New America Foundation &  No Labels
There's Blood In The Water In Silicon Valley
The bad new  politics of big tech. 
Posted on September  12, 2017, 

_Ben  Smith_ (    
BuzzFeed  Editor-in-Chief

The blinding rise of Donald Trump over the past year has masked another  
major trend in American politics: the palpable, and perhaps permanent, turn  
against the tech industry. The new corporate leviathans that used to be seen 
as  bright new avatars of American innovation are increasingly portrayed as 
sinister  new centers of unaccountable power, a transformation likely to 
have major  consequences for the industry and for American politics. 

That  turn has accelerated in recent days: Steve Bannon and Bernie Sanders 
both want big tech treated as, _in Bannon’s  words_ 
(  in Hong Kong this 
week,  “public utilities.
” Tucker Carlson and _Franklin  Foer_ 
  have found common ground.  
Even the group No Labels, an exquisitely poll-tested effort to create a safe 
new  center, _is on  board_ 
( . Rupert 
Murdoch, never shy to use his media power to advance 
his  commercial interests, is hard at work. 
“Anti-trust  is back, baby,” Yelp’s policy chief, Luther Lowe, DM’d me 
after Fox News gave  him several minutes to make _the  antitrust case_ 
de-to-regulators-1505167498)  against Yelp’s  giant rival Google to its 
audience of millions.

The  new spotlight on these companies doesn’t come out of nowhere. They 
sit,  substantively, at the heart of the biggest and most pressing issues 
facing the  United States, and often stand on the less popular side of those: 
automation and  inequality, trust in public life, privacy and security. They 
make the case that  growth and transformation are public goods — but the 
public may not agree. 

The  tech industry has also benefited for years from its enemies, who it 
cast — often  accurately — as Luddites who genuinely didn’t understand the 
series of tubes  they were ranting about, or protectionist industries that didn
’t want the best  for consumers. That, too, is over. 
Opportunists  and ideologues have assembled the beginnings of a real 
coalition against these  companies, with a policy core consisting of refugees 
Google boss Eric  Schmidt’s least favorite think tank unit. Nationalists, 
accurately, see a  consolidation of power over speech and ideas by social 
liberals and globalists;  the left, accurately, sees consolidated corporate 
power. Those are the ascendant  wings of the Republican and Democratic parties, 
even before Donald Trump sends  the occasional spray of bile Jeff Bezos’s 
way — and his spokeswoman _declines_ 
 ,  as she did in June, to 
defend Google against European regulators. 
This  has led to a kind of Murder on the Orient Express alliance against 
big tech: Everyone  wants to kill them. 


So  Facebook should probably ease out of the business of bland background 
statements  and awkward photo ops, and start worrying about congressional 
testimony. Amazon,  whose market power doesn’t fall into the categories 
envisioned by pre-internet  antitrust law, is developing a bipartisan lobby 
wants to break it up.  Google’s public affairs efforts are starting to look a 
bit like the oil  industry’s. These are the existential collisions with 
political power that can  shake and redefine industries and their leaders, not 
the nickel-and-dime  regulatory games Silicon Valley has played to date. 

