Just saw her on C-Span again.  Very impressive, smart as hell, and has courage 
of her convictions.

BR note



September 27, 2018

Misdirected Hysteria

By: Robert VerBruggen

The Diversity Delusion: How Race and  Gender Pandering Corrupt the University 
and Undermine Our Culture, by Heather Mac Donald (St. Martin’s Press, 288 pp., 

Heather Mac Donald is quite familiar with the in­sanity of the modern 
university. Last year, having been invited to speak about Black Lives Matter 
and her book The War on Cops at Claremont McKenna College, she showed up to 
face intense opposition — opposition directed not just at her views, but at her 
very right to speak.

Students called for the talk to be “shut down” and repeatedly smeared Mac 
Donald as a “fascist.” Fearing violence, the administration changed the venue 
to one with fewer glass windows and more escape routes and shuttled her to what 
she describes as a de facto “safe house” with the blinds drawn. She eventually 
gave her speech indirectly, via video stream; the Q&A session was cut short 
after two questions.

Mac Donald tells this story in her new book, The Diversity Delusion, before 
proceeding to offer a wide-ranging challenge to campus orthodoxies on race and 
gender. She covers everything from college administrators’ anti-racism policies 
to trivial on-campus racial incidents that inevitably blow up into major 
scandals to allegations of a “rape epidemic” to the push to bring more women 
into science. The book is mostly an amalgamation of previously published 
writing — some of it from National Review — but the material is rearranged and 
updated in a way that makes it feel fresh even to those who have followed her 
work religiously. (Full disclosure: She advised me during a journalism 
fellowship I held about a decade ago.)

When it comes to race on campus, The Diversity Delusion touches on many of the 
major themes Mac Donald’s writing has explored in the past. She tells the story 
of California universities’ steadfast resistance to the state’s 
affirmative-action ban, for example, and discusses research suggesting that in 
some cases affirmative action can harm the very people it’s intended to help, 
by bringing them into schools where their academic skills are not competitive. 
She also notes administrators’ performative self-flagellation in the face of 
protests, a ritual in which they claim their own institutions are racist to the 
bone — something they of course would not do if they thought anyone (especially 
donors) took it seriously. In a recurring and amusing gag, she asks college 
administrators and corporate managers to justify their extensive anti-bias 
efforts with evidence that their institutions discriminate against minorities.

Speaking of bias training, Mac Donald spends a chapter detailing the woes of 
the Implicit Association Test (IAT). This is a computer program in which 
subjects are asked to push one button if a black face appears on the screen and 
another button if a white face appears — the trick being that each button is 
also assigned to either positive or negative words (such as “pleasant” and 
“death”), which sometimes appear in place of the faces. In general, whites 
perform faster and more efficiently when white faces and positive words are 
assigned to the same button, while black performance tends not to differ much 
either way.

The test — and the aggressive claims made about its power to uncover hidden 
prejudice — has come under withering scrutiny in recent years, especially in a 
long New York magazine piece by the science journalist Jesse Singal. As Mac 
Donald recounts, it’s unclear what the test is even measuring: It doesn’t do a 
good job of predicting discriminatory behavior (often measured through somewhat 
silly experiments, such as asking the subject to choose between helping poor 
Colombian children or poor South African children); it might measure simple 
familiarity with one racial group over another, or it might measure the extent 
to which race is associated with positive or negative concepts in the social 
environment rather than the test-taker’s own bias. It also provides 
inconsistent results when taken multiple times by the same person. All this 
makes it a rather poor decision-making tool, which of course hasn’t stopped its 
use in employment screening and even discrimination lawsuits.

On gender, The Diversity Delusion features a new version of Mac Donald’s 
classic 2008 City Journal essay “The Campus Rape Myth,” in which she explores 
the claim that one in five (or one in four) college women are raped and traces 
it to poorly conducted surveys that classify incidents as rape even when they 
clearly don’t meet the legal definition of the term. What genuinely is a 
widespread epidemic on campus, Mac Donald argues, is drunken sex that leads to 
regret and shame.

Mac Donald also deflates the hysteria over the dearth of women in science, 
noting the flap over former Google engineer James Damore, whose memo to his 
then-employer detailed various reasons aside from discrimination that women may 
be underrepresented in the tech industry. In much the same vein, Mac Donald 
notes that females tend to have lower interest in scientific fields, that 
“differences in math precocity between boys and girls show up as early as 
kindergarten,” and that women with high math ability are more likely than their 
male peers to have high verbal skills as well, giving them more career options.

