New York Times
Trump Can’t Save American  Christianity


According to Genesis 1, in four days, God made the  heavens, the earth and 
all the vegetation upon it. But four days after Anthony  Scaramucci’s filthy 
tirade went public, Team Trump’s evangelical all-stars —  pastors and 
prominent laity who hustle noisily around the Oval Office trying to  find an 
amen corner — still had not figured out what to say. 
Fortunately, the White House relieved them of that onerous  task by firing 
Mr. Scaramucci — not, please note, on the president’s initiative,  but 
rather at the request of John Kelly, the new chief of staff. Meanwhile, the  
Christian Broadcasting Network ran a _puff  piece_ 
s-spiritual-awakening)  proclaiming that a  “spiritual awakening is 
underway at the White House,” thanks to a Bible study  with what “has been 
the most evangelical cabinet in history.” That ought  to still any 
skepticism emerging among the true believers for a while. 
Is there anything Donald Trump can do to alienate  evangelicals and other 
conservative Christians who support him? By now, it’s  hard to think of what 
that might be. These are people who would never let men  with the morals and 
the mouths of Mr. Trump and Mr. Scaramucci date their own  daughters. And 
yet, Team Trump has no more slavishly loyal constituency. 
This is not only wrong, but tragically so. The most  pressing problem 
Christianity faces is not in politics. It’s in parishes. It’s  with the 
Most of all, it’s among an increasingly faithless people. 
The truth is, Christianity is  declining in the United States. As a 
theologically conservative believer, I take  no pleasure in saying that. In 
the waning of Christianity will be not only  a catastrophe for the church but 
also a calamity for civil society in ways  secular Americans do not 
But preparing for this  post-Christian future requires a brutally honest 
assessment of both the modern  church and the contemporary world. This is 
painful, but denial will only make  the inevitable reckoning worse.
First, Americans are falling away from the church in  unprecedented 
numbers. According to a _2014  Pew study_ 
 , more 
than one in three millennials refuse to identify with a  religious tradition —
 a far higher number than among older Americans. Most of  these young 
adults are likely to stay away from church as they age.
This generational shift is a watershed. Last year, the  sociologists David 
Voas and Mark Chaves _concluded_ 
(  that the United 
States is no longer a_counterexample_ 
(  to the West’s 
secularization. America  is on the same path of religious decline pioneered by 
and  Canada.
Second, the faith American Christians profess is, from a  moral and 
theological perspective, shockingly thin. Christian Smith, a  sociologist at 
Dame, has been leading a long-term study of the religious  and spiritual 
lives of millennials. Mr. Smith finds that what he terms  “Moralistic 
Therapeutic Deism” has displaced authentic Christianity as the true  religion 
American Christians.
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism is a pseudoreligion that  jettisons the 
doctrines of historical biblical Christianity and replaces them  with 
vaguely spiritual _nostrums_ 
 .  In M.T.D., the highest 
goal of the religious life is being happy and feeling  good about oneself. It’
s the perfect religion for a self-centered, consumerist  culture. But it is 
not Christianity.
“America has lived a long time off its thin Christian  veneer,” Mr. Smith 
told me. “That is all finally being stripped away by the  combination of 
mass consumer capitalism and liberal  individualism.”
Since the 1980s, conservative Christians unwittingly  participated in our 
own marginalization by placing too much hope in Republican  politics. There’s 
nothing wrong in principle for Christians to bring our faith  to the public 
square (if you disagree, take it up with the abolitionists and the  civil 
rights movement). But the standard “religious right” model, based on the  
idea that the American people are a morally sound majority led by decadent  
liberal elites, was inaccurate.
Conservative Christians helped elect Republican  politicians, but that did 
not stop the slide toward secularism. True, the church  gained some access 
to power, but it failed to effectively counter popular  culture’s 
catechetical force. 
Too many of us are  doubling down on the failed strategies that not only 
have failed to convert  Americans but have also done little to halt the 
assimilation of Christians to  secular norms and beliefs. Mr. Trump is not a 
solution to this cultural crisis,  but rather a symptom of it. 
These are not normal  times. Pope Benedict XVI himself once said that the 
spiritual crisis the West  faces is worse than anything since the 
fifth-century fall of the Roman Empire.  This is why _St.  Benedict of Nursia_ 
(  is so relevant to Christians  today. 
The monk founded the  Benedictine religious order amid the chaos and 
decadence of imperial Rome. He  was merely searching for a way to serve God 
faithfully in community during a  prolonged civilizational collapse. After his 
death in 547, hundreds, and then  thousands, of monasteries arose in Western 
Europe, all following his “Rule of  St. Benedict.” They helped preserve the 
faith through the Dark Ages and laid the  groundwork for the rebirth of 
civilization out of barbarism. 
Lay Christians in the  21st century are certainly not called to be 
cloistered monks. But Christians are  going to have to step back to some 
degree from the world for the sake  of building up orthodox belief, learning 
the practices of discipleship and  strengthening our communities. The 
everyday practices and disciplines of  Benedictine spirituality can be adapted 
ordinary Christian life in the  world. 
And if we don’t?  Father Cassian Folsom, the retired prior of the monastery 
in St. Benedict’s  hometown, told me that Christian families and churches 
that don’t do some form  of the Benedict Option are not going to make it 
through the trials to come with  their faith intact. 
There’s little reason  to be optimistic, but every reason to be hopeful. 
Christian hope does not expect  worldly success but believes that even 
suffering and defeat can work  mysteriously for the greater glory of God. St. 
Benedict did not set out to save  Western civilization. He only wanted to serve 
God in a time of unprecedented  trouble, and lead others to do the same. 
Today, we in the West  owe an incalculable debt to the saint and his early 
medieval followers, whose  visionary, disciplined faith bore spectacular 
fruit long after their deaths.  This experience shows Christians that we have 
to think not in election cycles  but in centuries.

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