
Terrific article; essential reading if you ask me.  Expresses most of my 

about tech over the past several years and adds a number of other considerations

I had never thought about. Many thanks for sending the essay, very valuable.

A few matters I have been thinking about but never written about also come to 

at this time.  For example, what it good design?  Mostly (there are some 

I operate on the assumption first articulated by 'modern' architect Mies Van 
der Rohe,

that "form should follow function."  Ironically, for the most part I never 
could stand

his architecture,  the "glass boxes" paradigm. But the principle can be taken

in a very different direction to very good effect.

I've given thought to redesign of keyboard for example.  Actually keyboards with

individual keys, always there for you, etc.  Which, of course, is out of the 

for cell phones and the like.  Hence, read this as only applicable to desk tops.

My objective, if I could ever afford my own server and a stable of geeks to 
carry out

my directives, would be to make all kinds of functions you now have to dig for

within a computer system, exterior, always accessible, on a separate new 

that can be plugged into any existing keyboard.

I saw a TED talk on TV that showed a little of what I am seeking.  Setting aside

the presenters sometimes questionable tastes in art, he had on a table before 

something like a control panel to be used for radio purposes.  Click one button

and you get spooky music, press another button and you get the sounds

of a car crashing or an airplane taking off. And so forth. It was all exterior,

in the form (more or less) of a keyboard.  No need to go looking around

within a program, click this, dig for that, and finally you can access

the spooky music.  The weird music is literally a click away  -at any

time you want to use it.

Not everyone would want the same kinds of keyboards, of course. Therefore

market a series of keyboards, one for graphic artists, another for portrait 
artists, etc,

one for Rock musicians, one for classical musicians, one for landscape 

one for building developers, one for real estate agents, one for detectives,

one for journalists, one for elementary school teachers, and so forth

until every profession of any size is covered.

Every step of the way, as the article you sent emphasizes, values are built into

the system. In this case primacy would go to functionality as a high virtue.

Hence the value (for good functioning) of the tactile nature of actually keys

rather than the "looks" of a sleek surface with no "protrusions,"  everything

supposed to resemble a TV screen.

Ivan Illich, the deceased  but once famous Mexican educator and

philosopher of education,  once suggested, why don't we design cars so that

they can be easily serviced?  Why must everything under the hood be such a 

that only a trained  mechanic can do any kind of work?  Why not design an engine

so that anyone with an IQ over 90 points can actually work on his (or her) car?

All of this, of course, eventually leads to a question about functionality

in non-tech areas of life.  Including politics and even religion.

The article was also about  how ideas relate to each other.  That is,

it opens a can of worms, in this case, a really excellent can of worms

that have the value of caviar.

Billy  :-)


From: <> on 
behalf of Centroids <>
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 9:35 AM
To: Centroids Discussions
Subject: [RC] 12 Things Everyone Should Understand About Tech – Humane Tech – 

Brilliant and sobering

12 Things Everyone Should Understand About Tech – Humane Tech – Medium


12 Things Everyone Should Understand About Tech – Humane Tech – 
Technology isn’t an industry, it’s a method of transforming the culture and 
economics of existing systems and institutions. That can be a little bit hard 
to understand if we only judge tech as a set…

(via Instapaper<>)

Tech is more important than ever, deeply affecting culture, politics and 
society. Given all the time we spend with our gadgets and apps, it’s essential 
to understand the principles that determine how tech affects our lives.
Understanding technology today

Technology isn’t an 
 it’s a method of transforming the culture and economics of existing systems 
and institutions. That can be a little bit hard to understand if we only judge 
tech as a set of consumer products that we purchase. But tech goes a lot deeper 
than the phones in our hands, and we must understand some fundamental shifts in 
society if we’re going to make good decisions about the way tech companies 
shape our lives—and especially if we want to influence the people who actually 
make technology.

Even those of us who have been deeply immersed in the tech world for a long 
time can miss the driving forces that shape its impact. So here, we’ll identify 
some key principles that can help us understand technology’s place in culture.

What you need to know:
1. Tech is not neutral.

One of the most important things everybody should know about the apps and 
services they use is that the values of technology creators are deeply 
ingrained in every button, every link, and every glowing icon that we see. 
Choices that software developers make about design, technical architecture or 
business model can have profound impacts on our privacy, security and even 
civil rights as users. When software encourages us to take photos that are 
square instead of rectangular, or to put an always-on microphone in our living 
rooms, or to be reachable by our bosses at any moment, it changes our 
behaviors, and it changes our lives.

