majones;520292 Wrote: 
> Me too. I subsequently bought two more Radios so I now have three. They
> work just fine. For some reason, I didn't decide to start a post on this
> forum with rude words in capitals.

Maybe it hadn't occurred to you that your experiences are not the same
as other users experiences. 

Alarm functionality on the radio has been very temperamental for me and
obviously many other users and Logitech has absolutely failed to deliver
in terms of providing fixes (let alone enhancements) in a timely manner.

This is indefensible.  The best they can do is promise to do better in
the future and actually make it happen.

P.S. If the word hell bothers you then I would advise you to jump into
a time machine and go back about 100 years when one did not run into
such words being used in a public venue.

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