War of Ideas against Islam
Chapter  # 1 
 The Battlefield of  Ideas

What is really needed in order to tell the story of the Muslim  criminality
is a detailed study at least 500 pages long. That is far more than can be 
accomplished here. But just as important is dealing with the fact, and it  
a fact, that many people would disbelieve everything in such an  account
because of their ideological commitments. Call it the "ad hominem effect," 
what you get are attacks on sources as if anyone with the temerity to tell  
facts you don't want to hear and do not want to admit are true must be  
or falsifying the record.
This is the case, Right and Left, of the political spectrum.
The topic is important to me, personally, because one of my  objectives
is to write the story of the Hindu Holocaust, a thousand year period in the 
history of India in which Muslims killed innumerable Hindus, and not 
just Hindus, in a sustained carnage that dwarfs anything else in  history
including the Holocaust of  World War II, as unspeakable as that  was.
The trouble comes in the form of a question: Who would  believe me?
For if my account, despite the best available sources, is disbelieved
on principle, what good is it?
The focus of the story I want to tell is a millennium of terror perpetrated 
by Muslims primarily against Hindus, who, by some accounts, suffered 
as many as 100 million dead and a similar number who were enslaved. 
This total probably is excessive but no-one says it was smaller than 
about 70 million, of which maybe 20% were Buddhists who generally 
were counted among the Hindus. The Sikhs possibly suffered the 
greatest percentage of deaths but, of course, while there was a  significant
Sikh state at one time, this is to discuss a much smaller overall  
The same was true for the Jains who total even fewer people 
than the other religions.

The history of India is complex; It involves multiple  ethnic groups, 
events in different areas of a subcontinent, and multiple religions.  
one theme stands out with  total clarity, the ruthlessness of   Muslim 
as they sought to destroy the civilization of  India and replace it  with 
To be sure, any honest accounting of the history of the country needs  to
acknowledge that during some periods of time there could be  exceptions
to the rule. Moreover, Hindus sometimes were guilty of major  mistakes 
which made matters worse, and there were a good number of alliances
that defy the imagination, which sometimes pitted Hindus against  Hindus
and Muslims against Muslims, later joined by Christians from Europe
who complicated things even further. And we should  not  forget the roles 
of Sikhs, Buddhists, and occasionally the Jains, in the saga of  India; 
each also played a part in the drama.
There is nothing comparable in all of western history. 

The incredibly high figures for deaths at the hands of Muslims may  sound
beyond the pale for some readers. However, the numbers, to the extent
that scholars have been able to provide reliable estimates, are painfully 
realistic. The evidence is overwhelming, in fact. Much of it was  provided
in detailed "after action reports" written by Muslim scribes for  purposes
of official record keeping.
But what about claims that Islam is a peaceful religion and that criticisms 
of  Muhammad's religion are nothing but "Islamophobia"?  This  objection
needs to be disposed of before going further. The objective is not to
convince people who already are convinced, but to make a case that
is so strong that people who now habitually defend Islam, who accept
official stories about how Muslim terrorists are somehow not true to  Islam,
cannot deny the facts for what they are. 


What can be done to good effect is to provide an overview of the  story
that can be made use of in the future to discuss this incredible story  and
learn as many lessons from it  -especially about the real nature of  Islam-
as possible. What can be done is to write a detailed  overview to  the 
which can give people important  information that is generally  unknown 
in America and the West and which is not all that well known even in  India,
primarily because of the policies on the Congress Party during the long  
it ruled the country.
But the story is altogether real and cannot be ignored once  you do know 
the facts. Unless, that is, one's ideology simply will not hear of it, will 
hear it, and demands psychological denial.


The Religious Right in the United States doesn't need  convincing.
Most members of the BJP Party in India, currently led by Prime Minister 
Narendra Modi, don't need much convincing, either. This is addressed  to:
*  People who get nearly all of their news from the mainstream  media,
from TV network news, or from a major newspaper.
*  Academics who live in a political Leftwing-in-outlook cocoon
which most universities are these days; that is, whose  views are
conditioned by the fact that the only people who they ordinarily
communicate with are other academics who share most of
their political views.
