0xdeadbeef;522294 Wrote: 
> Reliability of the alarm got a little better, but mainly due to the
> server fixes some weeks ago. The new firmware doesn't really fix all
> possible alarm issues. E.g. if my modem reconnects while the alarm is
> playing, there is a 50% chance that the (extremely loud) backup alarm is
> played at connection drop, but in the other 50%, the alarm just stops. 

I queried the cause of the full-volume repeating sound in November.
20 seconds of it is ATTACHED to drive you mad: just let it happen
you, asleep!

Is this the 'backup alarm' that 0xdeadbeef writes about?

How can one stop it or replace it with something calmer?

It seems to come on at full volume (not just to me)
- for 10-60 seconds before alarm (BBC Radio 4) fades in via SMS
- non-stop from onset of alarm some days when set for France Inter via
- suddenly, within 60 min alarm period, coinciding with a router
(is the radio or router the culprit?)

This mix suggests that the radio firmware kicks this in whenever there
is a problem during the alarm period (but not at other times)

Logitech support have not met this behaviour, it seems
If I have to live with it, how can I change the awful sound?

Any help much appreciated


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