The Irresponsibility of the Supreme  Court
Originally written 12/5/2016.
Some revisions October  19, 2017
Extended passages from  this paper
have been made use of,  with editing,
in other work of the  author.

Billy Rojas

There is a new argument and a new kind of argument to  make
on behalf of the Christian viewpoint of  the issue of  sodomy.
With some re-interpretation this might also be useful to  Jews. 
This concerns the failures of the Supreme Court to reach decisions  
that pass basic tests of evidence vital to the issue of  homosexuality.
It is totally out of bounds to base such decisions, as is  currently
standard practice by the Court, on narrow legal grounds when
the fact of the matter is that American jurisprudence assumes
that questions of justice do not apply to the clinically insane
or to people who are mentally ill, who suffer from a  psychological
disorder. In so many words, people who belong in a mental 
institution cannot claim the same rights as those who are
psychologically normal.
But isn't the issue of homosexuality over and done with?  Isn't it  settled 
For now, but so was slavery settled law at one time, so was 
male-only suffrage.
What we have is law that has been decided by judges and Justices  that
have been ignorant of every salient fact about homosexuality,  who  are 
ignorant of the history of homosexual activism and of the fact that  there 
would be no "homosexual rights" movement except for the actions of  
Harry Hay, a true believer Communist in the 1950s, who  are ignorant 
of the infiltration of the American Psychiatric Association by  Left-wing 
psychiatrists in the 1960s, ignorant of  virtually all the  research 
literature written by the founders of psychology over many  years, ignorant of 
recent work by organizations like NARTH,  the  National Association
of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, in few words, ignorant of  
everything that matters: All the while making binding law  for everyone  else 
in the process destroying religious freedom for the sake of  promoting 
a grievous and harmful sexual psychopathology.
We have on the bench, in almost every state, and in the Supreme  Court,
an irresponsible judiciary that has no moral right to  the positions they 
now hold.  There is such a thing as  "independent judicial research," after 
That is, there is an implicit  -possibly explicit-  mandate  for judges and 
Justices to do any research necessary prior to rendering  decisions that 
deal with complex issues. This applies especially to  scientific or 
technological matters like patent protection for sophisticated  computer 
programs, and 
medicines of many descriptions, and the like, but it  also applies  -or 
should apply- to a complex psychological and  sociological issue like 
The principle applies to questions such as whether or  not homosexuality 
is a mental illness  -as generations of psychology professionals  have said 
it is, starting with Sigmund Freud in his never retracted  Introductory 
Lectures on Psychoanalysis, but including Irving  Bieber, Sandor Rado, Erich 
Fromm, Karen Horney (hor-nye), and still  others. 
The DSM,  the "bible" of the American Psychiatric Association,  classified 
homosexuality as a mental illness until the early 1970s and  still 
characterized it as a pathology (not necessarily an illness per  se) into the 
and as an illness in all cases when homosexuals  sought to cease being 
homosexual and disdained their same-sex  interests,  into the 1990s. There was 
even one type of homosexuality  that was regarded  as pathological into the 
early 2000s.
Not only this, but a good number of psychologists and psychiatrists  have
written about the way that the APA leadership in 1972-73  subverted
the organization, shutting out critics of homosexuality from  committee
deliberations, from membership in relevant committees, and  otherwise
turned the APA into a sounding board for homosexual grievances.
That is, especially after a mass exodus from the APA in the years  after
1973 which cost the group at least one-third of its membership, 
the organization had lost all credibility as an honest source of  
about homosexuality, it had become an advocacy cabal for homosexual  
interests, with people like the late Dr. John Money acting as shills  for 
the same-sex crowd.
This being the case it is legitimate to ask whether the courts, any of  
ever questioned the competence of the APA to reclassify  homosexuality
as not being a mental illness, indeed, to progressively "normalize" it  as 
went on. To the best of my knowledge this never happened. The  bench,
every relevant bench, ignored the many serious questions about  the
legitimacy of the APA and acted on the assumption -which was what it  was,
an assumption-  that the organization was authoritative on such  matters. 
Nor did the Republicans in government  -at different times, in the  House, 
the Senate, or the White House-  ever raise the issue. 
How could they?  The only argument they knew how to make was  biblical, 
and even then their knowledge of the Bible on this question was  abysmal, 
for example often saying that only 4 or 5 verses discussed the matter  
research  tells us that there are 15 verses in each  testament, some 
extended, a minimum of 30 passages altogether, and  hence one of the major 
in the holy book. Which is good to know if you  are trying to make a case to 
fellow believers, to get them on board with the  issue. Which, though,
carries almost no weight in a pluralist democracy.
The point is that numerous cases at law involving homosexuality have  been
decided on false premises, as if the last word on the subject was  provided
by the APA, and as if "since" homosexuals supposedly are  "normal,"
such cases should be determined strictly on legal grounds.
One huge problem has been self-serving legal precedent. You would  suppose 
that in all cases where depth knowledge of an issue was  important  -without 
it how could a judge decide on the merits of a  case?- judges would be 
required to do some research to 'get up to speed,' so  to speak. 