*  People in government who share a common "establishment"  perspective
which is little different than the narrative promoted by the  mainstream 
*  College and university students who think that their ideology of  choice,
some version of multi-culturalism whatever else may be involved,
"obviously" is the only way to think about issues since everything  else
clearly is obsolete, immoral, or demented.
*  Elites of one kind or another, whether in terms of net wealth,  social 
public influence, or anything else. These people pride themselves on  being
au courant, on knowing what "the right answers" to cultural  questions are
because they get all of their ideas from "influentials" who are well  known
to others in elite circles.
Although there are differences, my sources tell me that these factors
are remarkably similar for India and the United States.
Therefore, what about the claims that Islam is essentially peaceful
whatever bad things are done by terrorists?
The claims are real enough.. A representative collection of quotes  can be 
in a Joshua Muravchik article from the February 1,  2015 issue of 
entitled "Muslims and Terror: The Real  Story." These quotations are 
somewhat differently here than in the magazine in order  to make a somewhat 
different point.  At the time the article was written the comments  were 
in response to the murders of Charlie Hebdo  staff in Paris a  few weeks 
What is being illustrated now is the general character or Islam  whatever
time of history is under consideration.
*  French President François Hollande:  “these  terrorists, these fanatics 
have nothing to do with the Islamic religion.” 
*  German Chancellor Angela Merkel:   the Muslim killers “have nothing 
to do with Islam.”
*  Secretary of State John Kerry: “the biggest  mistake we could make
would be to blame Muslims for crimes...their religion utterly  rejects."
*  Josh Earnest, at the time a spokesman for Barack Obama,  oblivious
to news reports that the gunmen had shouted “Allahu Akbar” and
said that they were doing this to avenge Muhammad, said that as far
as Obama and his people were concerned, they were " still trying 
to figure out exactly…what their motivations were.”
*   George W. Bush had said approximately the same thing in the  aftermath
of the attacks of 9/11:  Islam’s “teachings are good  and peaceful,” ...
“The terrorists are traitors to their own faith.”
Approximately the same interpretation appeared in print in the leading 
newspapers of 2015. Hence the New York Times "editorials  reverted to 
this subject again and again. “This is…no time for peddlers of xenophobia 
to try to smear all Muslims with a terrorist brush..." In Britain the  
and the Financial Times said just about exactly the same  thing, as did 
scores of other papers.
Then, incongruously, the theme became "Islamophobia." It took 
about a week to progress from the problem of Islam to the problem 
of opposition to Islam, with the critics being damned for their criticisms, 
all of which were deemed to be without merit. Which may strike you 
as odd since the gros legumes of the press and the political  sphere 
have no idea what they are talking about, have never read the Koran, 
and certainly have never studied any scholarship
about Islam that is worth the name.
You could see this in Hollande's attacks against Islamophobia, which  were
among the first, but Barack Obama was even more forceful  -and  deceitful.
Hollande was content to speak in generalities. Obama made false  empirical
claims. He got away with it because the American news media (1) is just  as
uninformed about Islam as Obama or other Leftists, and (2) it reflexively 
defends an ideological position that claims that Islam is good, peaceful, 
and misunderstood. This position is not evidence-based, it is driven
by political and geopolitical considerations.
What Obama said, as cited in the Commentary article,  was that 
"99.9 percent of Muslims…are looking  for the same things we are looking for
—order, peace, prosperity” and “don’t even recognize radical  
as being Islam.”  Which is what he wants to believe, which the news  media
wants to believe, which 'liberal' churchmen want to believe, and  which
many politicians want to believe, but it happens to be demonstrably  false.
Joshua Muravchik did some research on the subject  and discovered that
far from 0.01% of Muslims  favorably disposed to terrorism, that is,
who justify it in some circumstances or even  'across the board,'
the actual number is nearly half,  roughly 500 million out of a population 
of about 1. 3 billion globally.  Exact figures are impossibly to come by 
but this seems to be the actual range as indicated by Pew  and Gallup 
substantiated by  still other surveys of opinion in Muslim countries. 
