snarlydwarf;500023 Wrote: 
> It should work fine for local music.
That's what I was hoping for ;-)

snarlydwarf;500023 Wrote: 
> Are you running a firewall?  Can other machines on your network connect
> to your music server?
I am, but it is blocking internet access, not on my 'local network'.

snarlydwarf;500023 Wrote: 
> Is the IP number of the Radio on the same network as the SBS (needed for
> 'discovery' to work).
My SBS has got, the radio is given
(through DHCP) and can be pinged.
SB3 is running fine.

All wired by the way, wireless is running on a seperated network range,
kept that for later.

I don't see 'slim discovery' udp/3484 packets by the way. I am seeing
udp/17784 transmitted by the SBR?  What are those?


*sb3 wired, sb3 wireless * (sb radio ordered, eta 2009-12-29)
*squeezebox server* 7.4.1 on debian lenny/2.6.26-2-686
*plugins* findart, weathertime screensaver
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