Larsa, this is a common problem... but search the forums a bit and you
will see several possible causes. 
check this thread:
"Radio problems connecting to network/server"
Also, check the color of the wireless icon when you find the presets
lost. It may be that the wireless is actually up but the radio isn't
connecting to the server.
Red = not connected to network
Blue = connected to network but NOT connected to server (SBS or MySB)
White = connected to network and server (SBS or MySB)

The presets are stored at the server, NOT on your
radio. So when it can't find the server your presets are not available.
Stupid, yes we all know. Additionally, re-programming your resets is a
waste of time, if it's just a reaching the server problem.

When it happens, trying cycling the power on your radio (hold the power
button a couple seconds to turn it all the way off). And watch the color
of the wifi icon as above. I bet the presets work when the icon is

vintage veloce
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