The  industry has had a remarkable run. The companies at its center — 
Facebook,  Google, Amazon, and Apple are the defining brands — are beloved by 
consumers,  truly global, dominant in the markets. They have also been able to 
coast on  their popularity and their amazing products while largely getting 
a pass on  politics at its higher levels. They spend scads on lobbying — 
Google’s parent  company, Alphabet, has risen to become a top lobbying spender 
in recent years —  to keep the tax collectors and communications regulators 
at bay, but they’ve  never had to fight for their identity against political 
tides that have defined  other major American industries. It’s easy to 
forget that oil prospectors and  junk-bond traders had their moments of glory 
too; now Wall Street and the oil  industries are resigned to a defensive 
This  sort of political change happens slowly until it happens fast. Uber 
provided a  new model for a transformative tech giant to crash through with a 
dark, negative  brand. The company’s toxic internal culture and rogue 
business practices were  pure extensions of Silicon Valley’s clichés, not 
particularly different from  things Microsoft was once admired for, or Amazon’s 
more openly rapacious early  years. But the narrative had changed — inequality 
and misogyny were central  American concerns, not as easily brushed past. 
Uber  is the only one to go down so far. A pollster recently showed me 
numbers that  put the favorable numbers of most of the giant tech brands in the 
80s and ‘90s;  only Uber is sub-50. But this process — call it Uberization 
— seems to be moving  in the others’ direction, fast, and it has the 
potential to cast a shadow over  the sunny brands of the other tech giants. 
You  can see the tracks laid for each of the tech giants, and there’s no 
clear way  off this path — to downward poll numbers and normal, grubby 
politics — for any  of them. 
For  Facebook, _its  move into politics_ 
  spells  trouble in a way 
none of its privacy stumbles, or control over the media, has.  The company was 
pleased as recently as 2014 to be seen as a major political  player. Back 
then, it was eager to work on a project sharing sentiment data; I  wrote a 
  announcing the partnership and  predicting that Facebook 
would “replace television advertising as the place  where American 
elections are fought and won.” That was exactly what happened,  and it is 
viewed by 
many as a disaster. 
Now,  politics and news are so dangerous to the Facebook brand that its new 
video  platform, Watch, doesn’t have any of it. But it appears to be too 
late. Although  the company initially dismissed the notion that it could have 
electoral power,  the Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan recently _stated  
the consensus_ 
c1c-93c7-11e7-89fa-bb822a46da5b_story.html) : “Would Donald Trump be 
president today if Facebook didn’t  exist? Although there is a long list of 
reasons for his win, there’s increasing  reason to believe the answer is no.” 
that’s coming from Facebook’s natural  allies on the left, not the 
conservatives who don’t like the company’s  progressive social views. 
Google,  meanwhile, has a Goldman Sachs problem: Its smooth image has grown 
tentacles.  The media industry, which gets to tell the story, sees it 
sucking revenue out of  newsrooms alongside the rest of the advertising 
Conservatives from  Matt Drudge — the one media figure who never got a 
Gmail account — to Tucker  Carlson see it as a kind of big brother on the left. 
Yet it’s losing friends  there too. The company’s long, quiet game of 
gentle Washington influence turned  darkly thuggish when the New America 
foundation — long seen as a harmless  channel for worthy tech philanthropy 
 out the anti-monopoly scholar_ 
(  Barry 
Lynn and his team after Eric  Schmidt lost 
his temper. Google’s long-standing Washington, DC, presence  reflects its 
early recognition that it was vulnerable to these antitrust  concerns, and 
anyone who has been served the scattered and semi-broken Google+  box over 
results from Yelp or TripAdvisor or Zocdoc can at least see that  argument. 
Amazon’s  challenge is different. The company has navigated public politics 
pretty  smoothly, and Jeff Bezos’s revival of the Washington Post 
profoundly changed the  way the media sees him. Unlike Facebook and Google, 
Amazon isn
’t engaged in  daily trench warfare with the news media for advertising 
revenue. That takes  some of the pressure off. 
But  Amazon faces a substantive economic case against it, and is target 
number one  for a new wave of regulatory arguments along the lines of _Foer’s  “
Amazon’s Monopoly Must Be Broken_ 
 .” It controls a 
reported 43% of online  retail, _which  appears_ 
=1)  to have helped it beat  a direct competitor in the streaming market, 
Apple TV. Its new push into  physical grocery stores makes that reach 
impossible for consumers to miss. And  while Google made New America scholar 
Lynn a martyr, he and his  collaborator Lina Khan’s views were shaped by 
studying Amazon’s control over the  book and then broader retail markets. Lynn 
_wrote  a position paper_ 
  in 2015 for  booksellers, and 
Amazon is Khan’s _case  study_ 
(  for remaking 
antitrust  law. 
Tech  is manifestly unready for this new era. They’ve been playing 
small-ball politics  of regulation, and coasting on incredibly high approval 
ratings. But there are  signs they feel the winds changing. You can usually 
a political figure’s  problems from their overcompensation, and Zuckerberg’
s Midwestern tour had all  the hallmarks of a classic reaction to a specific 
political polling question:  “Does he care about people like me?” The move 
was widely misinterpreted as some  kind of beginning to Zuckerberg’s 
political career. But Zuckerberg is Facebook,  and his image is his company’s. 
mission was to fix the company’s image, and  I’m just not sure this one is 
You  can see the shape of how this plays out in _a recent  exchange_ 
(  between Mark Halperin  
Rep. Adam Schiff, in which Halperin asked of Facebook: “Did they put 
profits  ahead of patriotism in their conduct during the campaign?” 
This  isn’t to say that the end is near for these new giants — or even for 
Uber, whose  business is, it says, still growing. Just that the golden age 
is over. The new  era for them will be normal politics, normal regulation, 
with California  senators deep in their pockets who fight for them as hard as 
Texans fight for  oil, but with a deep bipartisan current flowing against 
them. They’ll win some  and they’ll lose some, and some of their losses may 
be as bad as what happened  to Microsoft in the 1990s when it flew too close 
to the sun — and then faced an  antitrust lawsuit that almost broke the 
company up and probably changed it  enough to benefit, among others, Google. 
People  watching this from afar sometimes suggest that tech simply has too 
much money to  stop. This is nonsense. Politics is run by politicians, and 
while they like  money, they like attention more. People who think the money 
tech spends can buy  protection from the political system misunderstand 
their dynamic: The transfers  of money referred to blandly as “campaign finance”
 are equal parts bribery and  extortion, and the system works best when the 
target is scared. 
And  the political class can smell blood. That Zuckerberg campaign was, to 
the  political world, blood in the water, a signal of a new vulnerability 
around his  company and his industry. That’s a tough place to start before the 
committee.  ●

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