  
remains that the Left deserves to be humiliated for its blatant  disregard
of the truth.  Leftism, itself, is a form of non-rational  religion.
Traditional religious faiths have a virtue, however, not found on the  Left,
namely, that Christianity and Judaism, by and large, have fully  functional
and socially valuable systems of morality. The Left advocates a type  of
morality that is socially dysfunctional, socially disruptive, and 
psychologically damaging to everyone involved.
What you won't find in any religion, for that matter in most  philosophies
of life, is a completely rational system of thought. That is not how  
function. Religions are systems for organizing disparate beliefs and  values
in a coherent manner that makes sense to people even when not
everything can pass basic truth tests. Its the "package that counts,"
something that can hold a society together for the common good,
not whether each and every proposition that is part of a religion
is true and beyond argument. We need to live with a certain number
of imperfections in any religion you can name.
To quote Wright a final time, "it makes sense that human brains
would naturally seize on strange, surprising things, since the
predictable things have already been absorbed into the
expectations that guide them through the world; news of 
the strange and surprising may signal that some amendment 
of our expectations is warranted. But one property of strange
surprising claims is that they’re often untrue. So if they get
preferred access to our brains, that gives falsehood a kind of 
advantage  -if a fleeting advantage-  over  truth."

After all, not only is there a biological propensity to be religious,
to have some kind of religion,  religion itself is partly a  product of
evolution. Hence the observation that each part of the human brain
is the locus of particular religious attributes. According to Paul 
Mac Lean, the reptilian brain, the genetically oldest part of our
gray matter, found toward the back of the head, not only is where 
our sex drives have their origin,  it  is also where religious  feelings
with sexual overtones have their source. The limbic system is where
"collective religious belief" has its  origin, namely the emotions of
"love, fear, and gregariousness."  Collective religion is group focused,
it is all about what our spiritual  community asks of us. This is where
social sanctions and conditioning takes  place. Individual religion,
customized faith as it were, is a function  of the neo-cortex, that last
part of the brain to evolve.
Not that this is a settled issue but there  is general agreement that
something along these lines must explain  the different character 
of our religious sentiments. And it also  seems to go a long way
to explaining why religious mythologies  tend to be cobbled
together affairs, much that remains  inconsistent no matter what
efforts theologians make to create a  coherent system of beliefs.
It also tells us that, as Barbara King has  observed, human spirituality
is at least partly founded on primate  characteristics. No, apes and
monkeys do not have religions, but they do  have a set of  traits
that are a necessary precondition for  religion: Elevated intelligence, 
a capacity for _communication_ 
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_communication)  through use of symbols, 
of the value of  social norms, awareness of a 'self,' and a 
"concept  of continuity"  -viz, memory expanded to include
something like a sense of  history.

Of course Leftism is a religion. Leftists don't have a formal  religion,
or most do not, like the 20% of the population that are identified
as "nones." At most they have some kind of membership in a 'liberal'  
But Ross Douthat's view is that the mainstream denominations by and  large
are less religions than they are political associations with mystical  
As Douthat put it in his 2012 book,  Bad Religion, the  liberal churches
were terribly compromised by the widespread perception,  often based  on
experience, that what these churches had become were fronts for
political causes that are all associated with the Democratic Party.
Not that there was a stampede into the liberal churches; the opposite
happened and is still happening: A rush to the exits.  Every mainstream
denomination has been in steep membership decline since about 1970
and the pace of defections has been increasing. The only exception
to this rule concerns the American Baptist Church (formerly  "Convention"),
but of all the mainstream organizations the northern Baptists are the
least liberal and the most traditional.
Yes, there are exceptions in a few places, but generally the attitude on  
Left is: Why bother joining a church, especially since  Leftist doctrine
has it that religion is an evil? Or why bother maintaining one's  
All of which is made more appealing by virtue of the fact that Leftism  
fulfills the functions of religion. It is "where the action is," the  
liberal churches
are merely leftovers from a previous time in history.
Of course, religion continues to thrive, or at least survive well  enough,
because of another fact, which page 145 of Douthat's book  explains:
"Culture abhors a metaphysical vacuum, and there was no materialist  
capable of supplying the kind of holistic account of human life that  the
great "isms" of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries had
attempted to provide."
This leaves traditional faith as the default position for most people who  
religious faith per se as vital for a good life. Even some Atheists  agree,
hence a new phenomenon  -outside of California, anyway-   Atheist churches.
I know of at least one "Atheist Church" in Los Angeles that  flourished
in the 1980s but not until the early 2000s did the idea catch on
anywhere else. Still, the total numbers of 'communicants' is quite  small
by most standards and this can be set aside at least for now.
For maybe 50 years Freud and Freudianism assumed some functions
of religion but that era has pretty much run its course as far as the  
is concerned even if there are thousands of professional  psychoanalysts
who continue to practice, continue to take part in the mental health realm, 
and still have influence among a segment of the psychology  profession.
The core problem with Leftist religion is the fact that its  philosophical
foundation is nihilism. Hence we get absurdities like author James Frey, 
cited by Douthat on page 236, who expressed the view that 
"God doesn't care about the petty dramas that mean so much
to us. God doesn't care what we say or who we f*ck or what we
do with our bodies or who we love or who we marry."
This is pure baloney. To regard sex as a neutral commodity with
little or no emotional significance is a view that is contrary to
the experience of maybe 90% of the population at large.
Or as  Douthat put it: "Sex may be "safer" with  pills and condoms, 
but its never anything remotely close to safe."  Or as movie,
The Godfather, Part 1, had it, in a close paraphrase,  "Sicilian
women are more dangerous than a loaded shotgun."

James Frey's opinion is Leftist, specifically Cultural Marxist,
but you don't have to look very long to find much the same thing
on the Right -in the form of  libertarian  philosophy with its  
of self-centeredness, selfishness, and social irresponsibility.
The Right, speaking of the great majority of Right-wingers, is  powerless
to combat much at all of these things. Rightists customarily are  
with making money, and many are quite good at it. But this often means 
gross incompetence in the realm of ideas. And, as Douthat added,
Evangelicals in early 2000s  "sealed themselves off from bad  news"

Now, in 2017, we find a certain popularity for one of the most stupid
ideas ever to arise among Christian believers, the so-called   "Benedict 
a concept popularized by Rod Dreher   -based on how monastic  orders
do things, specifically how St. Benedict did things in the early  Mediaeval
era in Europe. As if isolating oneself from the vicissitudes of life
and never ending human tragedies is the solution for anything at all
and is something other than a confession of incompetence to
actually take meaningful action in the world.

Hence we get Christianity in retreat and  Christian separatism  and
what could be the start of the death throes of an entire mass religion. 
For which there is no excuse.




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