Even if we decide to cut that figure in  half, to "err on the side of 
this is to discuss a vast population who are  supportive of Muslim terrorism
-unless you  think that 250 million people is  an insignificant number.
That is the figure I often use, or maybe 350  million, but acknowledging
that either number may be a low  total.
This includes some  studies carried out in European nations with 
Muslim populations; essentially Muslim attitudes are  the same as they are 
in predominantly Islamic nations, with some  exceptions. And if questions 
are added about Israel even these astounding numbers increase dramatically. 
Large majorities of Muslims almost everywhere regard attacks against 
any kinds of attacks, as justified.
To be sure, there are degrees of support  for terrorism, but even the 
support, only justifying such actions on "rare"  occasions, should be 
-as if someone was to say that murder is OK in  unusual circumstances
but not too often!  This, by Western  standards, by the standards of India
or Japan or still other civilized countries,  is completely unacceptable.
Yet, when it is Muslims who are involved, the news  media and political 
ignore the facts or even try and shift the blame to  critics of  Islam who 
regularly smeared as  "Islamophobes."
Teresa May, in Britain, has just done the same, in  June of 2017.
Here are the available statistics for  several selected Muslim countries 
on the issue of  terrorism;  percentages indicate numbers who condemn 
terror attacks. Sometimes the tallies cover different events, 9/11 or 
Charlie Hebdo or Israel, etc. The balance is  divided between approval, 
limited approval, and "rarely":
Kuwait...........26 %
Bangladesh.....33 %
Egypt.............38 %
Turkiye..........58 %
Morocco.......25 % to 50 % depending on the question
Only one country, Tunisia, which is considerably Western in outlook,
has a figure that is equivalent to those in Europe or America.
The only comfort that can be taken from these grim statistics is  that
"only" 20% or so of Muslims say that terror attacks either are "often" 
or "sometimes" justified, is a 'mere' 300 million people in Dar  Al-Islam.
The real world effects of this are ubiquitous. At the time the  article
was published, Joshua Muravchik looked at  information found at the
website, "Religion of Peace." There were more than  25,000 killings
at the hands of Muslims worldwide since  9/11; today the total
is in excess of 30,000. Muravchik noted that he  checked out the
figures provided by the site and in every case he  investigated,
Religion of Peace had erred on the conservative  side. That is, 
other sources well known for accuracy, usually  reported even 
more killings perpetrated by Muslims.
A few words about "Religion of Peace" for Hindu  readers:
The title is American sarcasm. It is based  on the reference that George 
once made to Islam as a "religion of peace." This  outraged various 
conservatives (and some others) who decided that hard facts about Islam 
and the behavior of Muslims should be made available to the public so that 
no-one who is informed could possibly say what George Bush said. The  title,
as Americans would understand it, should be taken  as shorthand for 
like "anyone who says Islam is a religion of peace  should have his head 
It is important to  point this out because many Hindus simply do not 
nuances of American  English, which has a number  of different qualities 
than British English.
Also, for the reader's information, despite  Muravchik's disclaimer about 
the site, Religion  of Peace, which he regards as generally outside the 
because of its  critical attitude toward Islam, my own view is that, maybe
with occasional minor mistakes, it is altogether reputable when reporting 
and figures. Possibly its "tone" is sometimes overly negative, but for 
who takes the view that discussion of Islam should be honest, and as 
as facts warrant, there are few sites that are as informative.
At any rate, the multitudes identified in research  surveys who do not see 
anything wrong with acts of terror, do  not represent Muslims willing and 
to pick up Kalashnikovs or explosives, a number that is much smaller, 
probably in the hundreds-of-thousands of  young men. However,  terrorists 
do not operate in a vacuum. The hundreds-of-millions represent support  for
terrorists in the form of communications, money, shelter, and a recruitment 
pool. Which, you would think should be taken seriously  rather than  denied 
with platitudes about how peaceful Islam supposedly is.
