May 17, 2010 – Update 

When using, with the default black screen, there has
been another development this weekend!  WFLA 970 AM and KOA 850 AM
stopped working.  I receive a message when SEARCHING that “The station
is NOT Playable”.  It still exists, but is NOT Playable. For six months
its been working fine, but now, it is no longer playable.  This is
probably a Logitech related network problem again, but is simply
another thorn in my side.  I am so tired of this nonsense. 

Talking to Logitech support has proved to be nothing more than a
worthless effort with mindless and uncooperative (but polite) foreign
stupidity.  They definitely attended politeness school before being
landing there Logitech Support in Banalore area of India.  This is more
aggravation than a intelligent consumer deserves!

What I have found is that the two (2) missing stations can be accessed
with my computer running and pushing the feed through the Squeezebox
Server!  Why these stations are NOT available through
is still another clue to the bigger problem. And, much of my colored
Station Art that displays when running the Squeezebox server is simple
incorrect!  I think my best bet would be to simply have the default
“clock” logo instead of working to make anything meaningful display on
the screen.  (Remember, EVERYTHING was working perfectly 6 months

If the CLOCK fails, I’ll simply set my digital thermometer on top of
the SBR.  It’s been working perfectly for 10 years.

So, to Summarize Things, - Logitech is aware that they have had this
problem for nearly 6 weeks and have yet to inform their valuable
customers of a schedule or have they made any effort to repair the
damage they created on April 6 with their Software Update!

Johnnie Bush – If your only tool is a Hellfire Missile, every problem
looks like a Logitech!

|Filename: Watching Logitech.jpg                                    |

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