However, you would be wrong to make that supposition. Au  contraire, 
the Law has actively discouraged any such thing, and until recently,  
roughly the 1990s, judges were admonished not to carry out  research. The one 
notable exception stemmed from the Frye decision of 1923  although it primarily 
only applied to such things as drug patents and  medical technology.
And all that Frye really did was allow expert testimony and a  minimum
of judicial research, just enough for a member of the bench to
understand some basics.
The limitations of this became obvious by the time the Daubert case  was
adjudicated in 1993. At that time the Supreme Court ruled that a better  
standard than Frye was needed, one that adequately defined the role of  
judges as "gatekeepers" who should ensure that expert testimony really did  
rest on a foundation of proven science so that "dueling" experts could  not
falsify the data they were working with. 
Yet the Daubert decision did not require any court to follow  its lead, 
compliance would be voluntary. Hence the anomaly that half the  states 
are still reliant on Frye, including populous giants like California,  
Pennsylvania, and Illinois. With the additional anomaly that the Supreme  Court 
itself may choose to ignore Daubert which, according to critics  of the high 
court, is commonplace among the most senior of the justices who  may decide 
major cases involving computers, for example,  despite the  fact that they  
are basically clueless about  how to use a  computer, how computers 
operate, etc.,  not to mention such factors as computer networks  or 
differences between Apple and Microsoft products.
Also relevant is a Rhode Island state court decision of 1959, the  Etoile
case, which stipulates that in all instances where hard evidence  is crucial
to a verdict or ruling,  the opposition, not just the party  advocating a 
is entitled to hear (or read) the evidence. But in possibly ALL  cases
concerning homosexuality Etoile has been a dead letter;  there has been
no meaningful discussion of expert testimony that casts substantive  doubt
on the credibility of the APA to render objective pronouncements
about homosexuality.
Of course, it would help if conservatives knew what they were talking  
about.Few have any empirical knowledge of the issue and most habitually  frame 
their arguments in terms of  traditional (biblical) morality, or,  perchance, 
on freedom-of-religion grounds  -which, even if successful,  which is 
hit-and-miss, still leave homosexual gains unchanged.
Indeed, conservative defenders of Christian-derived morality and of  
Christian opposition to homosexuality, sometimes are ridiculously 
out of their league.
A case in point was the trial concerning the constitutionality of  
Proposition 8 of 2010 which was passed by the voters of the state
by a clear majority. But the lawyer defending the Christian  position,
that marriage is between a man and a woman not something else, 
not incidentally still Barack Obama's position at the time,
was  -there is no kind way to say it-  an idiot. 
This begs the question about the presumed necessity for the  judge,
Vaughan Walker, to recuse himself. After all, Walker is a  homosexual.
You would hardly expect him to reach some other decision than  one
in favor of  homosexual interests. Regardless, there was no  challenge
to the propriety of his presiding and the trial went ahead.
The Christian attorney then presented exactly one witness, who, it  seems,
was witless. Even Walker was astounded and asked if there might  be
additional testimony on behalf of the Christian view. There was  not,
apparently because the lawyer was of the opinion that his case  was
so 'obviously' right that no-one could refute it in open court.  Which, if 
and no other explanation is available, would have been  preposterous.
After all, the homosexuals had just called a parade of so-called  experts
on their behalf during a period of two weeks. 
The Christian rebuttal was pathetic. Not  only was their witness  dubious 
inasmuch as he was not an expert as required by Frye, his argument  was 
ludicrous, namely, that the only justification for marriage is  procreation. 
It simply did not occur to Charles Cooper that the strongest possible  
argument is that homosexuality is a demonstrable mental illness, that 
the Law is not intended to grant rights to the mentally impaired, nor  is 
the Law meant to validate a lifestyle that furthers the spread of a  mental 
illness throughout society and in the process undermining  a  plethora of 
social institutions while destroying all relevant  case law since the 
of the nation, to a time when Thomas Jefferson, as governor of  Virginia, 
wrote a statute that made sodomy a felony crime deserving  death.
No, it all boiled down to procreation. Never mind that some  couples
cannot have children, that  other couples who cannot do so  nonetheless
adopt children, that some marriages are between older men and  women
who are past child bearing age, and so forth. All that Cooper could  think 
as you might expect of a certified imbecile, was an argument from  
Still more amazed, Walker then asked: "What testimony in this  case
supports the position?"
Cooper's reply was: "You don't have to have evidence  of this."
Guess not. And you don't have to win your case, either. After  all,
how does that vintage Disney song go? "Its great to be an  idiot,
its great to be an idiot, just like me." These may  not be  the exact words
but if you're curious, just ask Cooper, I'm sure he has the  lyrics
memorized perfectly.
My experience in seeking to provide research help to Christians  in
other cases concerning homosexuality have led me to believe that
Cooper is not an exception, he is the rule. Essentially most  Christians
don't know what in hell they are doing when it comes to the law,
most are unwilling to do any meaningful research into the issue
of homosexual psychopathology, and most are unable to frame
a logical argument on social issues of almost any kind except in  terms
of the Bible, a book they don't really know all that well anyhow.
