Man, after reading all these positive posts, I'm even more frustrated. 
I own two Squeezebox radios.  I bought one before Christmas and I liked
it so much I bought a second one this spring for work.  They did just
what everyone says.  They just work.  That's what I want. 

Since the firmware upgrade to 7.5 it has been a different story.  The
darn things will not keep playing music and I find myself running to
them on a regular basis because "The music stopped again."  I'm not
doing anything fancy, I just want to play Rhapsody or Sirius channels. 
The only way I can get them to work reliably is to roll back the
firmware by holding down the rewind button at startup, but then I
constant get the nag screen to upgrade the firmware.  

If this were January, I would say "These are great! Get one!"  But
right now I am having the same problems on both units and can't
recommend them until the problematic fw gets fixed.

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