All of the changes in our lives that happen when we use new technologies do so 
according to the priorities and preferences of those who create those 

2. Tech is not inevitable.

Popular culture presents consumer technology as a never-ending upward 
progression that continuously makes things better for everybody. In reality, 
new tech products usually involve a set of tradeoffs where improvements in 
areas like usability or design come along with weaknesses in areas like privacy 
& security. Sometimes new tech is better for one community while making things 
worse for others. Most importantly, just because a particular technology is 
“better” in some way doesn’t guarantee it will be widely adopted, or that it 
will cause other, more popular technologies to improve.

In reality, technological advances are a lot like evolution in the biological 
world: there are all kinds of dead-ends or regressions or uneven tradeoffs 
along the way, even if we see broad progress over time.

3. Most people in tech sincerely want to do good.

We can be thoughtfully skeptical and critical of modern tech products and 
companies without having to believe that most people who create tech are “bad”. 
Having met tens of thousands of people around the world who create hardware and 
software, I can attest that the cliché that they want to change the world for 
the better is a sincere one. Tech creators are very earnest about wanting to 
have a positive impact. At the same time, it’s important for those who make 
tech to understand that good intentions don’t absolve them from being 
responsible for the negative consequences of their work, no matter how 

It’s useful to acknowledge the good intentions of most people in tech because 
it lets us follow through on those intentions and reduce the influence of those 
who don’t have good intentions, and to make sure the stereotype of the 
thoughtless tech bro doesn’t overshadow the impact that the majority of 
thoughtful, conscientious people can have. It’s also essential to believe that 
there is good intention underlying most tech efforts if we’re going to 
effectively hold everyone accountable for the tech they create.

4. Tech history is poorly documented and poorly understood.

People who learn to create tech can usually find out every intimate detail of 
how their favorite programming language or device was created, but it’s often 
near impossible to know why certain technologies flourished, or what happened 
to the ones that didn’t. While we’re still early enough in the computing 
revolution that many of its pioneers are still alive and working to create 
technology today, it’s common to find that tech history as recent as a few 
years ago has already been erased. Why did your favorite app succeed when 
others didn’t? What failed attempts were made to create such apps before? What 
problems did those apps encounter — or what problems did they cause? Which 
creators or innovators got erased from the stories when we created the myths 
around today’s biggest tech titans?

All of those questions get glossed over, silenced, or sometimes deliberately 
answered incorrectly, in favor of building a story of sleek, seamless, 
inevitable progress in the tech world. Now, that’s hardly unique to technology 
— nearly every industry can point to similar issues. But that ahistorical view 
of the tech world can have serious consequences when today’s tech creators are 
unable to learn from those who came before them, even if they want to.

5. Most tech education doesn’t include ethical training.

In mature disciplines like law or medicine, we often see centuries of learning 
incorporated into the professional curriculum, with explicit requirements for 
ethical education. Now, that hardly stops ethical transgressions from 
happening—we can see deeply unethical people in positions of power today who 
went to top business schools that proudly tout their vaunted ethics programs. 
But that basic level of familiarity with ethical concerns gives those fields a 
broad fluency in the concepts of ethics so they can have informed 
conversations. And more importantly, it ensures that those who want to do the 
right thing and do their jobs in an ethical way have a firm foundation to build 

But until the very recent backlash against some of the worst excesses of the 
tech world, there had been little progress in increasing the expectation of 
ethical education being incorporated into technical training. There are still 
very few programs aimed at upgrading the ethical knowledge of those who are 
already in the workforce; continuing education is largely focused on acquiring 
new technical skills rather than social ones. There’s no silver-bullet solution 
to this issue; it’s overly simplistic to think that simply bringing computer 
scientists into closer collaboration with liberal arts majors will 
significantly address these ethics concerns. But it is clear that technologists 
will have to rapidly become fluent in ethical concerns if they want to continue 
to have the widespread public support that they currently enjoy.

6. Tech is often built with surprising ignorance about its users.

Over the last few decades, society has greatly increased in its respect for the 
tech industry, but this has often resulted in treating the people who create 
tech as infallible. Tech creators now regularly get treated as authorities in a 
wide range of fields like media, labor, transportation, infrastructure and 
political policy — even if they have no background in those areas. But knowing 
how to make an iPhone app doesn’t mean you understand an industry you’ve never 
worked in!

The best, most thoughtful tech creators engage deeply and sincerely with the 
communities that they want to help, to ensure they address actual needs rather 
than indiscriminately “disrupting” the way established systems work. But 
sometimes, new technologies run roughshod over these communities, and the 
people making those technologies have enough financial and social resources 
that the shortcomings of their approaches don’t keep them from disrupting the 
balance of an ecosystem. Often times, tech creators have enough money funding 
them that they don’t even notice the negative effects of the flaws in their 
designs, especially if they’re isolated from the people affected by those 
flaws. Making all of this worse are the problems with inclusion in the tech 
industry, which mean that many of the most vulnerable communities will have 
little or no representation amongst the teams that create new tech, preventing 
those teams from being aware of concerns that might be of particular importance 
to those on the margins.