This is unfair to some Christians, there is no doubt about it, 
but as a generalization it holds up remarkably well.
In short, here is a case-in-point of my favorite axiom, "we have two  
in America, the Evil Party and the Stupid Party." To put it in  alternative 
idiom:  "Left-wingers have no  conscience, Right-wingers have no brains." 
This is exactly what it amounts to.
However,  the record of judges and Justices in deciding cases  involving 
homosexual issues is even worse. There is no excuse for the kind
of judicial irresponsibility we have seen in the years since 1973,  
especially in the 1980s and 1990s. Basically on this issue,  members
of the bench have swallowed whole whatever line of special  pleading
that homosexuals have wanted them to ingest. As far as I know,  there
has not been any independent judicial research on the  issue, maybe a 
moot point for the eighties but highly relevant for all cases since  1993. 
That is, cases concerning homosexual demands, or citizen rejection  
of homosexual demands, have all been reached on the basis of  ignorance. 
This is completely inexcusable.
Although not directly related to the issue of homosexual  psychopathology,
reference should be made to an outstanding article by Edward K.  Cheng
published in 2007 in the Duke Law  Journal, "Independent Judicial Research 
in the Daubert Age."   There is far too much important information in this 
article for it  all to be cited here a few highlights should make the  point:
While the bar is set high for admissible scientific evidence to be  
definitive in court,  and clearly lawyers on the political Right  may have 
difficulty in achieving any such thing, the same principle applies to  the
political Left, in this instance, homosexuals and advocates for  homosexual
interests, and attorneys representing a point-of-view congruent  with
APA (ersatz) findings can only have a much worse time of it due  to
the specious nature of the organization's research, Which is to say  that 
of all the arguments  I have read over the years, made by  homosexuals 
and their supporters, all  -all-   is specious and  indefensible if you 
actually know the subject.
Current law is consistent in prohibiting judges from employing  outside
consultants in order to become better informed about content  -the  facts
of a specific case-  but there is no rule against doing  old-fashioned 
library study or reading articles in scholarly journals or in peer  
books based on diligent research. Few judges do any such thing
but the argument to make is that they should, all of  them should,
or else we end up with an ill-informed judiciary. 
The excuse made by many jurists, that the law requires them to  approach
cases as if their minds were tabula rasa is no argument at  all. It is an 
to be lazy, or to be biased, or to be ignorant. After all, every judge  
approaches every case with a 'memory bank account' filled with information  of 
various kinds, his or her education does that not even counting private  
reading interests,  and there is no such thing in reality as a blank  slate. 
Far better on an issue like homosexuality for a judge to make genuine  
effort to learn as much reliable information as possible so that a decision  is 
based on the best available current knowledge. Indeed, not to do so can  be
construed as dereliction of duty.
How can judges assess specialized knowledge or supposedly empirical  claims 
with little or no knowledge of the field of study involved?   This 
principle applies to chemistry and medicine, computer programming and  high 
inventions, and so forth, and it applies just as much to a  psychopathology 
such as homosexuality. 
Although it can be argued that the law is defective inasmuch as a  number
of ambiguities remain which are unstated here, and Cheng makes a  case
for the need to reform legal procedures so that judges are clearly  
to conduct independent judicial research,  there are sufficient  provisions 
existing law to assert that without waiting for anything, such  that any 
-and this includes Justices of the Supreme Court- should feel an  
to do whatever research is necessary in order to understand a  case
no matter how technical or complicated, so that his or her  decision
will be based on the best current information or, in other  instances,
so that a judge will not allow use of dubious findings or false  results.
And to do so effectively also means that hard won knowledge 
is necessary.
As Cheng said, it is vital that cases should be decided on their  merits
regardless of the adversarial model in use generally. The "pro"  vs. "con"
formula  should never be abandoned but it needs to be augmented  
so that the best  -most plausible, most moral,  most reliable-  findings
are reached.  And, by the way, judges are allowed to  question
witnesses at will, which is important in many kinds of cases
where establishing facts is difficult. Yet few judges use this
freedom more than perfunctorily. This should also change
-for the sake of decisions that serve citizens to best  effect.
To  ask good questions requires a judge to know
what he is talking about.
There is much more in Cheng's well crafted and detailed article but  this
should be enough to get the idea across. Which  is:
Several decades of decisions by the nation's courts on the issue 
of homosexuality should be thrown out as bad law. Apparently 
no judicial research was carried out in any of these cases,  whether
about homosexual so-called "rights" (a right to be mentally ill  makes
no sense whatsoever), about or so-called homosexual "marriage"
or homosexual adoptions of children, or supposed homosexual 
rights to force religious believers to disobey their sacred  scriptures,
especially the Bible, the book that, more than any other,  provides
the foundation for our system of  law. Concerning  homosexuality,
decisions by the courts of our country have almost all been 
tragic mistakes which need to be overturned. All judges and
Justices who were parties to these miscarriages of justice
should be removed from the bench and disbarred so that 
sanity on the issue of homosexuality can return to America.
This is the  point.

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