C-Span and Politics


C-Span has just broadcast an interview with Victor Davis Hanson, questioned by

Dave Brat, about Hanson's new book, The Case for Trump.

About Hanson, it is difficult to think of a more decent man, and there aren't 
all that many

people who are in his intellectual league. Still, there is a problem.

This is similar to the problem faced by David Horowitz when, roughly a year ago,

he published his own defense of Trump. I think I understand where each is 
coming from.

It dovetails with my feelings when Trump defeated Hillary in the 2016 election.

"We" got lucky.  There now is one chance to stop the official Democratic Party

in its tracks and roll back much of the social legislation and 

court decisions of the past 25 or 30 years.

In this, I line up just about perfectly with Evangelicals and with Dr Hanson and
even, minus some things, with David Horowitz.  Election day, 2016, was a huge 

It was possible to breathe again.

However, I am not in the same camp with Hanson or Horowitz concerning one 
crucial matter,

Those gentlemen still hope for some sort of influence with the Trump 
administration or,

at a minimum, some kind of informal alliance for mutual benefit.  I have no 
such hope,

I regard Mr Trump as two people, not one, and the "bad Trump: is such an 

disaster that he should be removed from office as unfit for the presidency and
as a horrible embarrassment to the United States of America.

There is also the "good Trump," of course. And we should do everything possible 

save his legacy, thinking about such events as the US embassy move to Jerusalem,

official recognition of Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and various

domestic acts like rolling back a large number of superfluous or damaging 

on business. But his domestic policy record is decidedly mixed and I despise

his reliance upon tax cuts as some sort of cure all for every economic ill

the country faces. American indebtedness is now in Earth orbit and is climbing

to the Moon and is totally unsustainable.

Which is only one example of the fact that Trump, again and again, doesn't know

what he is doing, is ridiculously uninformed, could care less that he is 

and has an attitude of "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead."

As far as Horowitz is concerned, it seems to me that he wrote his book

about Trump out of desperation as much as hopefulness. There won't be many more

chances for him to become visibly important in  American politics, and maybe

this is his last chance.  But what can be suggested here is that it really is 

to hitch one's wagon to a star about to explode when what is needed is the 
exact opposite,

a rising star. Yes, Horowitz deserves due recognition, I have read several of 
his books

including his very worthwhile Left Illusions (which weighs about 15 pounds)

and am impressed........

Even though he is utterly clueless about Saint-Simon or the Second Empire or

Saint-Simon's influence on Mill and Carlyle and Dostoevsky and all sorts

of other notable thinkers who have done what they could to change the course of 

Not because Saint-Simon was prefect;  because, for all of his many flaws,

he was a visionary whose rough ideas have a world of potential if you use

those ideas as rough guides to start out from   -and then develop

in useful new ways.

That is, what still lingers in Horowitz is Marxist-Leninist conceit that

makes me ill, namely, the view that the only "real Socialism" was the species

pioneered by Marx and his buddy Engels, and everything else is second rate

and unimportant. My view is close to the exact opposite: The 1844 Manuscripts

are a treasure, everything else after that made matters worse and worse.

The Soviet Union was a colossal mistake and it was unfortunate that

American "streets and sewers Socialism" aka civic socialism, aka

Christian Socialism aka the Social Gospel, was unable to gain

purchase in American politics.

So that there is no mistake.

Oh yeah, even Marx gave credit to Saint-Simon as being the father of Socialism.

But you can almost just as well call Saint-Simon the father of finance 

he is that unclassifiable and was that creative. Which is to say that I regard 

as also being the father of Radical Centrism.  Or, anyway, as a father. 

the first Radical Centrist was Ben Franklin.

I wonder how much of this Hanson would really "get."

He "gets" all kinds of things that sail over my head, that's for sure, and I'm 
no amateur

when it comes to ancient history, but his command of facts Re: the ancient 

world, is incredible. However, that world is not my priority, move the 
yardsticks a 500 miles +

to the East, por favor, and that is my turf. You know, the Assyrians, the 

Urartu and the rise of Armenia, that sort of thing extremely important subject 

But I digress.

There were a good number of serious issues raised by Hanson in his interview 
and Mr Brat

was an ideal interrogator, but, once more, the problem is defending Donald Trump

and that is like defending Nero.

The Apostle Paul put his fate in Nero's hands and we know what that got him.

Maybe Horowitz also knows.  Maybe, but I'm not so sure.......

I watched Horowitz talk abut his newest book and could nor believe my ears,

nor could I believe that he has such a tin ear when the subject is Christian 

Off-hand remarks bordering on insulting the Lord's Prayer , "our father,

blessed be thy whatever"is not acceptable, in case there is any doubt.

The fact is that Donald Trump isn't a loose cannon, he is a loose nuclear bomb.

And everyone surely knows this, I feel certain. I also feel certain that what 

Dr. Hanson is fear,  fear of the alternative which the Democratic Party 

us all with  -total disaster across the board.

But there is an alternative.

I also feel certain that my making the suggestion is perceived somewhat along 
the lines of

the WWII movie in which a select group of American and British soldiers are 

behind enemy lines when they identify a traitor among them. They are in an 

heading back to Britain. The traitor realizes that he will face the very worst 
of justice

when the plane lands and asks if there is any alternative. The commanding 

gesturing to the open door toward the rear of the aircraft says, "there is, if 

want it." The traitor understood and immediately took up sky diving

without a parachute.

People may feel that they are bring asked to be traitors to the Republican 

Well, no, but also, well, yes.  For the Republican Party as it now is 

is a mess itself and everyone also knows this. It is, in letters etched in 

on the GOP headquarters building, the Stupid Party.

But, while that is better than being the Evil Party, this is, needless to say,

to damn with faint praise.

What does anyone expect from me?   Nobody has helped me in any

substantive way. Everyone thinks it is perfectly all right if I am denied

any kind of substantive justice, if I am denied any kind of  due process,

and OK if I am lied about at will, defamed, slandered, you-name-it

and, as a result need to live in not-quite-absolute poverty.

As a result, my hope is to see the ruin of both major parties, the only 

being that it would be OK if a few stones were left standing for the GOP

to try and rebuild later. While there are some individual Democrats

whom I would like to make exceptions for, like Senator Manchin and

Senator Warner, the rest of the party can go to hell as far as I am concerned.

I do not care how severe the destruction gets. It would be well deserved.

What I want out of this is the chance to become a leader of Independent voters.

That is one of the prime purposes of my idea for the Bugle newspaper.

And the opportunity to use significant resources to advance the cause

of Radical Centrism. I also have a religious agenda but believe

strongly in separation of church and state. And this is pretty much it.

In that kind of position I would be in a position to do whatever might be

possible to help out people like Victor Davis Hanson and David Horowitz.

I would want to do so.

But if this is all one way, my saying nice things about Hanson and  Horowitz 
and various

other smart people with decent values, but they do not say as much as one thing

on my behalf, then "screw you" to everybody. I would not say screw you

in a nice way, be advised.

So that there is no mistake.

Hanson's book is doubtless filled with worthwhile ideas. The chances that Trump

will take no more than 5% to heart is probably about 95%. And Hanson surely

also know this.

But the choice is Hanson's   -and the choice is Horowitz's.

If I am at all successful then there will be a "new sheriff in town."

The new sheriff would seek to trash the entire system of the old sheriff

in order to create a whole new system of justice.

I hope this is reasonably clear.

Billy  R.

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