This raises a question about motivation. Exactly why do so many  Muslims
regard extreme violence as acceptable behavior? This has nothing to do  with
military operations; just about all societies allow for  national defense. 
in an ideal war, whether as taught by Sun Tzu approximately 2500 years  ago
or as sought by modern Western armed forces, should result in as few
casualties as possible, with zero civilian losses. This was even the  case
at the start of WWII although things did not stay that way. In any  
wars end, soldiers go home, rebuilding commences, and life returns
to normal as soon as an economy starts to recover.
Terror is very different. The objective is to cause deep fear among  
populations; indeed,  civilians may be the preferred  targets for violence.
And whereas in war such actions as torture may be a side effect,  that  is
anything but the primary objective because the real goal is to  win as 
as possible and not one minute longer. Terrorists, in contrast, use  
indiscriminate killing, and acts  of cruelty as standard  operating 
And there is no end to things, certainly not if we are discussing Islam. 
Granted there are other forms of terror, for example the kinds  perpetrated
in Northern Ireland during the 1970s and 1980s, or the kinds carried  out
by the Naxals (Communists) in India, by drug gangs in Mexico or Columbia, 
but the focus here is Islam. Besides, Muslim terrorists, globally,  
other kinds of terrorists by approximately 4:1 or  5: 1.
In an Islamic context terror is permanent policy almost regardless of 
circumstances. Terror only ends with the total victory of  Islam, nothing 
Hence in the medieval era peace prevailed in the center of  Dar  al-Islam,
within the core territories of the Caliphate, but the periphery was  
as being in a perpetual state of war, Dar al-Harb, where terror was  
policy as a means to try and defeat or subjugate "infidels," viz.,  
non-Muslims or, 
as the case might be,  Muslims who belonged to some dissenting  sect.
But why is valorization of  terror associated with  Islam?
To be sure, terror can be provoked in other ways besides religion,
in fact, in terms of nearly all other religions, anything like terror  is
regarded as morally diseased and totally wrong. Its prime source  is
psychological malfunction, as is the case of psycho-sadistic  disorder,
aka, sadistic personality disorder, in which people have no empathy 
for others, are incapable of developing anything like a conscience, 
and associate pain with pleasure. Which says that organizations in  which 
torture is allowed may attract sadists, viz, as did the Nazis of the 
World War II era, and as have various criminal gangs.
It seems to be the case that Muhammad had a condition very much like
psycho-sadistic disorder even if, at this remove in history, it would  be
impossible to render a valid diagnosis. However, it is no problem at  all
to provide evidence that Muhammad  -the exemplar for all  Muslims-
took part in torturing people, and in either ordering the murders of  people
of killing them himself on different occasions. The evidence is  supplied
in the Koran, there is no disguising the fact even if Muslims insist  that
Muhammad never murdered anyone. By their logic, he could not  have.
Instead he was ordered by Allah to kill specific people  -a large  number 
when it is added up-  and therefore he was guiltless of any  crime.
There are also many Hadiths that expand on the theme of Muhammad
killing people and sometimes torturing them. Hadiths  -legends of  
should be used with caution, however, inasmuch as none are regarded by 
professional historians as evidentiary. They were written in a culture and  
when basic historical methods were not understood, as if saying that I  
heard it 
from X who heard it from Y who heard it from Z establishes anything at all. 
It doesn't, the Hadiths are all hearsay. But they are believed by  many 
and have the value of telling us details of Muslim beliefs in addition  to 
described in the Koran. Plus we also know that no Hadith is regarded as  
if it disagrees in any way with statements in the Koran.
This is the evidence we can work with;  all of it,  Muslims agree, is 
There are a number of sources that distill this evidence but just a  few
will be cited here because they present  the main themes  concisely 
and clearly. Besides, the project I have in mind is not a study of  
it is primarily about the history of Islam in India. But some background 
is essential in order to be able to understand that history.
To emphasize the point again, however, none of my scholarship on the  
not anyone else's, can possibly be useful if it is not accepted as  
and, instead is dismissed as ipso facto false because it does not  agree 
the narrative told by CBS or other TV networks, or told by the New York  
or the Washington Post.  The task must be to not only provide  documented 
evidence but to demolish the credibility of arguments that defend  Islam
uncritically  -as nearly everyone on the political Left does and as  does
nearly all of the George W. Bush wing of the Republican Party.

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