7. There is never just one single genius creator of technology.

One of the most popular representations of technology innovation in popular 
culture is the genius in a dorm room or garage, coming up with a breakthrough 
innovation as a “Eureka!” moment. It feeds the common myth-making around people 
like Steve Jobs, where one individual gets credit for “inventing the iPhone” 
when it was the work of thousands of people. In reality, tech is always 
informed by the insights and values of the community where its creators are 
based, and nearly every breakthrough moment is preceded by years or decades of 
others trying to create similar products.

The “lone creator” myth is particularly destructive because it exacerbates the 
exclusion problems which plague the tech industry overall; those lone geniuses 
that are portrayed in media are seldom from backgrounds as diverse as people in 
real communities. While media outlets may benefit from being able to give 
awards or recognition to individuals, or educational institutions may be 
motivated to build up the mythology of individuals in order to bask in their 
reflected glory, the real creation stories are complicated and involve many 
people. We should be powerfully skeptical of any narratives that indicate 

8. Most tech isn’t from startups or by startups.

Only about 15% of programmers work at startups, and in many big tech companies, 
most of the staff aren’t even programmers anyway. So the focus on defining tech 
by the habits or culture of programmers that work at big-name startups deeply 
distorts the way that tech is seen in society. Instead, we should consider that 
the majority of people who create technology work in organizations or 
institutions that we don’t think of as “tech” at all.

What’s more, there are lots of independent tech companies — little indie shops 
or mom-and-pop businesses that make websites, apps, or custom software, and a 
lot of the most talented programmers prefer the culture or challenges of those 
organizations over the more famous tech titans. We shouldn’t erase the fact 
that startups are only a tiny part of tech, and we shouldn’t let the extreme 
culture of many startups distort the way we think about technology overall.

9. Most big tech companies make money in just one of three ways.

It’s important to understand how tech companies make money if you want to 
understand why tech works the way that it does.

  *   Advertising: Google and Facebook make nearly all of their money from 
selling information about you to advertisers. Almost every product they create 
is designed to extract as much information from you as possible, so that it can 
be used to create a more detailed profile of your behaviors and preferences, 
and the search results and social feeds made by advertising companies are 
strongly incentivized to push you toward sites or apps that show you more ads 
from these platforms. It’s a business model built around surveillance, which is 
particular striking since it’s the one that most consumer internet businesses 
rely upon.
  *   Big Business: Some of the larger (generally more boring) tech companies 
like Microsoft and Oracle and Salesforce exist to get money from other big 
companies that need business software but will pay a premium if it’s easy to 
manage and easy to lock down the ways that employees use it. Very little of 
this technology is a delight to use, especially because the customers for it 
are obsessed with controlling and monitoring their workers, but these are some 
of the most profitable companies in tech.
  *   Individuals: Companies like Apple and Amazon want you to pay them 
directly for their products, or for the products that others sell in their 
store. (Although Amazon’s Web Services exist to serve that Big Business market, 
above.) This is one of the most straightforward business models—you know 
exactly what you’re getting when you buy an iPhone or a Kindle, or when you 
subscribe to Spotify, and because it doesn’t rely on advertising or cede 
purchasing control to your employer, companies with this model tend to be the 
ones where individual people have the most power.

That’s it. Pretty much every company in tech is trying to do one of those three 
things, and you can understand why they make their choices by seeing how it 
connects to these three business models

10. The economic model of big companies skews all of tech.

Today’s biggest tech companies follow a simple formula:

  1.  Make an interesting or useful product that transforms a big market
  2.  Get lots of money from venture capital investors
  3.  Try to quickly grow a huge audience of users even if that means losing a 
lot of money for a while
  4.  Figure out how to turn that huge audience into a business worth enough to 
give investors an enormous return
  5.  Start ferociously fighting (or buying off) other competitive companies in 
the market

This model looks very different than how we think of traditional growth 
companies, which start off as small businesses and primarily grow through 
attracting customers who directly pay for goods or services. Companies that 
follow this new model can grow much larger, much more quickly, than older 
companies that had to rely on revenue growth from paying customers. But these 
new companies also have much lower accountability to the markets they’re 
entering because they’re serving their investors’ short-term interests ahead of 
their users’ or community’s long-term interests.

