Some time ago I posted various criticisms of libertarianism
as part of my general criticisms of political viewpoints
that miss the whole point of RC.  In any case, I remember
one critique that had the title:  "Libertarianism  makes you stupid."
Here is irrefutable evidence that, indeed, libertarianism
does, in fact, make you stupid.
Cato Institute Project Concludes Islam Consistent With ‘Many  Libertarian 
Principles’ and Freedoms
By _Geller Report  Staff_ 
(https://pamelageller.com/author/geller-report-staff/)  - on September 8, 2017
The Washington, D.C.-based, think tank Cato  Institute, in its latest 
project, Libertarianism.org, just concluded that Islam  is consistent with many 
core American principles of freedom, including the right  of property 
ownership and the right to self govern. 
Let the laughter begin. 
Cato’s finding, of course, may come as a shock to  Islam watchers who point 
to case after case and belief after belief that  highlights just how 
incompatible the Muslim faith is with the U.S.  Constitution.
Take honor killings, for  example — or the whole very basic Islam concept 
that those of other faiths ought  to convert, be killed or pay a tax. 
Yet Cato has found otherwise  — that Islam and the Constitution are 
Anyhow, Cato announced its  findings it a tweet. 
And it wasn’t long before the backlash quickly  began. 
  has  more: 

Libertarianism.org, a project from the Cato  Institute, claimed “Islamic 
teachings are consistent [with] many libertarian  principles, such as 
tolerance, property rights & individualism” in a tweet  on Tuesday.

In the post linked in the tweet, Libertarianism.org  also praised Ibn 
Khaldun as a libertarian hero, describing him as “the most  consistent of the 
many free-market economists in Islamic history,” despite the  fact that Khaldun 
promoted slavery. 
“Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule,  submissive to slavery, 
because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially]  human and have attributes 
that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as  we have stated,” Khaldun 
previously claimed.

After tweeting the post, Libertarianism.org  received a large amount of 
The tweet received nearly 2,000 comments compared  to just 152 likes, while 
some followers started to unfollow the  account........

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