
I've searched the existing album art threads but can't find an answer
which works with my specific set up, so any help would be appreciated.

I've got my radio working wirelessly via a BT Homehub 2.0 router to to
an old Dell Optiplex (Win XP SP3), which is running SBS to access my
music library (again via the router) stored on a Cisco Mediahub NAS
(unfortunately, SBS can't be installed directly onto this NAS).

Some album art shows up on the radio, but mostly, I just get the
default CD image. The art which works seems to be the non-embedded type,
but rather the albums which have jpegs in their folders. I've tried
downloading images from the web and installing them in the relevant
album folders and calling them folder.jpg or cover.jpg, but this doesn't
seem to work. The problem also applies if I play music from the NAS on
my PC.

Any ideas?

Another quick question: since I moved to the dedicated Dell SBS rather
than using MSB, BBC iPlayer now shows the programmes at the incorrect
times e.g. Chris Evans at 23.05 instead of 07.05. The Dell was set to
the incorrect timezone, but I corrected that, uninstalled and
reinstalled the iplayer plugin, but no joy. It's not a massive problem,
more of a niggle, but anyone have any ideas?

Many thanks

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