This entire imbroglio is funny as hell.  Count me as an enemy of Google
henceforth, although I have become  more-and-more disillusioned with
the company primarily because of its highly  politicized and odiously
Politically Correct art and visual imagery  more generally. Google
is a nest of Cultural Marxists and the  place is due for wholesale
house cleaning, kicking out everyone  responsible for what Google
has become compared to what it once was.  Upper management
doesn't know what in hell it is  doing.
As bad as AOL is, which is very bad, Google  has the distinction
of being even worse.
What is good about Google, like what is  good about AOL, is the result
of legacy features it still offers  customers. 
Google needs a major disaster like the  current controversy
may well turn out to be, so that it becomes  necessary for the company to
restructure its entire corporate  culture.
Google can go to hell as far as I am  concerned and, it now seems clear,
this sentiment is widely shared by  multitudes in the cyber community.
Considering this meek and mild but  fairly objective article for deletion???
Google memo
>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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( . 
"Google's  Ideological Echo Chamber" was an internal memo written in August 
2017 by  American-based _Google_ (  
engineer James Damore on the company's  ideological _stance toward diversity_ 
( . The memo focused on 
Google allegedly shutting down  the conversation about diversity_[1]_ 
( , and  suggested that 
_gender inequality_ (  in  the 
_technology industry_ (  was 
"in  part" due to biological differences between men and women._[2]_ 
(  Google 
_Sundar Pichai_ (  responded by 
saying that the memo  "advanc[ed] harmful gender stereotypes", and on August 7 
Damore was fired for  violating the company's _code of conduct_ 
( ._[3]_ 
The memo and  subsequent dismissal provoked a strong reaction from 
commentators on both sides.  Initially shared on an internal_mailing list_ 
( , the paper was leaked 
to the 
public via the _Vice Media_ (  
owned  website resulting in heated controversy across  social 
( _[4]_ 
(  The 
company has formally expressed they  don't support the document and 
several current and former employees were highly  critical of it. According 
to Wired, Google's internal forums  showed "plenty of support" for 
Damore_[5]_ (  who 
said he 
received private thanks  from employees who were afraid to come 
forward._[6]_ ( _[7]_ 
The memo provided an initial summary with the  following points: 
    *   Google's  political bias has equated the freedom from offense with 
psychological safety,  but shaming into silence is the antithesis of 
psychological  safety. 
    *   This  silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some 
ideas are too  sacred to be honestly discussed. 
    *   The lack of  discussion fosters the most extreme and authoritarian 
elements of this  ideology.  
    *   Extreme:  all disparities in representation are due to oppression 
    *   Authoritarian: we should discriminate to correct  for this 
    *   Differences  in distributions of traits between men and women may 
in part explain why we  don't have 50% representation of women in tech and 
    *   Discrimination to reach equal representation is  unfair, divisive, 
and bad for business.
Google's Vice President of Diversity & Governance,  Danielle Brown, 
responded formally to the memo on August 8, 2017 and stated:  "Part of building 
open, inclusive environment means fostering a culture in  which those with 
alternative views, including different political views, feel  safe sharing 
their opinions. But that discourse needs to work alongside the  principles of 
equal employment found in our Code of Conduct, policies, and  
anti-discrimination laws"._[4]_ 
(  Google's 
CEO _Sundar Pichai_ 
(  in a  note to Google employees 
stated, "To suggest a group of 
our colleagues have  traits that make them less biologically suited to that 
work is offensive and not  OK . . . At the same time, there are co-workers who 
are questioning whether they  can safely express their views in the 
workplace (especially those with a  minority viewpoint). They too feel under 
threat, and that is also not OK"._[8]_ 
Damore was fired by Google on August 7_[9]_ 
(  and same day he filed 
a complaint  with _National 
Labor Relations Board_ 
( ._[10]_ 
_[11]_ (  
The _BBC_ (  reported conflicting 
scientific  opinions of the memo with Geoffrey Miller, a professor in 
psychology at the University of New Mexico, stating that Mr Damore got 
"most of  the science right" and showed "pretty good judgment about what we 
and what  we don't know". Equally, Gina Rippon, the chair of cognitive 
brain imaging at  Aston University in Birmingham, England, disagreed. She told 
the BBC: "The key  thing for me is that he's got quite a lot of the science 
wrong._[12]_ (  
An opinion writer, Cathy Young in _USA Today_ 
(  argued  that the memo "had legit 
points on gender" but that it 
probably overstates  things, while Google's reaction to the memo was 
harmful since it "lend credence  to complaints in the modern workplace, [that] 
are the beleaguered sex. _[13]_ 
David P. Schmitt, a personality psychologist writing  for _Psychology 
Today_ (  argued  both that 
"claiming that sex differences exist in negative emotionality is not  an 
'incorrect assumption about gender.' It is an empirically well-supported  
claim," and 
that equally such differences were "unlikely to be all that relevant  to 
the Google workplace."_[14]_ 
Several management and employment law experts noted  that while Damore 
could challenge his firing in court, his potential case would  be weak and 
Google would have several defensible reasons for firing him; the  
content of his memo could be cited as evidence of a "hostile work  
environment" in sexual harassment lawsuits against Google, and that Damore 
would  be 
unable to fairly assess or supervise the work of female colleagues._[15]_ 
In an opinion article for _The  Guardian_ 
( , science journalist _Angela 
(  wrote  that the memo reflected 
common misconceptions about 
the _biological differences between men and  women_ 
( , and demonstrated a 
understanding of the research it cited._[16]_ 
( _[17]_ 
In his _tweets_ (  _Julian Assange_ 
(  of _WikiLeaks_ 
(  said he  wanted to offer Damore a 
job and wrote 
that "censorship is for losers" and  "Women & men deserve respect. That 
includes not firing them for politely  expressing ideas but rather arguing 
back"._[18]_ (  _Megan 
Smith_ ( , a former Google vice 
president, said Damore's views  were common in Silicon Valley and 
Christina Cauterucci of _Slate Magazine_ 
(  draws parallels of arguments 
from the  memo with these of 
_men's rights activists_ ('s_rights_activist) 
._[19]_ (  

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