On 06/19/2010 05:09 PM, diannabill wrote:
> What's with these self-appointed "Keepers of the Forum" who think they
> can criticize everyone who makes some sort of complaint about this
> radio?  Lighten up guys!  Let people complain.  It's good for your
> stress level.  This may not be a Logitech Complaint Department, but it
> definitely isn't a "Senior Member's" Personal Forum.  Geez!

What is with these self-appointed whiners who jump all over people just 
trying to be helpful?

Go out in the yard and yell if you want to whine.

You can bitch and moan all you want here, but since no one from Logitech 
reads these forums, you are just wasting your breath and all the 
electrons needed to show these useless posts to the world.

The radio has problems. I know it, @iPhone knows it, anyone who looks at 
these forums knows it. And even some parts of Logitech know it.

You happy now?

Pat Farrell

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