
It can be painful to watch PBS.  Once again they did what they always do

in their typical hypocritical fashion, supposedly showing how open-minded and 

they are by having an Evangelical represent the conservative side of an issue

and a well-informed Leftist represent the "liberal" POV.  It isn't that all 

are uninformed but way too many are, and PBS makes sure that they do not invite,

as a conservative, someone who really knows his stuff, like David Horowitz.

It is like having a "debate" between a kid in grade school vs. a grad student.

Jerry Falwell, Jr.,  takes after his father. One more Evangelical who lives in 
a bubble

and who studiously avoids becoming well informed. Plus there is the Evangelical

tendency to "make nice" with the opposition, in the process cutting oneself off

at the knees.

Which is to say that I now must explain what is perfectly obvious to me

but that sails over the heads of Evangelicals. Namely, sure, sometimes it is 
best to

be nice. But  not for one nanosecond do I believe that this is a good idea

in all cases, it is not, and especially not when what is most needed

is a serous fight with the objective of smashing the opposition to dust.

Whenever the chance comes to become a public person you can be sure that

I will NOT surround myself with Evangelicals as close advisors or as political 

or anything of the kind. Yes, Evangelicals can be great as people, really 
great, but

in some areas they exemplify the adage: "With friends like these who needs 

Politically I am spoiling for a fight. I mean a real fight. What I do not need 

do not want is anyone near me  -in any political context-  forever pitching for 

and forgiveness and gentleness or any such thing.  There are some people whom
I want to utterly defeat because they have it coming and deserve the strongest

possible adversity I can deliver.

I have no interest AT ALL in the least bit of niceness toward sexual degenerates

for instance, or toward Muslim Salafists or Left-wing feminists, to use those

examples. This also includes Cultural Marxist anti-Christians / anti-Semites.

I am interested in destroying such people, not physically, but in every other

way open to me. I do not want anyone near me telling me to be nice to

my mortal enemies, to be "forgiving," etc, any of that. That type of counsel

is not at all on my agenda.  This is to speak of politics, of course,

not some other realm. But many (most?) Evangelicals do not make

this distinction, which, for me, is essential.

Yes, I can be strategic,  I have no desire to make needless mistakes.   And yes,

I am most interested in making new  friends and building alliances, but

no way in hell do I intend to do what Evangelicals may want

in terms of meekness and timidity,

Remember that my hero about such things is Luther, not somebody else.

And my preference, by far, would be to recruit people who also

are willing   -and capable of-   taking strong and well-informed moral stands.

This is all about boldness and intelligence, not meekness and political naivete.

You are entirely free to pursue a meekness policy all you want, of course,

on your own.  At we observe the same ground rules. This is not about

Centroids, about  which, for sure, it has real value and it provides a common 

for exchange of ideas. But anything seriously political and I intend to set out

on my own.

As happens now and then, Trump signed an executive order that I approve of 
whole heartedly,

In this case it was the demand for free speech on college campuses. I am 100% 
in favor

of that action. I also remain 100%  in favor of seeing Trump vacate the White 

at the earliest opportunity.

In case anyone is interested


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