For anyone steeped in liberal dogma, The Diversity Delusion will provide the 
other side of the story. It will also be invaluable for conservative college 
students who want to know what their professors aren’t telling them. But what 
struck me most, more than ten years out from my own graduation, was how simply 
misdirected the aca­demic Left’s energies are — forcing conservatives to spend 
their time batting down ridiculous but ubiquitous assertions rather than 
addressing the underlying issues.

Claims about campus sexual assault are hugely overblown, for example, but 
sexual assault is a serious problem, it’s almost certainly underreported, and 
it appears (per an extensive Justice De­part­ment report) to be a more common 
experience among women who do not go to college. So why have we all been 
talking about an easily debunked campus rape crisis since the 1980s?

On race, Mac Donald is of course correct that university administrations (and 
major corporations) go out of their way to welcome underrepresented-minority 
applicants, to the point of severely biasing the admissions and hiring 
processes against whites and Asians. But the same is not true of other actors 
in society. Various experimental studies, including ones that send “matched 
pairs” of black and white testers to apply for jobs, show that blacks still 
face marked discrimination in the job market, particularly the low-wage job 
market. In one matched-pair study conducted in New York City that varied 
applicants’ criminal records in addition to their races, “black and Latino 
applicants with clean backgrounds fared no better than white applicants just 
released from prison.” Would that college activists spent more time talking 
about this and less time mau-mauing the flak catchers on their own liberal 

And while the IAT is not the magic racism detector it’s long been billed as, we 
should hardly be proud of the fact that white Americans find it psychologically 
difficult to pair black faces with positive concepts — a result that is 
incredibly well established even if it’s been overinterpreted. I took the test 
myself as a college freshman and was shocked to discover that, despite the fact 
that I saw myself as color-blind (literally, but more to the point 
figuratively), my brain clearly did not process racial information in a 
color-blind manner. This is a valuable experience for whites to have, and 
certainly the IAT’s results say something about the current state of race 
relations, even if it isn’t remotely fit for use as a hiring tool. By treating 
it as one, the Left directed everyone’s attention at the test’s weaknesses 
rather than its considerable strength.

Academic leftists should focus on fighting these real problems rather than on 
what Mac Donald calls the “phantom racism” they believe is ever-present on 
campus. And as NR’s Reihan Salam forcefully argued in a recent blog post, the 
Right should join them in recognizing the ongoing struggles of African 
Americans and the need to relieve poverty and build opportunities for economic 
mobility — the kinds of things that really matter to people outside the college 

This brings me to a small criticism of The Diversity Delusion: In her chapter 
on implicit bias, Mac Donald notes the startlingly high rate of violence among 
blacks and writes that “until those realities of crime change, any allegedly 
‘stereotypical’ associations between blacks and crime in the public mind will 
remain justified and psychologically unavoidable.” She also presents a thought 


 If American blacks acted en masse like Asian Americans for ten years in all 
things relevant to economic success — if they had similar rates of school 
attendance, paying attention in class, doing homework and studying for exams, 
staying away from crime, persisting in a job, and avoiding out-of-wedlock 
childbearing — and we still saw racial differences in income, professional 
status, and incarceration rates, then it would be well justified to seek an 
explanation in unconscious prejudice. But as long as the behavioral disparities 
remain so great, the minute distinctions of the IAT are a sideshow.

Mac Donald is correct that when groups behave in different ways, they are bound 
to be seen differently and to achieve different levels of success. This is an 
enormous blind spot for many on the left; indeed, many liberals find group 
differences in behavior unthinkable to begin with. But such an observation is 
incomplete without its counterpart, too often a blind spot for the Right: If we 
expect black Americans to overcome what Mac Donald describes as the United 
States’ “appalling history of racism and brutal subjugation,” certainly we must 
also insist that whites overcome their negative racial attitudes and treat 
blacks and whites equally even when statistical gaps may make it rational to do 
otherwise, so that blacks experience fair treatment during this process and are 
rewarded for their efforts in the job market. While cultural and behavioral 
issues may well play a bigger role in ongoing racial disparities than do 
modern-day discrimination and prejudice, the latter are non-negligible problems 
that warrant our attention, too.

That said, The Diversity Delusion does an admirable job of dismantling liberal 
academic narratives. And if anyone has earned the right to do that without 
looking back, it’s Heather Mac Donald

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