Chunkywizard;499582 Wrote: 
> It looks like item1 is meant for the time and it will always be centred
> in height on the screen, correct? 
There is a item1position which controls the vertical positioning.
Unfortunately there seems to be a bug in Custom Clock Helper so it isn't
shown when you create a new style.
You will probably need to edit the customclockhelper.prefs file
manually to include it. Save the style, shutdown SBS, edit the prefs
file and add the item1position, startup SBS and now it should be shown
in the Custom Clock Helper user interface.

Chunkywizard;499582 Wrote: 
> The margin will allow movement to the right. How do you change the
> size/font of the text? I see no settings for that.
Another bug, there should be a item1size that controls the size. You
might be able to do it through prefs file editing.

The font style it self isn't possible to change in the current version,
there is only one font available on the Radio so any other fonts have to
be downloaded or bundled with the applet. I had some plan to allow
downloading of custom fonts before I decided to stop all third party

Chunkywizard;499582 Wrote: 
> Also item2 and 3 have a position. Is this a height on the screen (y
> dimension)? 
It's the vertical position, so it controls if it's placed on the upper
or lower part of the screen.

Chunkywizard;499582 Wrote: 
> Combined with a margin (x dimension) I guess this allows you to put the
> text anyway.
Don't remember exactly.
I think there is a "item2align" and "item3align" which you can use to
set them to "center", "right" or "left". I think margin is used on both
left and right sides.

Chunkywizard;499582 Wrote: 
> On the standard radio clock you have the time centred (but a smaller
> size) and then at the bottom you have day date and month. As I see it
> this is 3 more items to place one of which needs to be a different size
> font. On the custom clock applet you only have 3 items max. So can I
> really recreate the standard clock (but with the nicer number spacing)
> with the custom clock applet?
You can't recreate it exactly.
For example the shadowing can't be recreated.
Also if you really want to have the bottom items separated into three
different items as the standard radio clock you will need an item4 which
isn't supported. You can place item2 and item3 at the bottom, but you
would need a fourth item for the center bottom text.


Erland Isaksson
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