The pervasiveness of this kind of business plan can make competition almost 
impossible for companies without venture capital investment. Regular companies 
that grow based on earning money from customers can’t afford to lose that much 
money for that long a time. It’s not a level playing field, which often means 
that companies are stuck being either little indie efforts or giant monstrous 
behemoths, with very little in between. The end result looks a lot like the 
movie industry, where there are tiny indie arthouse films and big superhero 
blockbusters, and not very much else.

And the biggest cost for these big new tech companies? Hiring coders. They pump 
the vast majority of their investment money into hiring and retaining the 
programmers who’ll build their new tech platforms. Precious little of these 
enormous piles of money are put into things that will serve a community or 
build equity for anyone other than the founders or investors in the company. 
There is no aspiration that making a hugely valuable company should also imply 
creating lots of jobs for lots of different kinds of people.

11. Tech is as much about fashion as function.

To outsiders, creating apps or devices is presented as a hyper-rational process 
where engineers choose technologies based on which are the most advanced and 
appropriate to the task. In reality, the choice of things like programming 
languages or toolkits can be subject to the whims of particular coders or 
managers, or to whatever’s simply in fashion. Just as often, the process or 
methodology by which tech is created can follow fads or trends that are in 
fashion, affecting everything from how meetings are run to how products are 

Sometimes the people creating technology seek novelty, sometimes they want to 
go back to the staples of their technological wardrobe, but these choices are 
swayed by social factors in addition to an objective assessment of technical 
merit. And a more complex technology doesn’t always equal a more valuable end 
product, so while many companies like to tout how ambitious or cutting-edge 
their new technologies are, that’s no guarantee that they provide more value 
for regular users, especially when new technologies inevitably come with new 
bugs and unexpected side-effects.

12. No institution has the power to rein in tech’s abuses.

In most industries, if companies start doing something wrong or exploiting 
consumers, they’ll be reined in by journalists who will investigate and 
criticize their actions. Then, if the abuses continue and become serious 
enough, the companies can be sanctioned by lawmakers at the local, state, 
governmental or international level.

Today, though, much of the tech trade press focuses on covering the launch of 
new products or new versions of existing products, and the tech reporters who 
do cover the important social impacts of tech are often relegated to being 
published alongside reviews of new phones, instead of being prominently 
featured in business or culture coverage. Though this has started to change as 
tech companies have become absurdly wealthy and powerful, coverage is also 
still constrained by the culture within media companies. Traditional business 
reporters often have seniority in major media outlets, but are commonly 
illiterate in basic tech concepts in a way that would be unthinkable for 
journalists who cover finance or law. Meanwhile, dedicated tech reporters who 
may have a better understanding of tech’s impact on culture are often assigned 
to (or inclined to) cover product announcements instead of broader civic or 
social concerns.

The problem is far more serious when we consider regulators and elected 
officials, who often brag about their illiteracy about tech. Having political 
leaders who can’t even install an app on their smartphones makes it impossible 
to understand technology well enough to regulate it appropriately, or to assign 
legal accountability when tech‘s creators violate the law. Even as technology 
opens up new challenges for society, lawmakers lag tremendously behind the 
state of the art when creating appropriate laws.

Without the corrective force of journalistic and legislative accountability, 
tech companies often run as if they’re completely unregulated, and the 
consequences of that reality usually fall on those outside of tech. Worse, 
traditional activists who rely on conventional methods such as boycotts or 
protests often find themselves ineffective due to the indirect business model 
of giant tech companies, which can rely on advertising or surveillance 
(“gathering user data”) or venture capital investment to continue operations 
even if activists are effective in identifying problems.

This lack of systems of accountability is one of the biggest challenges facing 
tech today.

If we understand these things, we can change tech for the better.

If everything is so complicated, and so many important points about tech aren’t 
obvious, should we just give up hope? No.

Once we know the forces that shape technology, we can start to drive change. If 
we know that the biggest cost for the tech giants is attracting and hiring 
programmers, we can encourage programmers to collectively advocate for ethical 
and social advances from their employers. If we know that the investors who 
power big companies respond to potential risks in the market, we can emphasize 
that their investment risk increases if they bet on companies that act in ways 
that are bad for society.

If we understand that most in tech mean well, but lack the historic or cultural 
context to ensure that their impact is as good as their intentions, we can 
ensure that they get the knowledge they need to prevent harm before it happens.

So many of us who create technology, or who love the ways it empowers us and 
improves our lives, are struggling with the many negative effects that some of 
these same technologies are having on society. But perhaps if we start from a 
set of common principles that help us understand how tech truly works, we can 
start to tackle technology’s biggest problems.


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